
Camping Weekend

I made it out alive! Camping was fun and I would do it again, in a heart beat. I have visions of camping on the ocean. It's going to happen this Summer, with or without the boyfriend. It was a very fun and low key kind of weekend. It was weird to sit around the fire and have nothing to do. There were some points during the day that I had no clue what time it was. It's never like that for me, considering my job, we follow a daily schedule, between meal times, nap time and snack time, I always know what time it is. It was a weird feeling. Being disconnected from the world was different too. No cell phone service, no internet; it was just me and the forest. I wish I could have blogged everyday because we actually did a lot of things throughout the weekend, if I were to write about them all this blog would go on forever. So, I'll try my best to map out our weekend in the wildlife.

Thursday: The Mr. and I both had to work, he was able to get off early but I had to work until 4 o'clockish. We both had our bags packed and ready to go, so all The Mr. had to do was pack up the jeep and hit the road once I got home. I have to give the guy props, it was pouring down rain, and he did it, all. He promised me that he would make camping as comfortable for me as he could cause he knew I was a bit nervous about it. He remembered to pack some things that I forgot! He's such a good guy! Anyway, I got home, threw my bag in the jeep, and hit the road. We stopped to gas up and left Kennewick around 5 o'clock. We got to the campsite about 7:30 or 8, set up the tent, ate dinner, hung out for a bit, and then hit the hay.

Friday: We basically spent the day hanging out around camp and just enjoying each others company. There were 3 families (groups) total, and a total of 10-15 people there at any given time, so we had a pretty busy and lively campsite. It was fun, we sat around the talked. It was rather cold but nothing beats layering up! Later on during the day; Becky, Matt and I took some the kids on a hike to fine mushrooms. I'm not a big mushroom eater myself but Becky and Matt are, so we headed out and found some Morels. Becky and Matt were so happy that we found some!

Saturday: Becky, Matt, The Mr. and I took all the kids....yes all the kids, on a hike. Josh and Jami wanted to spend some time together, so we thought, what the heck? The drive was longer then we expected so the trip and hike took about five hours total. It was fun, and an excellent birth control. :-) We had a total of six kids and four adults, and a dog. We packed a lunch, hit the road and hiked our hearts out. Needless to say, when we got back the adults were wore out and ready for bed! The hike was beautiful, some of the nature really took me away, and all the hills I had to climb were worth it at the end!

Sunday: It was definitely my day of rest. I woke up around eight and went back to bed at about eleven. The Mr. joined me for the nap, we woke up around two and the camp site was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Everyone else had gone for a hike, The Mr. and I had talked about taking the day to ourselves to spend some quality "boyfriend and girlfriend" time. It was fun! We decided to take the jeep for a ride, we found some trails to take and just went out for a drive. We were gone for awhile, ate dinner at a little no-name restaurant, and then headed back to camp. We hung out with everyone else as it was our last night, played some mad lips, had a few more good laughs and then headed to bed.

Monday: It came oh so fast! We got up early, packed up camp and headed home. We had a pit stop at Minors. A famous hamburger joint in Yakima, with huge hamburgers and wonderful milkshakes. We all met up there, had lunch together and then hit the road again. I'm sure we all looked like we were from another planet. We hadn't showered in five days and smelt of campfire! After lunch we drove home, unpacked the jeep, showered, picked Rambo up and of course....took a nap!

The weekend ended too soon, and I must say I missed waking up and hanging out by the campfire with everyone. I was so scared to camp and now I can't wait to do it again. Washington is so beautiful, and I know this might sound so cliche, but it's literally right out my back door, and I had no clue how beautiful nature could be. I would love to go back up to the Naches area, take more hikes and enjoy the forest some more. But...before I do that...I must camp on the beach!

Here are a few more pictures of the weekend! Enjoy!

Until next time friends,


  1. Looks like you had a blast. When dad and I went to the ocean in uncle Larry's old beat up moter home and drove it onto the beach was the best. I liked your simba hair!!!! And i am glad the pictures are not scratch and sniff cuz I am sure you all smelled funky.........Love you Mom

  2. Wow! Looks like you guys had a great time. I've never gone camping...Alejandro keeps saying we need to go, but haven't gone around to doing it. I guess if you survived, chances are I can survive too. ;)

  3. Mom, I want to camp on the beach so bad. We should do a family trip!

    Ivonne, I say if I can camp, anyone can! I was even on my period! ;-)
