
Warning: Enter at your own risk!

If today was a clue to how my week is suppose to go, I want a new week. It was not my day, at all. Devin woke up sick and was running a fever all day, so we hung out at home and didn't really do anything. I needed to run to the post office to mail Maria's birthday present off, but I didn't get to do it, so now it's going to be a day late. Dang it! I have to do it tomorrow!

Once I got home, everything was bugging me. I'm not sure why, I just felt really stressed out. If you know me, I am not the best stressed out person, or even the nicest. Poor The Mr. didn't really have much to say, and just let me complain when I needed to, and he even did the dishes for me. I ended up having a cupcake and frozen yogurt to cure my bad day, it helped but didn't do the job.

I decided to blog in hopes to vent, and now I'm going to bed, and praying for a better nights sleep then last night. That could be why I had such a bad day; the last time I looked at the clock was 1 o'clock in the morning, and I tossed and turned all night. It was one of those nights that I had to switch ends of the bed, took my hair down, put it back up, changed my p.j's. Horrible. So...here's to a better nights sleep and a better tomorrow. Where's my wine?

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry you had a bad day. I also feel bad for Pablo, cuz I know how you can get. When I feel like that I head for the carbs which are so bad for me. Hope you Tuesday is better! I too forgot to send off Maria's gift, but I will do it tomorrow. Love you lots.......Mom
