
Busy Day!

Today was busy! The boys got up around 8 and I've been non stop since then. They got up, got ready, ate breakfast and we left the house. We didn't get back until 1, which is Sawyer's nap time. We left again at 4. Staying busy makes the day go by so fast, but today I felt like I didn't have time to breathe.

After work I met up with Priscilla and Joey so we could go and get their iPhone's unlocked. All went well besides Priscilla's, but we got it figured out and they are now both happy iPhone users! :-)

We had dinner with them and now we're just relaxing. The Mr. is watching Deadliest Catch and I'm facebooking and blogging. I'm going to bed soon though, I'm really tired. I'm so ready for my four day weekend!

I love the 4th of July, always have. We're going to Othello on Saturday to celebrate there, and then on Sunday we're spending the 4th with Josh and Jami. It should be fun! Then we'll be relaxing and spending quality time together on Monday.

Saturday is 6 months since The Mr. and I have been dating. I couldn't be happier. I love my boyfriend.

That's all for today....

Until next time,


Okay, I'm officially done updating and redoing my blog...for now. It's addicting! I have it exactly like I want it, and I did most of it myself. I did get help from other people's blogs, especially those who have made tutorials. I've added links on the side of my page if you want to check them out. :-)

Anyway, I'm loving my plain and simple blog. I've always liked just simple layouts, even way back when I would create my own myspace layouts. I tried to use the all dolled up ones but just couldn't get used to it. So, back to basics and I'm really enjoying it. This is the first time I've used photoshop too, it's really an amazing program. Too bad it's $600 bucks, and I'm just using the trial for another 28 days. I'm going to make all kinds of stuff!

Other then the new layout, there isn't much going on. Dinner was good, and the evening has been awesome. I'm going to upload some photos and share them soon, I just need to get it done.

I ended up going to the park with the boys, it was such a nice day. Not too hot, and just right in the shade. We went to Howard Amon park, which is covered in tree's and is basically all in the shade. The boys had a great time, and even made some friends!
The boys had no idea I took this picture. I try to take pictures of them during the day and send it to their mom at work. It makes her happy and she loves to see what we are up to. :-)

Overall, it was a great day, and those 4 hours of sleep never caught up to me; thank God. Hopefully I don't feel them tomorrow either.

Until next time,


Where has the weekend gone?

It's Monday morning and the weekend is long gone. It came and went so fast, but we were busy and I actually got the stuff I needed to get done all finished. All the laundry is officially done, the kitchen is clean and Rambo got a bath. Yesterday flew by and before I knew it, it was 12am and I wasn't tired. The last time I looked at the clock it was 1:45. Needless to say, it was painful to wake up, and I can't wait for bedtime tonight. I'm doing good so far, but I know if I sit down and relax, I'll feel the 4 hours of sleep I got.

On Friday, we went to parents, had some good steaks, got to see Amanda and Kayleigh, and hung out. The night went fast, so we ended up staying the night. My neice, whose room we normally steal, had a friend over, so The Mr. and I camped out in the living room. We got up semi early, relaxed with my family and then headed back to the Tri-Cities. Once we got home, we showered and then headed out to Yakima to see Amanda and Kayleigh again. The Mr. bbq'd for us girls, we sat around and talked, held the baby and had some good food. It was nice to see them again and spend some time up in Yakima. We left around 9, and on the way home got a call from Josh who invited us over for drinks and some food. We joined them around 10:30, hung out til about 2, came home and fell asleep!

So all we really did yesterday was relax and veg out. It was great. I worked on my blog layout while The Mr. watched tv and slept. He woke up, went to the store for dinner items, he came home, I started dinner and we relaxed some more. It was pretty uneventful, but so nice. Maybe that's why I feel good today, because I actually rested and rejuvenated for once.

But now it's back to work, and doing the same thing all week. I left dinner in the crock pot, so once I get home I'll cook the veggies and a side dish. I am looking forward to this weekend, it's a 4 day weekend and then next week, it's a 3 day work work! Whoop whoop. In a little bit, we're going to get ready and we're going to the park. It's so beautiful out. Maybe we'll have lung at lunch at the park, we'll see.

That's all I have for now, I'll try to update again tonight. I have so many picture I want to share!

Until next time,


While enjoying my relaxing day I've spent sometime working on a new background. What do you think? Let me know if you like it!

Beautiful Day!

It's been an amazing Friday, and I'm sure it's only going to get better. I slept in, relaxed for awhile, got ready and then went to get my nails done. I knew I needed a new set so I was planning for it, but as he was taking my nails off I realized how bad acrylic is for your nails. I knew this before, but I decided to just get a regular ol' manicure. I decided for a few reasons, but mainly so I could save money. This time around ended up being a little more expensive because they charged to take nails off. Anyway, I'm glad I did so, I'm going to work on getting my nails back in shape and from now on just going to get manicures. I also got a pedicure, I love getting my feet done! The lady did a really good job too. So my feet and my nails match and are super cute!

After getting my nails done I went and grabbed a bite to eat. I'm a sucker for Taco Del Mar, it obviously isn't all that healthy for me, but it's so good. I first ate it when I lived in Seattle but I don't eat it all of that often, it's always a nice treat for me. It was good, and nice to just kind of eat lunch and relax.

Now, I'm home, doing laundry, watching Dr. Oz and enjoying the piece and quiet. I'm waiting for FedEx to arrive, and waiting for The Mr. to get home so we can head to Othello. We make that drive a lot, I'm glad it isn't too far. We'll be home tonight and then head over to Yakima tomorrow. I have a feeling it's going to be a good weekend!

Earlier at the mall (I went there to get my nails done) I had gone to N.W. Beauty Supply to grab a new nail polish and noticed my purse felt heavy. I looked inside and I was carrying a mango with me! All I could do was laugh, and the lady who was ringing me up looked at me like I was crazy, I then showed her the mango and all she could do was laugh. I forgot I had it in my purse, since yesterday. I felt silly, but on the other hand, the mango is ripe! I'll eat it later. Speaking up, The Mr. just showed me how to eat a mango "the right way," it's amazing. That sounds so weird, but before I was wasting more then I was eating. The first time I cut a mango in front of him, he was looking at me with a confused looked, and I knew he was thinking "what the hell?" So...he cut one up for me and I was in amazement! Since then, I've been cutting them like he showed me and I'm loving it! He said in Mexico, they have mango sticks that you can stab in a mango and eat like a popsicle, I have got to get me one of those!

I'm going to and fold the pile of laundry I have sitting in the middle of the living room. I dread laundry. I don't think you understand how much.

Until next time,

This & That

I don't have much to write about, kind of a low key day. I took the boys to the park to play in the water toys they have and we had a great time. I stopped by the apartment to grab a camping chair so I didn't have to sit on the grass and I'm glad I did! There were a lot of people and most the benches were taken. Anyway, we got there, got the boys covered in sunblock and sent them to play in the water. They had a ton of fun and it was gorgeous and hot outside. I didn't put sunblock on myself and got a nice burn that will turn into a beautiful tan! I really shouldn't do that, but I hate being so white, and get a lot of crap about it. So they played, I relaxed in the sun and watched them enjoy the water. I packed a lunch so we had a picnic and they played for a little while longer. We came home and it was nap time!

So other then that and work, it was kind of a relaxing day. I made a pot roast for dinner with home made biscuits, which my boyfriend loves, and we had tea to drink. It was a good dinner, with wonderful conversation. I can not wait for out dining room table, it'll be nice to set the table and sit there for dinner. My mom gave me some doilies that she made; they are so beautiful. It's pretty neat for me to be able to receive and use things like this, I grew up watching my mom make them and give them as house warming gifts; so her giving me one for my own home is neat and probably something that I'll keep in my house forever.

It's my Friday today! I'm not sure what I'm going to do tomorrow, but I do know that I'm planning on going to get my nails and feet done. I don't think I'm going to go where I normally go, they take forever and last couple of times haven't done a great job at doing them. I do know I'm going to sleep in, but hopefully not like I did last week. :-)

We'll be going to Othello tomorrow to deliver some meat my Dad ordered from Tyson and then hang out for dinner. On Saturday we're going to Yakima to see Amanda and Kayleigh! I'm so excited! I told Amanda to pick something to eat because I was going to cook dinner. As far as Sunday, I'm staying home and doing laundry. I've been slacking last couple of weeks from being busy and I really need to catch up. Laundry is never ending and I don't like it.

I'm enjoying this weather and so thankful for air conditioning! :-) It's only going to get hotter...I can't wait to get in the pool sometime soon!

That's all I have today, I think bed time is coming soon.

Until next time,

Guess who's back...

I finally am able to sit down and write a blog. I've been meaning to for the last couple days but the weekend ended up busy and the last two days have been spent spending time with the boyfriend and catching up, or trying to, on sleep.

We headed to Othello on Friday for the weekend and had an awesome BBQ with my family. My Tia Brenda just got back from Kentucky and was able to join us. It was nice to see her, she was gone for almost a month. Anyway, we ate, hung out, had a campfire and spent some quality family time together. Everyone was having drinks, but not me. I was on stand by...Amanda had started to have contractions so I needed to stay sober incase I needed to drive to Yakima.

Saturday morning came around and Dad and The Mr. left. I got to hang out with Mom, Loryn and Tia Brenda; we went to lunch, went to walmart and spent lots of money. It was nice but also really hot. I don't do well in the heat, so I started to get grouchy. We ended up going home shortly after that, and once I relaxed and cooled off, I felt much better. We hung out and waited for the guys to get home. During the day though, Amanda's contractions started to get stronger and closer together, so I decided once the boys got home and we had dinner, I would head to Yakima; and that's exactly what I did. I left town around 9pm, got to Yakima around 11pm, stayed up until 3:30am with Amanda....she woke us up at 7:30am saying it was "time to go..." and off we went!

We spent the day in hospital and at 7:37pm, Kayleigh Rae Trumpy made her appearance into the crazy world. I feel so blessed to be able to be apart of her journey into the world, and I wouldn't have changed anything from the weekend. Because Amanda's husband is deployed to Afghanistan, I was able to be in the room during the whole labor and delivery, Amanda let me cut Kayleigh's umbilical cord, and put the babies first diaper on. I feel so blessed and honored that she let me do this. Amanda and I have been friends since right before kindergarden and it really means a lot to me to be such a big part in this. Anyway, Kayleigh was 7lbs 7oz, 19 inches long and so dang cute! I stayed the night with Amanda in the hospital, hung out for awhile on Monday morning and headed back home so I could go to work on Tuesday.

Since being home, I feel like my week has flown by and I haven't really even got anything done. I did cook dinner tonight for the first time since Friday. Last night while eating dinner at the mall, I told The Mr. I was so tired of eating out, and we both agreed that it was time to have a home cooked meal. Poor guy finished all the left overs while I was gone, so I'm sure he was really ready for fresh food.

I did place my scentsy order and I did so good! I thought about selling but decided against it. I just don't have the time to put into it and I'm afraid that I won't be able to keep it booming. Maybe later on I'll join, we'll see. Anyway, I sold about $600 dollars worth and got about $175 dollars worth of product for $46 dollars. It's a steal! I love scentsy and I really think I'm addicted to it!

The Mr. got his new iPhone 4 today and I am so jealous. Mine is "prepared for shipping," hopefully it'll be here sometime next week. He's been playing with it all night but did stop for a total of 5 minutes to pop my back...what a good guy!

Other than that, our week has been kind of low key. I'm ready for the weekend and even more ready for the 4 day weekend I have for the 4th of July; and if that isn't awesome enough, I get another one at the end of July. I love my job! :-)

That's all I have for today, I hope to blog a little more, I've been very bad about it. Once a week is better then never I suppose. ;-)

Until next time,

Happy Weekend!

We're off to Othello; should be good times, and great memories! BBQ tonight, The Mr. and Dad gone tomorrow, I'll relax with Mama, maybe we'll go get our toes done. :-) I'll take pictures!

Now....if The Mr. would get home, we could leave!

I'll try to blog!

Until next time,

My Day

My days seem to be running together. I'm feeling better and the week has been good to me. I'm currently watching So You Think You Can Dance, while The Mr. and Rambo sleep. I had to work late today, I came home, cooked dinner and now we're just relaxing. It was a long day, but the boys were really good today; I was glad because yesterday was a tough one. I think I put Devin in more timeouts yesterday then I have the whole time I've watched them. It was an off day.

Maybe I haven't been blogging much because I kind of feel like I don't have much to write about. I sit down, open my computer and draw a blank. I do feel like my weeks and days repeat themselves, and there is only so much I can write about. This weekend was busy, but I didn't take pictures; you can't really take pictures while driving. I feel like I did a lot of that this past weekend. Maybe I should go back to finding something to be thankful for.

This weekend The Mr. and I are going to visit my parents. On Friday, we're having a BBQ and hanging out with the family. On Saturday, The Mr. and my Dad are going to Spokane to go watch Starwars in concert. We bought the tickets for him for Fathers Day, and The Mr. volunteered to go because none of us girls wanted to, and we figured it could be a "man" day for them. I suppose I'll spend the day with my Mom, Rita and Loryn, and probably visit Priscilla. This is considering Amanda doesn't have her baby, because if she does, I'm off to Yakima!

I'm still cutting coupons and have been doing pretty good. I've been saving money here and there, I keep telling myself that it'll all add up in the end. I went to Albertsons, Target and Walgreens yesterday and spent a total of $9.00 on a whole bunch of stuff. I saved probably about $20.00. Heck yes! I know I could save more if I did the whole price matching thing, but that takes a lot of time, and I just don't have the patience for that right now.

The Mr. and I ordered our new iPhones yesterday, and boy was it in a pain in our butts! Everyone had problems though, and poor The Mr. had been trying all day. I woke at 2:30am, to find him up trying to get them ordered. AT&T had some server issues and made their system crash, which caused a lot of mad customers. We ended up being able to place an order around 8pm. I'm not sure what happened, but by the time The Mr. was able to place my order, the shipping date had changed to the 2nd. So I'll have to wait awhile for mine, but The Mr. gets his on the 24th. I'm exiting and can't wait!

That reminds me, the 3rd of July will mark six months for The Mr. and I. I'm not sure what to get him, but I feel like I need to get him something. I'm opened to suggestions, in the meantime, I'll think about it.

All I'm doing is rambling, I should go to bed. I'll try to blog tomorrow, it's my Friday! Woo! We also talked about going to Costco to do some bulk shopping....let's hope its a good shopping trip!

Until next time,

Catching up

It's been a few days since I've blogged, I guess the week caught up to me and I just didn't get around to doing it. I'm not really sure what all happened last week, I know that I was busy all weekend, as expected, and now it's Monday....again.

The cold I was fighting made it's way back. I should probably be drugged up with cold medicine and sleeping, maybe after this blog. It probably didn't help that I really didn't sit down and relax at all this weekend, and I can't even say I got a lot done. I spent a lot of time behind the wheel of my car, and a lot of time at parties.

Rita and Loryn came to town yesterday and we had "Sister Sunday!" We just spent the day window shopping, and catching up. I went to a few stores that I've always wanted to go to, and ate at a place I've always wanted to try. I wasn't that impressed, and probably won't go back anytime soon. I'm not sure if it was the waitress, the food or the atmosphere but something wasn't right. I left that on the comment card too...I love leaving those things!

Now it's Monday and it's back to the grind. The alarm clock goes off so early...too early sometimes. This week is sort of a "on the edge" kind of week, my best friend is due any day, and it could happen at any moment, so when it does....I'm out! I'll put my week on hold for a baby!

So, here's to hoping I'm a more faithful blogger this week, that a baby is born (and of course, is healthy), and that this cold goes away!

Until next time,

Much better!

Much better day today! I slept better, Devin was feeling better and I got done what I needed to get done and even a little more!

This afternoon I was kind of running around like my head was cut off, but oh well. The Mr. told me this morning that the accounting girls were going to have a potluck for one the their workers that is moving up to corporate, but he wasn't sure what he wanted to take. This afternoon he tells me that it's a sandwich theme, so we decided on potato salad. Priscilla and Joey are going to be in town tomorrow, and I offered to make dinner for them, and to top it off, I forgot to pull the chicken out this morning for tonights dinner; so needless to say, I had to make a run to the store. I bought everything I needed. 50 dollars later, it was 6 o'clock and I hadn't made dinner, let alone the potato salad. We ended up eating dinner around 7, and I finished the potato salad at 8:30, then made a cake for dessert for tomorrow. I spent my evening in the kitchen, but it was worth it.

It's now 11 o'clock and the kitchen is still dirty. I have no desire to get up and clean it, but I'll make it there eventually. On the plus side, I don't have to be to work until 7, instead of 6:30. Woo. That's an extra half hour of sleep. I should already be in bed though!

I have country music on and I'm sure it's driving The Mr. up the wall, someday, I swear this man will be singing along with me, he just doesn't know it yet. I'm going to turn it up and clean the kitchen. :-) Yeehaw!

Until next time,

Warning: Enter at your own risk!

If today was a clue to how my week is suppose to go, I want a new week. It was not my day, at all. Devin woke up sick and was running a fever all day, so we hung out at home and didn't really do anything. I needed to run to the post office to mail Maria's birthday present off, but I didn't get to do it, so now it's going to be a day late. Dang it! I have to do it tomorrow!

Once I got home, everything was bugging me. I'm not sure why, I just felt really stressed out. If you know me, I am not the best stressed out person, or even the nicest. Poor The Mr. didn't really have much to say, and just let me complain when I needed to, and he even did the dishes for me. I ended up having a cupcake and frozen yogurt to cure my bad day, it helped but didn't do the job.

I decided to blog in hopes to vent, and now I'm going to bed, and praying for a better nights sleep then last night. That could be why I had such a bad day; the last time I looked at the clock was 1 o'clock in the morning, and I tossed and turned all night. It was one of those nights that I had to switch ends of the bed, took my hair down, put it back up, changed my p.j's. Horrible. So...here's to a better nights sleep and a better tomorrow. Where's my wine?

Until next time,

So long weekend...hello work week

It's been a very relaxing weekend, which is super nice because I know next weekend will be kind of hectic. Yesterday, The Mr. and I kind of just hung out at home, cleaned, put the rest of the camping stuff away and just took it easy. Once we were done cleaning, I headed to the mall to pick up some birthday presents and The Mr. took the top off the jeep. The weather has been really weird this Spring, so he hasn't been able to take it off yet. He went ahead and took it off in hopes the weather starts to get better. We'll see.

After coming back from the mall, I did some laundry and watched some T.V. My parents were in town again to do a little running around so they stopped by for a bit and to visit. We then headed to the Crazy Moose to grab a few drinks and visit with people from The Mr.'s work. It was so loud and the service was horrible so we made it an early night. We came home, sat around for a little bit and ended up falling asleep on the couch. I woke up at three and moved to the bedroom. I haven't slept on the couch in awhile, needless to say, my neck was aching this morning.

Today, The Mr. and I went to Ihop for breakfast, and ate too much. That always happens at Ihop, but oh well. Afterwards we went out looking for a dining room table. This is something I have wanted since I moved in; I enjoy sitting at a table when I eat a meal, I think it's great to be able to set the table up and serve dinner. It'll be nice to have people over and actually have a place for them to sit and eat their meals. I honestly didn't think we would actually buy one today, The Mr. is such a smart shopper! We went to three different furniture stores, and ended up buying the table we wanted at the third store, which gave us the best prices. It's the same place he bought his couches, they remembered him and gave us a really good deal. The table will be here in eight weeks or less! I can't wait! The picture below is the picture from the website, I love it!

Anyway, after that we came home, I did more laundry and cut coupons so we can go grocery shopping sometime this week. My Aunt Vikki sort of got me into cutting coupons, she's a rockstar at it! I figured I would try and have been saving here and there with them. It takes a lot of time and dedication. I'm sure I could save more with price matching and whatnot, maybe once I have a family, I'll do that.

Now we're just wrapping up the weekend and relaxing. I have one last load of clothes to fold and I'm done with it! It was double the clothes because I still had some from camping, and some of the loads I washed twice because I felt like they still smelt of campfire.

I'm going to have me some frozen yogurt and call it a night in a bit.

But first.....here are some pictures I promised from Loryn's luau. Enjoy!

And of course....the video of Rita and my Dad doing the hula!!!!

Until next time,

5 months

Thursday marked five months since The Mr. and I started to date. It's almost been a year since I met him, almost a year that has flow by so fast. I truly believe that he is my best friend, someone that I can share anything with and know he won't judge me. I say it all the time, but he is a wonderful man.

On each month anniversary I get flowers, he normally brings them home from work and surprises me with them, and each month it's a new color of flower.

I have saved each rose bud that he has given me, and I'm trying to be creative with them, in hopes I can save them as long as possible. The first thing I did with them was put them in a vase with crystal beads, I hope to use it as a center piece once we get a dining room table. I currently have four flowers that are dried that need to me made into something and the flowers he got me this month, still sitting in the vase, looking beautiful.

I am so blessed to have such an amazing boyfriend in my life. There isn't a day that goes by that I can not find a reason to love him more. I know it's only been five months, but when it's right....it's so right.

Until next time,

Aloha Readers!

It looks as though the sickness has held off and didn't hit me full force. It must have been all the vitamins I took! I was so dreading being sick, these next couple weeks are going to be busy and I wasn't looking forward to being sick and running around like my head was cut off. Next weekend I have five things to go to, in two days. I hope I make it though. ;-)

Today I went to Othello to see Loryn perform in her luau. She was so stinkin' cute! They performed a lot of the same songs that I did in first grade; my mom loved that I still remembered the words to a lot of the music. We had lunch at the school with her and then sat as a family to watch her. I took a lot of pictures, I just need to upload them to my computer. The best part was watching my dad do the hula with her! She first took my sister out with her but they needed more men, so she ran back and grabbed my dad. I'll upload a video and pictures in my next blog. I'm really trying to take more pictures, so far so good!

Afterwards, Rita and I had some sister time. I love my sister, we've grown really close the last two years, she's an amazing woman, mom, and sister. I love the relationship we have, it means a lot to me. Anyway, we had sister time, hung out at home for awhile and then I went to see Priscilla. It was a great visit, her mom was in town from Seattle, so we sat around, caught up and relaxed. It was good.

My dad had mentioned driving back to Tri-Cities with me and then having dinner with The Mr. and I. So, mom and dad followed behind Loryn and I and first we went to the mall, then went to Famous Daves for dinner. It was so good, one of my favorite places to eat. I do have to mention the amazing deal I got on clothes at the mall. I bought four shirts, and a pj set for 65 bucks! The sell was buy one top, get another for 50% off, and then I had "real women dollars," which are like 50% off coupons, that work on everything in the store, including sales! Before ringing up my real women dollars, my total was $105 something. Could you imagine what the total would have been without the sale and without the coupons. I was proud of my shopping trip!

Anyway, tomorrow I need to go back to the mall to pick up something for Maria and Izaiah for their birthdays. Hopefully I find another steal of a deal!

Here's a preview of Loryn's luau pictures, she's so cute...this girl seriously has my heart!

Until next time,
I feel a cold coming on and I am dreading it. I hate being sick, but who doesn't? The Mr. was sick, and then two people while camping were sick; I'm bound to get it. So, I've been loading up on vitamin c, orange juice and trying to stay warm. Hopefully I wake up healthier tomorrow then I did today.

I still have a lot of laundry to do, and I swear the ones I've already washed still smell like campfire. Yuck! I think that's the worse part of camping; coming home and smelling your clothes you wore while camping. I gagged when I opened the bag, it was horrible. I think I'll do the laundry tomorrow, considering it's my Friday. Again, don't be jealous!

I'll be driving to Othello on Friday to watch Loryn perform in the annual luau Hiawatha puts on each year. It's weird to think even I performed in the dang luau, I wonder if I can find pictures at my parents with me all dressed up. I'll have to look. Anyway, I need to stop and see Priscilla while I'm in Othello, I haven't seen her or the baby since he was born. I've been a bad friend, but we've been busy and always doing something. I plan on catching up this Friday though.

I made a super yummy dinner tonight, I really enjoyed it. I make pork chops, baby red potatoes, carrots and some creme of mushroom soup. I browned the pork chops on each side, threw in the veggies, threw the soup over the top of that and let it simmer and steam for about 30 minutes. I made homemade dinner biscuits and had caesar salad. It was so good! Whenever I make pork chops, I never know how to do it or what would go with it. I was satisfied tonight with the pork chops, and plan on making it again.

Anyway, I'm going to watch my favorite show, hang out with the boyfriend and go to bed.

We booked our Vegas trip for The Mr.'s 30th birthday tonight. I'm so excited! Hurry up November 11th!

Until next time,

Camping Weekend

I made it out alive! Camping was fun and I would do it again, in a heart beat. I have visions of camping on the ocean. It's going to happen this Summer, with or without the boyfriend. It was a very fun and low key kind of weekend. It was weird to sit around the fire and have nothing to do. There were some points during the day that I had no clue what time it was. It's never like that for me, considering my job, we follow a daily schedule, between meal times, nap time and snack time, I always know what time it is. It was a weird feeling. Being disconnected from the world was different too. No cell phone service, no internet; it was just me and the forest. I wish I could have blogged everyday because we actually did a lot of things throughout the weekend, if I were to write about them all this blog would go on forever. So, I'll try my best to map out our weekend in the wildlife.

Thursday: The Mr. and I both had to work, he was able to get off early but I had to work until 4 o'clockish. We both had our bags packed and ready to go, so all The Mr. had to do was pack up the jeep and hit the road once I got home. I have to give the guy props, it was pouring down rain, and he did it, all. He promised me that he would make camping as comfortable for me as he could cause he knew I was a bit nervous about it. He remembered to pack some things that I forgot! He's such a good guy! Anyway, I got home, threw my bag in the jeep, and hit the road. We stopped to gas up and left Kennewick around 5 o'clock. We got to the campsite about 7:30 or 8, set up the tent, ate dinner, hung out for a bit, and then hit the hay.

Friday: We basically spent the day hanging out around camp and just enjoying each others company. There were 3 families (groups) total, and a total of 10-15 people there at any given time, so we had a pretty busy and lively campsite. It was fun, we sat around the talked. It was rather cold but nothing beats layering up! Later on during the day; Becky, Matt and I took some the kids on a hike to fine mushrooms. I'm not a big mushroom eater myself but Becky and Matt are, so we headed out and found some Morels. Becky and Matt were so happy that we found some!

Saturday: Becky, Matt, The Mr. and I took all the kids....yes all the kids, on a hike. Josh and Jami wanted to spend some time together, so we thought, what the heck? The drive was longer then we expected so the trip and hike took about five hours total. It was fun, and an excellent birth control. :-) We had a total of six kids and four adults, and a dog. We packed a lunch, hit the road and hiked our hearts out. Needless to say, when we got back the adults were wore out and ready for bed! The hike was beautiful, some of the nature really took me away, and all the hills I had to climb were worth it at the end!

Sunday: It was definitely my day of rest. I woke up around eight and went back to bed at about eleven. The Mr. joined me for the nap, we woke up around two and the camp site was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Everyone else had gone for a hike, The Mr. and I had talked about taking the day to ourselves to spend some quality "boyfriend and girlfriend" time. It was fun! We decided to take the jeep for a ride, we found some trails to take and just went out for a drive. We were gone for awhile, ate dinner at a little no-name restaurant, and then headed back to camp. We hung out with everyone else as it was our last night, played some mad lips, had a few more good laughs and then headed to bed.

Monday: It came oh so fast! We got up early, packed up camp and headed home. We had a pit stop at Minors. A famous hamburger joint in Yakima, with huge hamburgers and wonderful milkshakes. We all met up there, had lunch together and then hit the road again. I'm sure we all looked like we were from another planet. We hadn't showered in five days and smelt of campfire! After lunch we drove home, unpacked the jeep, showered, picked Rambo up and of course....took a nap!

The weekend ended too soon, and I must say I missed waking up and hanging out by the campfire with everyone. I was so scared to camp and now I can't wait to do it again. Washington is so beautiful, and I know this might sound so cliche, but it's literally right out my back door, and I had no clue how beautiful nature could be. I would love to go back up to the Naches area, take more hikes and enjoy the forest some more. But...before I do that...I must camp on the beach!

Here are a few more pictures of the weekend! Enjoy!

Until next time friends,