Sometimes and Always

Sometimes: I dream of days where I have little ones running around and I'm busy like a bee.
Always: Wake up from my dream and am thankful for quiet days and moments where it's just The Mr. and me.

Sometimes: I wish I always knew what to make for dinner.
Always: I know I always figure it out, but I wish I was like a food blog and had never ending ideas. 

Sometimes: I wish I was more organized.
Always: It doesn't take long for me to snap back into reality and remember I'm human. 

Sometimes: I miss being a kid.
Always: Remembering the fun times my sisters and I had as kids.

Sometimes: I worry so much about being a good future wife.
Always: No matter what, The Mr. reminds me that he loves me. Even on my worst days.

Sometimes: I wish I could sleep all day without feeling guilty.
Always: Set my alarm for early in the morning but find myself waking up at 9am.
P.S: Remember how I said I was going to paint my nails? Well, I did and I'm so sad that I have to take it off for work later today. I even went crazy and added a little party nail style!
P.P.S: I've been thinking about hosting a giveaway, stay tuned! :-)


  1. Megan @ Mackey MadnessJune 26, 2012 at 10:43 AM

    The party nail is so precious!! That stinks that you have to take the color off. Booooo. I slept until 11 am today...and I'm not feeling guilty about it. Haha!

    Thanks for linking up!!

  2. Oh man, I wish! If I slept until 11am today, I would have been late for work!

  3. I don't always know what I'm going to make for dinner, but I always figure it out and my husband is just happy to be fed!

  4. Sometimes I miss being a kid too! I was just thinking of that the other day, actually! :)

  5. I know! Those silly men, I worry about what I'm going to make all day and they would be happy with a sandwich!

  6. I think about it all the time! No bills, no worries, Summer many great things when we were kids!
