Weighin' In

Today marks the start of week 8 in my weight loss. I am doing Weight Watchers again and so far I've lost 13 pounds. The last two weeks were a little rough but after some deep self conversations and watching the scale go up a little bit, I knew it was time to get back on board again.

It's funny the way dieting works and how easy it is to fall back into old habits. I shouldn't have an excuse but with the weather starting to get gloomy, all I wanted to was sit back, eat all those yummy comfort foods and enjoy life!

The Mr. has been doing our grocery shopping and following the diet as well, so we didn't have a lot of comfort food around the house. But since I work next to Fred Meyer it was really easy to go grab some and indulge. Dang that store!

I'm not comfortable posting my weight for the world to see, so each week I plan I just letting you how much I lost/gain and how the week went. When I started Weight Watchers again, I wasn't blogging faithfully and I didn't tell many people we had started dieting again. I wanted to get a head start and feel comfortable with it and I finally feel like I'm at that point.

Here's to a great week 8 and healthy future!


  1. Awesome that you and the Brother are dieting! That makes my heart happy! It will be a lot easier if both of you do it together...example, no comfort foods. I know it'll be harder since the holidays are coming up, but yay for you guys for doing it! And you know what? If you fall on the diet part, make up for it with some exercise so it isn't a total loss (or gain). Happy for you both-especially because more than anything it is for the healthy lifestyle. =)

  2. I love the cartoon! Can you e-mail it to me! I think I must learn to shoot so I can use it against the scale too. Love you......Mom

  3. Thanks Ivonne, it's been a lot easier to follow the diet this time around, especially since The Mr. is doing it with me!

    I loved the cartoon too, Mom. I'll send it over to you right now! Can I borrow your gun? ;-)
