Such a good day! It's been a very relaxing, non hectic, kind of day. Devin and Sawyer's Grandma is in town and we've been hanging out with her all day. I didn't have to be to work til 8, and it's really just been a zen kind of day. We sat around and talked this morning, the boys played and was enjoying Grandma time. Grandma took them to McDonalds for lunch, I drove since she doesn't know her way away and then I dropped them off at the house and Devin and I went to school. Grandma told me to "enjoy my afternoon," and that's what I'm doing. I'm currently at the library, enjoying some quiet time. I would have gone home but they are doing some nasty construction near our apartment and I didn't want to deal with it. Besides Devin goes to school in Richland and we live in Kennewick. I decided to come to the library. I first went to "Richland Public Library," and apparently you have to pay to join. $30 dollars a year. No thanks. So I drove for about 10 minutes and went to West Richland Mid-Columbia Library. It's so small, and so cute. I'm glad I came. I should really be reading the book I have, it's good, I just haven't had time to sit and read. Maybe in the woods this weekend.

I'm starting to get antsy about leaving. I want Thursday to be here already. I was nervous but now I'm excited. I've never been a big nature person but this could something new. I'm excited to go on walks, spend time outdoors and with great friends!

I put ribs in the crock pot for dinner, I hope they turn out better then they did last time. I didn't put BBQ sauce on them, I'm going to wait until I get home to do that. I'm not sure what I'm going to serve with it, something easy, but it'll be good. I have fresh broccoli, I'll whip something up with that!

Okay, I'm going to get going, I need to hit up a store for some TP and possibly stop and get a coffee. Yum!

Happy Tuesday & until next time,


  1. Geeh, what I wouldn't give for a Zen day....I feel like I should never had gotten out from under the covers today...just stayed in bed and let the string of bad luck pass me by...but I couldn't even stay under the covers since there was no freakin' A/C and in Houston weather that is not good!

    Anyway, I am glad yu had a non hectic day. Sounds like you guys are eating healthy! Not much of a fresh broccoli person myself, but I will eat it with some stir fry. How's the gym going? Do you guys still have that bet going?

  2. Sorry it took me forever to write back. Been living with the bears! We haven't been to the gym in a few weeks but we're going to try to get back, it's been a very hectic month and a half. The bet isn't still going, I switched gyms and just wanted to take it at a slow pace.
