
So long weekend...hello work week

It's been a very relaxing weekend, which is super nice because I know next weekend will be kind of hectic. Yesterday, The Mr. and I kind of just hung out at home, cleaned, put the rest of the camping stuff away and just took it easy. Once we were done cleaning, I headed to the mall to pick up some birthday presents and The Mr. took the top off the jeep. The weather has been really weird this Spring, so he hasn't been able to take it off yet. He went ahead and took it off in hopes the weather starts to get better. We'll see.

After coming back from the mall, I did some laundry and watched some T.V. My parents were in town again to do a little running around so they stopped by for a bit and to visit. We then headed to the Crazy Moose to grab a few drinks and visit with people from The Mr.'s work. It was so loud and the service was horrible so we made it an early night. We came home, sat around for a little bit and ended up falling asleep on the couch. I woke up at three and moved to the bedroom. I haven't slept on the couch in awhile, needless to say, my neck was aching this morning.

Today, The Mr. and I went to Ihop for breakfast, and ate too much. That always happens at Ihop, but oh well. Afterwards we went out looking for a dining room table. This is something I have wanted since I moved in; I enjoy sitting at a table when I eat a meal, I think it's great to be able to set the table up and serve dinner. It'll be nice to have people over and actually have a place for them to sit and eat their meals. I honestly didn't think we would actually buy one today, The Mr. is such a smart shopper! We went to three different furniture stores, and ended up buying the table we wanted at the third store, which gave us the best prices. It's the same place he bought his couches, they remembered him and gave us a really good deal. The table will be here in eight weeks or less! I can't wait! The picture below is the picture from the website, I love it!

Anyway, after that we came home, I did more laundry and cut coupons so we can go grocery shopping sometime this week. My Aunt Vikki sort of got me into cutting coupons, she's a rockstar at it! I figured I would try and have been saving here and there with them. It takes a lot of time and dedication. I'm sure I could save more with price matching and whatnot, maybe once I have a family, I'll do that.

Now we're just wrapping up the weekend and relaxing. I have one last load of clothes to fold and I'm done with it! It was double the clothes because I still had some from camping, and some of the loads I washed twice because I felt like they still smelt of campfire.

I'm going to have me some frozen yogurt and call it a night in a bit.

But first.....here are some pictures I promised from Loryn's luau. Enjoy!

And of course....the video of Rita and my Dad doing the hula!!!!

Until next time,

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