
My Day

My days seem to be running together. I'm feeling better and the week has been good to me. I'm currently watching So You Think You Can Dance, while The Mr. and Rambo sleep. I had to work late today, I came home, cooked dinner and now we're just relaxing. It was a long day, but the boys were really good today; I was glad because yesterday was a tough one. I think I put Devin in more timeouts yesterday then I have the whole time I've watched them. It was an off day.

Maybe I haven't been blogging much because I kind of feel like I don't have much to write about. I sit down, open my computer and draw a blank. I do feel like my weeks and days repeat themselves, and there is only so much I can write about. This weekend was busy, but I didn't take pictures; you can't really take pictures while driving. I feel like I did a lot of that this past weekend. Maybe I should go back to finding something to be thankful for.

This weekend The Mr. and I are going to visit my parents. On Friday, we're having a BBQ and hanging out with the family. On Saturday, The Mr. and my Dad are going to Spokane to go watch Starwars in concert. We bought the tickets for him for Fathers Day, and The Mr. volunteered to go because none of us girls wanted to, and we figured it could be a "man" day for them. I suppose I'll spend the day with my Mom, Rita and Loryn, and probably visit Priscilla. This is considering Amanda doesn't have her baby, because if she does, I'm off to Yakima!

I'm still cutting coupons and have been doing pretty good. I've been saving money here and there, I keep telling myself that it'll all add up in the end. I went to Albertsons, Target and Walgreens yesterday and spent a total of $9.00 on a whole bunch of stuff. I saved probably about $20.00. Heck yes! I know I could save more if I did the whole price matching thing, but that takes a lot of time, and I just don't have the patience for that right now.

The Mr. and I ordered our new iPhones yesterday, and boy was it in a pain in our butts! Everyone had problems though, and poor The Mr. had been trying all day. I woke at 2:30am, to find him up trying to get them ordered. AT&T had some server issues and made their system crash, which caused a lot of mad customers. We ended up being able to place an order around 8pm. I'm not sure what happened, but by the time The Mr. was able to place my order, the shipping date had changed to the 2nd. So I'll have to wait awhile for mine, but The Mr. gets his on the 24th. I'm exiting and can't wait!

That reminds me, the 3rd of July will mark six months for The Mr. and I. I'm not sure what to get him, but I feel like I need to get him something. I'm opened to suggestions, in the meantime, I'll think about it.

All I'm doing is rambling, I should go to bed. I'll try to blog tomorrow, it's my Friday! Woo! We also talked about going to Costco to do some bulk shopping....let's hope its a good shopping trip!

Until next time,

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