Falling behind

The past couple of weeks have been a bit hard. Work hasn't been all that great, I feel like I'm falling behind at home with every day chores and just staying above water. I was really starting to get down on myself about it too, I needed to find that happy medium and I needed to find it fast.

I thought that maybe I was taking on too much at work, maybe I need to cut my hours back, step down to just a barista; I even thought about finding a whole new job. Not being home at night really gets to me. I want to be able to cook dinner, clean the kitchen and relax with The Mr. and because I work retail, being able to do that kind of stuff is really hard. I probably could find a new job but I just started to accumulate paid time off and the medical benefits are really good so really it would be stupid if I found another job.

So I really had to do some deep soul searching and realized I just needed to buck up and do what I have to do. If another job opportunity comes my way that offers all those things but with better hours, I'll take it, but for now, I just have to deal. So, I'm dealing and trying to roll with the punches.

As for home, I realized I can't let work interfere with what I'm doing at home. I'm not saying I do all the work because The Mr. really helps me out around the house but sometimes he does more then I think he should. I'm probably being really sexist here, but I believe that keeping the house clean and tidy is my job, and I don't want to fail at it.

So being a good future house wife, I went to Pinterest and looked up easy and fun ways to keep the house clean throughout the week rather then just spending one whole day cleaning the house. Of course, I found all kinds of ideas that I would love to use, but I'll have to save them for when we have children because a lot of them don't apply to us. But I did find one that I've already printed out and started. It's very easy, very simple and it gets the important stuff done on a daily basis, which was important to me. I've  printed it out and stuck it to the refrigerator!

                                                                             Source: tipsandpix.com via Abby on Pinterest

Finding joy in these little things have been hard the past couple of weeks but I kept telling myself that I'm lucky to have a job and a roof over my head. 


  1. Sound like a great plan, maybe I will do the same. I get tired of picking up and putting things away that are not even mine....oh well what's a mom to do!
    Love ya......Mom

  2. I'm so sorry that work is giving you a headache right now. Retail involves some crummy hours. I'm not much help on the cleaning front though. There are too many other things for me to care about!!

  3. It's a good plan...I think I may just piggy back on your cleaning plan. As for the job, hang in there...it's like a roller coaster...it has its ups and downs...and remember it is not forever! Hope you start enjoying your work a little more soon!

  4. I'm hanging in as best as I can with the job, I just keep telling myself it'll get better and you're right, it isn't forever!

  5. Retail does involve some crummy hours! Hopefully it'll get better here soon though!

  6. Now that it's summer, you should have Loryn help you around the house! :-)
