New Looks

I changed my look again! I loved my old layout but it was getting much to much for me. Don't worry, I saved it and who knows, maybe someday I'll switch back to it but I was craving something simple and easy on the eye. I got rid of some of my widgets on the side and just cleaned things up a bit. I'm loving it! I wonder how many times I've changed my layout since I started blogging. I'm sure it's like 1487 times.

Anyway, to update on the home front, The Mr. and I got a new bed and I won't lie, it's pretty dang comfortable. The bed that we had before was originally The Mr.'s and he's had it for a long time. Springs were poking out where they really shouldn't be, the bed was bowed out in certain areas and it just really wasn't that comfortable. I can't complain though, I had the better side and The Mr. often slept on the couch because his side was that uncomfortable.

We both really wanted a new bed for awhile now and it really was to the point where we were just fed up with it! Apparently holidays like Memorial Day and Labor Day furniture stores have a great deals! The Mr. went into Sleep City one evening when I was at work, fell in love with one of their beds and the next day I went in to try it out. He ended up finding a really good deal online which the sales man agreed to meet and the rest is history!

We had to wait a few weeks for the bed to come in but it's finally here and we love it; even Rambo loves it! Sometimes I find him sprawled out horizontally between us taking up all the room between The Mr. and I. He's so silly!

We got a new bed set (for a stinking great deal, if I might add) and the bed looks beautiful in our room! What do you think?


  1. I am glad you got a new bed. Nothing compares to a great nights sleep and I am sure that Rambo thinks you guys bought the bed for him!

    Looking forward to seeing you guys this weekend......Love ya bunches and bunches.............Mom

  2. I'm sure that dang dog thinks the bed is for him! I said that the other night and I got the giggles about it!

    I look forward to seeing you guys too, I feel like it's been awhile!
