
5 months

Thursday marked five months since The Mr. and I started to date. It's almost been a year since I met him, almost a year that has flow by so fast. I truly believe that he is my best friend, someone that I can share anything with and know he won't judge me. I say it all the time, but he is a wonderful man.

On each month anniversary I get flowers, he normally brings them home from work and surprises me with them, and each month it's a new color of flower.

I have saved each rose bud that he has given me, and I'm trying to be creative with them, in hopes I can save them as long as possible. The first thing I did with them was put them in a vase with crystal beads, I hope to use it as a center piece once we get a dining room table. I currently have four flowers that are dried that need to me made into something and the flowers he got me this month, still sitting in the vase, looking beautiful.

I am so blessed to have such an amazing boyfriend in my life. There isn't a day that goes by that I can not find a reason to love him more. I know it's only been five months, but when it's right....it's so right.

Until next time,

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