
Much better!

Much better day today! I slept better, Devin was feeling better and I got done what I needed to get done and even a little more!

This afternoon I was kind of running around like my head was cut off, but oh well. The Mr. told me this morning that the accounting girls were going to have a potluck for one the their workers that is moving up to corporate, but he wasn't sure what he wanted to take. This afternoon he tells me that it's a sandwich theme, so we decided on potato salad. Priscilla and Joey are going to be in town tomorrow, and I offered to make dinner for them, and to top it off, I forgot to pull the chicken out this morning for tonights dinner; so needless to say, I had to make a run to the store. I bought everything I needed. 50 dollars later, it was 6 o'clock and I hadn't made dinner, let alone the potato salad. We ended up eating dinner around 7, and I finished the potato salad at 8:30, then made a cake for dessert for tomorrow. I spent my evening in the kitchen, but it was worth it.

It's now 11 o'clock and the kitchen is still dirty. I have no desire to get up and clean it, but I'll make it there eventually. On the plus side, I don't have to be to work until 7, instead of 6:30. Woo. That's an extra half hour of sleep. I should already be in bed though!

I have country music on and I'm sure it's driving The Mr. up the wall, someday, I swear this man will be singing along with me, he just doesn't know it yet. I'm going to turn it up and clean the kitchen. :-) Yeehaw!

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Your blog reminds me when Breezy came for several weeks during the summer and she ended up singing along with the country music....Remember her singing "Don't take the Girl". LOL great memories..Love you lots......Mom

    PS say hi to Pablo
