

Okay, I'm officially done updating and redoing my blog...for now. It's addicting! I have it exactly like I want it, and I did most of it myself. I did get help from other people's blogs, especially those who have made tutorials. I've added links on the side of my page if you want to check them out. :-)

Anyway, I'm loving my plain and simple blog. I've always liked just simple layouts, even way back when I would create my own myspace layouts. I tried to use the all dolled up ones but just couldn't get used to it. So, back to basics and I'm really enjoying it. This is the first time I've used photoshop too, it's really an amazing program. Too bad it's $600 bucks, and I'm just using the trial for another 28 days. I'm going to make all kinds of stuff!

Other then the new layout, there isn't much going on. Dinner was good, and the evening has been awesome. I'm going to upload some photos and share them soon, I just need to get it done.

I ended up going to the park with the boys, it was such a nice day. Not too hot, and just right in the shade. We went to Howard Amon park, which is covered in tree's and is basically all in the shade. The boys had a great time, and even made some friends!
The boys had no idea I took this picture. I try to take pictures of them during the day and send it to their mom at work. It makes her happy and she loves to see what we are up to. :-)

Overall, it was a great day, and those 4 hours of sleep never caught up to me; thank God. Hopefully I don't feel them tomorrow either.

Until next time,

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