Day 11: 15 of my favorite things

15 of my favorite things? I have so many things that I love and I have to narrow it down to 15? Oh man...this might be tough!
  1. The Mr. - Seriously, I love this man! I've said it and I'll keep saying, he's my rock, supports me whenever I need it and always shows his love for me.
  2. my family - Mom, Dad, sisters, nieces, aunts, uncles...everyone! We may not be the perfect family, but it's my family, and that's all that matters.
  3. my friends - Real friends and computer friends, they are my favorite!
  4. Rambo - This dang dog brings so much joy in our lives, I don't know what we would do without him. 
  5. my iPhone/iPad/Macbook - Enough said?
  6. my home - I am so thankful for these walls around The Mr. and I. It may not be decorated but it's our home, and a home is what you make it!
  7. iced black tea, unsweetened please! - Oh man, I love black tea, especially from Starbucks!
  8. cooking/baking - I really enjoy cooking and baking, it makes me feel like a cute little Suzy homemaker. My favorite thing is having dinner ready when The Mr. walks in the door.
  9. my job - I really do love my job, the people I work with and the customers I see everyday. 
  10. water - If I'm not drinking tea, I'm probably drinking water, out of my favorite water bottle. 
  11. candles - I love all candles! I'm addicted to making my home smell amazing.
  12. holidays - I love holidays where I can be with my family and just enjoy the day. I'm looking forward to Mother's Day!
  13. my car - Not only is it a favorite thing of mine but I am so thankful for it. I would hate to have to walk to work or anywhere for that matter. 
  14. pizza - Probably my favorite food, ever. I could eat pizza until the end of time.
  15. my bed - Nothing like crawling into bed at the end of a long day!


  1. I enjoy reading your blogs. I am also very glad you put family ahead of Rambo......LOL!!

  2. I've never tried black tea - now I'll have to!

  3. It's my favorite! I drink one everyday! What do you normally drink from Starbucks?

  4. Lol, it was a close call! ;-)
