
Where has the weekend gone?

It's Monday morning and the weekend is long gone. It came and went so fast, but we were busy and I actually got the stuff I needed to get done all finished. All the laundry is officially done, the kitchen is clean and Rambo got a bath. Yesterday flew by and before I knew it, it was 12am and I wasn't tired. The last time I looked at the clock it was 1:45. Needless to say, it was painful to wake up, and I can't wait for bedtime tonight. I'm doing good so far, but I know if I sit down and relax, I'll feel the 4 hours of sleep I got.

On Friday, we went to parents, had some good steaks, got to see Amanda and Kayleigh, and hung out. The night went fast, so we ended up staying the night. My neice, whose room we normally steal, had a friend over, so The Mr. and I camped out in the living room. We got up semi early, relaxed with my family and then headed back to the Tri-Cities. Once we got home, we showered and then headed out to Yakima to see Amanda and Kayleigh again. The Mr. bbq'd for us girls, we sat around and talked, held the baby and had some good food. It was nice to see them again and spend some time up in Yakima. We left around 9, and on the way home got a call from Josh who invited us over for drinks and some food. We joined them around 10:30, hung out til about 2, came home and fell asleep!

So all we really did yesterday was relax and veg out. It was great. I worked on my blog layout while The Mr. watched tv and slept. He woke up, went to the store for dinner items, he came home, I started dinner and we relaxed some more. It was pretty uneventful, but so nice. Maybe that's why I feel good today, because I actually rested and rejuvenated for once.

But now it's back to work, and doing the same thing all week. I left dinner in the crock pot, so once I get home I'll cook the veggies and a side dish. I am looking forward to this weekend, it's a 4 day weekend and then next week, it's a 3 day work work! Whoop whoop. In a little bit, we're going to get ready and we're going to the park. It's so beautiful out. Maybe we'll have lung at lunch at the park, we'll see.

That's all I have for now, I'll try to update again tonight. I have so many picture I want to share!

Until next time,

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