I'd like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly.....

The week has flow by and I'm so excited for the weekend! I love the 4th of July and love being able to spend it with my friends and family. I think I'm even more excited for a four day weekend though, and look forward to relaxing on Monday.

Yesterday I took the boys to a new park, and they loved it. That is one thing I love about the Tri-Cities; they have so many parks! There is always a new one that I'm hearing about and each time they get better! We had a ton of fun, and even had to fight some seagulls away from out snack! I turned my back for a spilt second to help Sawyer down the slide and the seagull was running away with the cheese-its!
Today was a great day, it got bad for a few hours, and then turned out to be a better day. This morning I took the boys to the library to watch the "Reptile Man." It was awesome but there were a lot of kids, when we go to the library the line was out the door and down the sidewalk. I'm glad we went when we did, because the line kept growing! We ended up in the middle of the room, which is good because the whole room was full, and I'm not even kidding. Maybe you can tell by the pictures. The boys had fun, and that's all that matters.

I got off work around 2 and spent the afternoon on the phone and relaxing, well trying to relax. This is where my day went bad, I won't get into it, but everything is better now. I feel better about the situation, but I was steaming....and people knew! The Mr. got home around 6, we ate dinner and relaxed for a bit....or maybe Rambo was the one relaxing. ;-)
I then convinced The Mr. to go to target with me, we needed a few household items and I didn't feel like sitting around, so we went. We got Glade fabric freshener for the couches, dish soap, body soap, chap stick, Arm & Hammer Pet Odor Eliminator, and lastly, a tub for all my Scentsy stuff. I had just been keeping it in bags in our bedroom, so I thought a tub would work great...and it did. I'm glad we went for the bigger tub because this one is almost full! I'm seriously addicted to this stuff. But our apartment smells great! The Mr. says he goes to work smelling like it, but I think he's pulling my leg. I do put a "manly" smelling one in the bathroom every once in awhile to make his heart happy. I change them out once or twice a week, so the manly doesn't stay around for awhile.
Other then that, it was a good week, it went by fast and I can only hope the weekend doesn't go by so fast. I have 2 appointments at the salon tomorrow and might go get my nails put back on. I miss them, we'll see. The Mr. and I talked about having a date night tomorrow for our 6 months, but I'm not sure if that's set in stone. If we do, I'll try to remember to take pictures!

I hope everyone has a fun and safe 4th of July. Spend it with your family and friends, and make amazing memories! I'm sure I'll blog before then...but if not....Happy Independence Day!

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Seagulls flying away with the cheese-its....LOL. I can hardly wait for the weekend too. It will be fun and relaxing.
