
Aloha Readers!

It looks as though the sickness has held off and didn't hit me full force. It must have been all the vitamins I took! I was so dreading being sick, these next couple weeks are going to be busy and I wasn't looking forward to being sick and running around like my head was cut off. Next weekend I have five things to go to, in two days. I hope I make it though. ;-)

Today I went to Othello to see Loryn perform in her luau. She was so stinkin' cute! They performed a lot of the same songs that I did in first grade; my mom loved that I still remembered the words to a lot of the music. We had lunch at the school with her and then sat as a family to watch her. I took a lot of pictures, I just need to upload them to my computer. The best part was watching my dad do the hula with her! She first took my sister out with her but they needed more men, so she ran back and grabbed my dad. I'll upload a video and pictures in my next blog. I'm really trying to take more pictures, so far so good!

Afterwards, Rita and I had some sister time. I love my sister, we've grown really close the last two years, she's an amazing woman, mom, and sister. I love the relationship we have, it means a lot to me. Anyway, we had sister time, hung out at home for awhile and then I went to see Priscilla. It was a great visit, her mom was in town from Seattle, so we sat around, caught up and relaxed. It was good.

My dad had mentioned driving back to Tri-Cities with me and then having dinner with The Mr. and I. So, mom and dad followed behind Loryn and I and first we went to the mall, then went to Famous Daves for dinner. It was so good, one of my favorite places to eat. I do have to mention the amazing deal I got on clothes at the mall. I bought four shirts, and a pj set for 65 bucks! The sell was buy one top, get another for 50% off, and then I had "real women dollars," which are like 50% off coupons, that work on everything in the store, including sales! Before ringing up my real women dollars, my total was $105 something. Could you imagine what the total would have been without the sale and without the coupons. I was proud of my shopping trip!

Anyway, tomorrow I need to go back to the mall to pick up something for Maria and Izaiah for their birthdays. Hopefully I find another steal of a deal!

Here's a preview of Loryn's luau pictures, she's so cute...this girl seriously has my heart!

Until next time,

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