Friday's Letters

I am so excited for this link up! A few of the blogs I read link up with this and I've always wanted to do it. So I figured, why not? So here we go with my first Friday's Letters!Dear Weekend, I am so excited for you to be here. I can't wait to spend time with my family, even if it's only for a day and half. Dear The Mr., thank you for being such a sport about these engagement pictures. I know you hate taking pictures but they mean a lot to me and I know they are going to turn out GREAT! Dear best friend, I miss you oh so much and I wish I could just hop on a plane and visit you. Can't wait to see you in Vegas! Dear self, please remember that tomorrow is another day and things will always be okay. Work will get better, things will work out and life is pretty amazing. Dear customers, it's just coffee. Dear laundry, fold yourself already! Geez! Dear Daddy, thank you for being an amazing Dad! I love you very much and hope you have a great Father's Day!


Picture was taken by my cousin and is our Grandma's mailbox. I love this picture and thought it was perfect for Friday's Letters!



  1. Dear Future Sister in law: Thanks for making my brother happy. Please keep taking care of him. Please also punch him and have him return my call. I called and left a message on Monday and still have not received any sign of life from him.

  2. Dear Future Sister in law. I will let your brother know to give you a call back. I'm not sure why he hasn't called, he's bad with his phone. I know for a fact if I didn't call him, he would NEVER call me. :-)

  3. I hope you have a better day tomorrow! I had a horrible past few days. I know how you are feeling. Listen to your letters. You have a lot to be grateful for. I love the picture too! I am following in ALL capacities! Check mine out if you get a chance!

  4. I hope your week got better with the weekend! Thanks for stopping by! I'm following you back. :-)

  5. Lissa @ The Looking GlassJune 19, 2012 at 12:15 PM

    darling letters! love the one to your dad! found you via the link up xo

  6. Dear Future Sister in law: Thanks for punching my brother. He called me back. It was nice. The good thing for you is that even if he doesn't call you, you see him every day. =)

  7. Dear Future Sister in law, that is very true, I would still see him everyday even if he didn't call. We wish we could see you guys more often! March needs to hurry so we can all meet in Vegas again! Hopefully one day we'll be closer to you guys!
