
Busy Day!

Today was busy! The boys got up around 8 and I've been non stop since then. They got up, got ready, ate breakfast and we left the house. We didn't get back until 1, which is Sawyer's nap time. We left again at 4. Staying busy makes the day go by so fast, but today I felt like I didn't have time to breathe.

After work I met up with Priscilla and Joey so we could go and get their iPhone's unlocked. All went well besides Priscilla's, but we got it figured out and they are now both happy iPhone users! :-)

We had dinner with them and now we're just relaxing. The Mr. is watching Deadliest Catch and I'm facebooking and blogging. I'm going to bed soon though, I'm really tired. I'm so ready for my four day weekend!

I love the 4th of July, always have. We're going to Othello on Saturday to celebrate there, and then on Sunday we're spending the 4th with Josh and Jami. It should be fun! Then we'll be relaxing and spending quality time together on Monday.

Saturday is 6 months since The Mr. and I have been dating. I couldn't be happier. I love my boyfriend.

That's all for today....

Until next time,

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