
Happy New Year!

Christmas is all put away and we're sitting on the edge of a new year. I'm excited for the 2011 and can't wait to see what it has in store. I don't have a resolution yet and I probably won't come up with one, I never stick to it but I always mean well.

We had a wonderful Christmas even with the traveling and all that fun stuff. We were glad to be home and I feel like I'm still not caught up on sleep and I'm sure The Mr. feels the same way as he's currently snoring on the love seat. It was nice to meet The Mr.'s parents and spend time in his home town. I didn't realize how big El Paso is and how much they have there! It's a city I'd love to visit again.

The Mr. and I both have the rest of the week off and we're loving it! We spent the morning cleaning up the apartment, putting Christmas decorations away and organizing things. It looks good in here, next we just need to hit the bedroom up and we'll be good to go. It was kind of a hard transition with me moving in and the fact that The Mr. had already lived here for two and a half years. He was settled in, knew where his stuff was and was happy with it. Then I came along and we had to somehow fit two people in a one bedroom apartment where someone was already settled, kind of hard, but we've done it! Now it's just the fact that we need to organize and go through stuff that we don't need, doesn't fit us and what we can donate to others. I hope we do that soon!

We don't have major New Years Eve plans, we're like old people, I swear! I know we're going to spend it in Othello with my family, but other then that, it's up in the air. I haven't really been in a drinking mood, so I don't think I'll be doing much of it, maybe I'll be the DD and sit back and watch everyone else party the night away. We'll see.

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and are planning an amazing New Year!


Life has gotten busy and a tad bit stressful. It really doesn't feel like Christmas and I haven't updated about my birthday or what we've done since then. I just need to sit down and write about it all, I'll do that soon, just know I've been really busy!

Something you should check out

I know I've been gone for a few weeks and I still have to
update about my birthday and I'll do that soon, but I have
something that you should check out. I'm sure I've mentioned her
before but this chick is amazing, she's becoming an online friend
and someone I envy because of her amazing work and talent!! April

Showers does some amazing work; blog design, custom
business cards and invitations! Right now, over at her blog she is
doing an amazing giveaway! The giveaway is either for a blog design
of your choice OR a Blog Design Workshop! Head over to her page by
clicking on the above link or click on her button listed on the
side of my blog under "Sites I Love" and enter to win!

Home again, home again

We made it home after our long weekend in Othello. It was a wonderful weekend with two Thanksgiving dinners, Dad's birthday, some much needed relaxing and some great family time!

We left Kennewick on Thursday morning and got back into town this afternoon. We stopped at Costco on the way home for a few items and got some Christmas shopping done! I'm so excited for Christmas! Our tree is up, Scentsy warmers are changed, Christmas lights are up outside and the house is warm, what more could I ask for? I was glad to get some shopping done considering we're doing Christmas early this year with my family and I'm excited to give my family their gifts. I think they are really going to dig them, but we're stuck on what to get my Dad, this happens every year!

Dad's birthday was wonderful, he spent it with his family, just like he asked for. We had a great turkey dinner that was prepared by Mom and had dessert and family time afterwards. We were surprised with a visit by my Grandma Connie and it was a good surprise and a nice visit. I know my Dad was so thankful she stopped by for his birthday. We got some pictures of us with her and the only one she smiled in was the picture with The Mr. When she was leaving she reminded me that I had a good one and to take care of him. You got it, Grandma!

I totally skipped over Thanksgiving, it was awesome! We had it at Tia Mary's house where she had her side of the family and then her husband Larry's family also joined us for dinner. I think at one point there were about 40 people in the house and we had enough food for all that and more! It was a great time and so nice that both families could get together and celebrate. We even had fireworks! That that 4th of July! ;-)

I really can not believe it's almost December, where has this month gone?


Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I'll be surrounded by my family and those I love the most. This time of year I am always taken back by the fact of all the things I have in my life that I'm thankful for. I wish I felt like this year around but of course my busy life gets in the way of that and it always takes the holidays to bring that feeling back. I felt like I needed to post a few reasons why I'm so thankful today and why I should count my blessings everyday.

Most importantly, I am thankful for my beautiful family. I truly believe I have the most wonderful, understanding and accepting parents. I would not be the person I am today if it wasn't for them. I'm sure there have been times were we have disappointed them but no matter the situation they have always come around and supported us. They raised us to be strong willed, outspoken and polite women. The raised us with morals and values that won't be shaken. I am forever thankful for the bond I have with my sisters, one stronger then the other but it's still a bond. I may not talk to them everyday but I know if I needed to get a hold of them at this second, I could. I love my family and couldn't ask for a better one.

I am thankful for my amazing boyfriend. This man has changed my life, I don't know where we'll end up but whatever happens he will have greatly impacted me in a beautiful way. First off, he puts up with me and someone who does I have to be thankful for but really, he treats me like a woman should be treated, knows when to make me laugh and when to hold me and knows how to do the dishes! ;-)

I am thankful for my friends. The friends that are far and those that are near. The friends who have been friends with me since we were young and those who I may have just met. The friends who always have my back even if they don't agree with what I'm doing or how I'm doing it. The friends who have their own life and it may be days, weeks or months from the last time we talked but when we do, it's like we haven't missed  a day. You know who you are, and I'm so thankful for you.

I am thankful for having a heated apartment and a roof over my head. It's been so cold here and while watching the news last night they were talking about the homeless shelters being full and some people having to sleep on the floor or in chairs. My heart breaks for them. I wish I could open my home to keep them warm but Rambo would not like that. I hope they too are thankful for the warm place they get to sleep, even if it's for a day.

I'm thankful for the family I work for and the boys I get to watch grow up. I love those two boys and they know it. We have so much fun today and I enjoy getting to act like a kid from time to time.

I am thankful for our dog. That sound so weird but he lights up our lives everyday. He has such a personality sometimes it's scary. He's always making us laugh and is the first to let us know he loves us when we've been gone too long or are having a bad day. We love Rambo!

I am thankful for so many things I could keep going and going but most of all I am thankful for life and even though sometimes it's hard, I am able to love it and enjoy it. I hope everyone has wonderful Thanksgiving and finds a ton of things to be thankful for and counts their blessings as they are surrounded by loved ones and friends.

Welcome Winter!

Winter is here, even though the calendar says different the weather is proving otherwise. It has been so cold and we could just tell the snow was coming and sure enough, the snow started Sunday night and didn't stop until this morning! I have not seen this much snow in years, I really like the snow, I think it's beautiful but I hate driving in it. If I was by myself on the road I'd be okay but people are idiots and have no clue how to drive in these conditions. Yesterday was the worse, I saw 3 accidents and probably 5 cars spun out and in the ditch. Slow down! The Mr. and I have been super safe, taking it easy and giving ourselves plenty of time to get to where we need to and back. He's been such a trooper in all this too, getting up earlier then needed to make sure our cars are clean and defrosted for our drives, scraping all the ice and snow off. He's amazing!

I worked yesterday and of course we had to play in the snow! We had a lot of fun, of course the boys were being boys and attacked the nanny with snowballs, but it was a good time! We tried to build a snowman but it was a light and fluffy snow so the poor snowman kept falling apart. We made snow angels and tried to sled down the hill in the back but it got really cold, really fast, so we headed inside to warm up!

We've also put up our Christmas tree. It's so cute and so small and so beautiful, I love it. It's perfect for our apartment and us. I thought Rambo would try to pull some tricks on it, if you know what I mean, but he's been good and hasn't even tried to touch it. Right after we put it up, it started snowing...I was so excited! I love this time of year, the holidays, the traffic, the music, everything...I love it!

I'm excited for Thanksgiving. We'll be going to my parents on Thursday morning and then having dinner at my Tia Mary's house. I'm sure the food and the party will be great! We'll be staying in Othello for the majority of the weekend because 1) we are leaving for Christmas and 2) my Dad's birthday is on Saturday!

I hope everyone is staying safe in this crazy weather and keeping warm!

Here are some pictures of our winter storm!

Enjoy![gallery link="file" columns="2"]

P.S. I like the look of the little pictures, but if you want to view them in actual size, just click on them! :-)

P.P.S. How about my new Christmas look? I'm in major love! :-)

Las Vegas by Pictures

Because it's been a few weeks since we've been back from Vegas and I'm trying to get caught up on blog posts, I'm just going to show you Vegas by pictures. We had a lot of fun and I was so glad that I got to meet The Mr.'s sister and her fiance! I can not wait til I get to see them again! Enjoy!

[gallery link="file" columns="2"]

On the plane

I'm writing from the plane on the way home from beautiful Las Vegas. It was a wonderful time, spent with amazing people.

I had the pleasure of meeting The Mr.'s sister for the first time, she lives in Houston and her fiance and her came to celebrate The Mr.'s 30th birthday with us! We had a great time, had drinks, had some good food, good laughs, spent some money and of course saw an awesome show!

I love Vegas and I'm sure I'll be back again but I'm tired. My feet hurt and I'm sort of tired of walking. That's what you do in Vegas though, so it's okay. The first time I went, we stayed for 7 days and it was great. This time, I was ready to go home yesterday. I was a grump for a little bit yesterday but quickly recovered. :-)

I have pictures to share and I'll do that once I'm home and relax.

The Mr. is falling asleep right next to me, I should take a picture! I just did and he caught me! I'll post it later!

Okay, more Vegas posts to come! :-)

I promise.

To update soon! I've been busy since I got back from Vegas but will update ASAP! I started a blog on the way home from Vegas but never posted it, I'll do that soon and then write more later!


We had a fun, semi relaxing and enjoyable Halloween with my family in Othello. We got there Saturday afternoon and relaxed for awhile, the boys watched football, we talked and ate, you know, did all the stuff families do! That evening the senior class at the high school put on a carnival for children to go to with games and prizes and whatnot. My sister had to work so she asked me to talk Loryn and I couldn't pass it up! We pulled Grandma out of the house with us and had a great time. She was a little "nervous" at first but after awhile she warmed up and she loved it.

That evening The Mr. and I went down to the Eagles where my aunt is the bartender and had ourselves a few drinks! It was a fun time, saw some people I hadn't seen awhile, had a few venting sessions with a few people and of course we closed the bar out. It's always a good night when that happens. We got home pretty late and we could sure feel it the next day! I felt like a zombie Sunday morning and The Mr. was in and out of sleep all day long!

Sunday night rolled around and it was time for trick or treating! We got Loryn all dressed up and her and I hit the streets. We walked around my parents neighborhood and then went to few other neighborhoods in the area. Her feet started to hurt a little ways into it so we made a pit stop back at home for a shoe change and then we went right back out! We were out for over an hour and she was ready to actually go home and help Grandpa hand out candy. She had a ton of fun doing that for about 15 minutes and then gave up when she was trying to play and hand out candy, it just wasn't working.

The Mr. and I headed back to Kennewick around 9:30 Sunday night, we were still very tired and not ready to go to work the next day. The weekend flew by and I know I was feeling it come Monday morning. I had so much fun spending Halloween with my family!

I have a few pictures from the weekend and the beautiful bouquet for flowers The Mr. bought me yesterday! Enjoy![gallery link="file" columns="2"]

A tad bit overwhelmed!

I'm taking a moment to write and just veg out from the rest of the work around me. I've been feeling a little overwhelmed lately and for some reason I'm on super stress mode right now. I recently was introduced to the world of facebook marketing, I guess you can call it. Tons of people run their business over facebook and it blows my mind on how the keep up with it. There's a page I got introduced to the other day, you can post items for sale over on her page and she basically sells them for you. It's a great way to get my name out there and make some extra money with the stock I have on hand. So this past Monday, I posted some items and I honestly didn't expect much from it but I was so wrong! I have 11 packages total to ship out! I need to go to the post office but I hate taking the boys with me because they get crazy, so I have to do it on my day off. I hope I don't look like a fool walking into the post office with ELEVEN packages!

Anyway, in the mean time, I've been trying to stay connected with all the fans who have added me to their facebook. I need to get parties going and no one seems to be biting. I had a few great months but it looks like November is going to be slow. I don't really want that but I know not every month is going to amazing, it's just sort of a drag. I'm trying to at least get a basket party going, we'll see how it goes, I'm trying hard to not get discouraged. I'm coming out of an amazing month though, so that's good!

In other news, today was mine and The Mr.'s 10 months since we've been dating. He got me an amazing fallish bouquet of flowers and I made him cheesecake because that's what he loves. It's been a good 10 months and I can't believe it's almost been a whole year! I should post a picture of the flowers, I'm so horrible at this picture thing. Ugh.

Both the boys are sleeping and I should really put the laundry in the dryer but I just don't feel like moving. I'm seriously trying to figured out how I'm going to mail off 11 packages, book parties, go to Vegas, help Amanda with the bizarre on the 20th, put together a basket for that, celebrate Thanksgiving and still be alive to see another birthday. Holy moly!

I swear I'll write about Halloween and post the few pictures I took of my nieces that day!

Sometimes I feel like I'm writing to no one...if you read this, please leave me a comment and let me know I'm not writing to a wall.


I'm still here

The last two weeks of October flew by! Holy moly they went so fast and now November is here and I'm pretty sure the next two months are going to fly by just as fast!

We basically have something to do every weekend of November which include family pictures, Vegas, Scentsy parties and Thanksgiving! Somewhere in there we'll have birthdays to celebrate and we need to start Christmas shopping. The Mr. refuses to go to the mall with me this time of year, so I'm not sure how we're going to get this done. We're doing Christmas early with my family since The Mr. and I will be in Texas for the actual holiday so it's crunch time!

I took all the Halloween decorations down yesterday and as I'm typing this I realized I never took pictures of them. Oh well, sorry. They were cute, that's all that matters! I put away my Halloween Scentsy warmers and brought out my Thanksgiving ones, but I did keep the super cute jack o' lantern out because he's sooo cute and it's too soon to put him away.

Work has been good, the days go by so fast and we stick to a pretty strict schedule considering Devin has school everyday at noon, so we work like clock work and before I know it, the day is over.

The Mr. and I have decided to stop eating out so much. It's a really good though after we sat down and figured out how much we were spending on dining each month. I won't give you an amount, it's kind of embarrassing. I really thought I was cooking more then that, but I guess I was wrong. Anyway, I'm working on getting some new recipes because sometimes I feel like I cook the same things over and over again! I don't want my amazing boyfriend to get tired of my cooking just yet! If you know anything good, let me know! I'm willing to try long as it doesn't have beets or cauliflower because we both HATE them! :-)

I'm pretty much rambling, but it's been a few weeks since I've wrote so my mind is kind of all over the place. I'll write about our Halloween weekend tomorrow!

Sickness update!

I am feeling so much better today. I know I am not fully healthy but compared to the last three days, I feel amazing. I stayed home from work again today because of me getting dizzy, we did not want to take any chances of me or the kids getting hurt if for whatever reason a dizzy spell lasted awhile or caught me off guard. I haven't been really dizzy today, just once or twice, so I can tell it's making a move on out. Thank God.

The only other problem is this antibiotic that I'm taking is doing very weird things to my body. The past two nights I have had nightmares and all day long I have just felt very "on edge" per say. It's a horrible feeling and I hate it. I called the doctor and of course, she wasn't in, and told the nurse that I would not be taking these pills anymore. I'll fight this sinus infection on my own if I have to. The way I felt was horrible and I really do not want to feel like that again.

I know I have said this over and over again but I sincerely mean it, I have an amazing boyfriend. His Mama did a damn good job at raising him! I know it may seem like something so little but it's the little things that count, right? This whole time that I've been sick, he's been such a trooper. I'm a huge baby when it comes to me being sick, I whine, I cry, I want to cuddle but then I don't. I know for a fact that if it was him doing this I would leave. Anyway, he's been so amazing, covering me when I'm too cold, getting me water and my pills when I need it, doing the dishes every night, keeping the kitchen clean in general. I love this man.

So other then that, I don't have much to write about. The weekend is finally here and we have NOTHING to do, absolutely nothing. We're going to Josh and Jami's for dinner on Saturday but other then that. Nothing. It's nice. I can't wait.

Under the weather

I have been a tad bit under the weather the last couple of days and it's been no fun. I'm sure it all started last Thursday when I wasn't feeling well, but it really was a one day thing and I didn't think much of it. I was fine pretty much all weekend and then Monday came. I woke up fine, I didn't feel sick at all and by afternoon I was a hurting unit. It started with a horrible headache that I thought for sure was the start of a migraine and by evening time I was done for. I tried to cook dinner which The Mr. ended up finishing and I was in bed and asleep by 6:45pm.

I woke up a few times during the night and the headache was still there, my eyes would burn, I was super hot and then super cold, I was just really uncomfortable. I ended up staying home from work yesterday and was lucky enough to get a doctors appointment. The doctor diagnosed me with a "strong" sinus infection and an ear infection. She sent me home with a major antibiotic which I'm taking two capsules twice daily and told me to take ibuprofen to keep the headache and fever away. Since then the headache has gone away as long as I'm taking ibuprofen and I'm totally feeling the side affects of the antibiotics. (Check the side affects for Keflex if you want to know what I mean!)

I took today off as well to rest up and hopefully get better sooner then later! At this point, I'm feeling a lot better but my right ear is really bugging me and I keep getting dizzy which is probably from the ear infection. It's been years since I've had an ear infection, I forgot how bothersome they are!

With these antibiotics I should be feeling a lot better by tomorrow, now I just need to decide if I'm going to work tomorrow or not. These dizzy spells are no fun and I would hate to get one while driving, we'll see.

Other then that, we got our pictures back from our photographer! I love them! They turned out so good and I'm so glad we chose to go with Lee Ann! I can not wait for her to take more pictures for us somewhere along the lines.

I'm waiting for the UPS man to bring me my package from Old Navy. I've never bought anything from Old Navy, but since they carry plus size online, I figured I would try it out. We'll see how it all fits when it gets here, I just really hope and pray that the fleece I bought fits me, because I've always wanted a fleece from Old Navy and it was only $16.00 bucks! I'm sure the UPS man hates me, if he isn't delivering Scentsy it's something else. I got Avon yesterday, Old Navy today, Scentsy tomorrow. Poor poor UPS man.

I need to figure out what's for dinner. I feel healthy enough to make dinner tonight...time to hit up some recipe sites!

Excuse me while I....


There is nothing that bothers me more then someone who takes their family for granted, I know I'm responsible for it from time to time but I've been noticing it a lot more around me and it's driving me up the wall. Will I ever say anything? No, of course not, I'm not going to put my nose where it doesn't belong and my two cents will end up making problems worse but I just wish people would open up their eyes and realize that they are hurting those who love them the most, and they do not even see it.

Another thing that bothers is when someone interrupts me when I'm talking. I know that sounds really petty of me, but it literally drives me up the wall and I almost not even want to talk after they've done it a million and one times in a five minute conversation. Learn some social skills and wait for me to be done talking. Thanks.

I also hate doing laundry. If I never had to do another load in my life, I would not complain. The process is stupid and never ending unless you do laundry naked and Lord knows that is not happening. I do laundry every Sunday and I'd like to say I do it right; separate it by colors, bleach the stuff that needs to be bleached, dry what needs to dried, blah blah blah, you get it. But at the end of the day, I still hate doing laundry.

I haven't cooked dinner yet and I'm not too sure I will. The Mr. is currently sleeping and so is Rambo. We had a late lunch, which seems to be the norm on the weekends and we won't be hungry until eight or nine and then it's too late to cook, so screw it. I didn't know what to make anyway.

We were suppose to be going to Idaho this coming weekend but our trip got canceled. It was probably a blessing in disguise because our Vegas trip is coming up really soon and the less we spend now the more we can spend in Vegas.

I'm not sure why I'm kind of in a downer mood, maybe it's the 5 hours of sleep I got last night and the rude awakening I got by a barking dog, who knows. I'm grumpy though, can you tell?


I should be sleeping but I figured I would post real quick before hitting the hay. I'm feeling a little bit better but I'm pretty sure my body is confused. It wants to be sick but then it doesn't. I'll just let nature takes it course, load up on dayquil and nyquil and call it good.

I went to Othello today to close a Scentsy order, start another basket party and deliver a fulfilled party order. Scentsy is really keeping me busy, especially on my days off. That's okay though, I'm glad I have a weekday to do Scentsy stuff and then I normally have Saturdays and Sundays to myself. I always plan on not being in Othello very long but it never goes that way. I visited with my family, had lunch with my Uncle and Aunt, picked Loryn up from school, hung out with Priscilla and then got to have dinner with my family.

For dinner we decided to all come to Kennewick to have dinner with The Mr. We chose Olive Garden, of course, that's our favorite! It was a good time besides the fact that it was really hot in the restaurant and I was in the very corner of the booth but oh well. Anyway it was nice to spend time with my family and have a great meal! I made my sister come with us and I'm pretty sure she's glad she did! During dinner Loryn looked at Rita and said, "I love when my family is all together!" I almost cried, and not just because I'm PMSing but because even at such a young age she can sense the love of family and the joy it brings. I hope she has lots of memories of our family being together when she grows up, I love the feeling I get when I remember being little and having family gatherings. Anyway, it was sweet and it was a great time!

As for the rest of the weekend; tomorrow is a Scentsy party in Yakima and visiting time with Amanda and Kayleigh. Sunday is relaxing and laundry day. Depending on how I feel, I'll probably clean and get the apartment back to normal. Have I ever told you how much I love weekends?

I still haven't posted pictures of my Halloween decorations, maybe I'll do that on Sunday. Yesterday, Devin's preschool went to the pumpkin patch and I got to go! I took pictures and I'll post those too! His mom, grandma, Sawyer, Devin and I had a great time; I can't wait to take my own kids there!

Anyway, I should be off to bed, I have a busy day tomorrow and I'm planning on getting up semi early, we'll see.

P.S. I have such a hard time coming up with blog titles. It really bothers me.


Visit me at Wordpress!

I've moved to Wordpress! Click here to see my new blog! I will no longer be writing here!

Offically on Wordpress!

I did it! I took the plunge and switched over to Wordpress and I'm loving it! It was hard at first but I had the help of a few people and was able to get most of it figured out. If you view my blog a lot you'll probably notice it looks pretty similar to my old blog and that's just because I really liked that look and feel of the blog, I just didn't like the server of the blog. Nothing against people who use blogger because it is very customizable but if I posted pictures, it would make them smaller, making menu bars and what not was very time consuming and I wanted to learn something other then HTML. So, here I am, new blog, new look and feel, oh, and a new URL! This is what I'm most excited about, I think! I've always wanted my own web address, that was personal to me and would be easy for people. I picked and I love it! I use Abigail DeAnna for everything and I told myself if it was open, I was going to use it, and it was! So, here it is! I feel very professional, my own domain with hosting, set up my FTP, using Wordpress! Aye!

But now back to blogging, The Mr. woke up sick on Sunday and I probably should have quarantined myself from him because I knew I was going to get it. Sure enough, I woke up yesterday feeling great and by the end of the day, I was talking like a man and felt like poo. No. Fun. I'm still feeling pretty nasty, but I have stuff to do and people to see and life must go on!

I got a phone call from Lee Ann, she took our pictures, and our proofs should be ready tomorrow! I'm so so so excited and can not wait to share them all with you! She said we have a ton of pictures to look at and we only get to pick 10 of them. What am I ever going to do? She did write a blog about us and put a preview of more pictures, if you want to read it, which I don't understand why the heck you wouldn't, check out Photography By Lee Ann and show some love by leaving a comment on her page! I love her work and can not wait to take family photos with her on November 6th!

I have a Scentsy party on Saturday in Yakima, I hope I'm feeling better by then but it'll be nice to head that way and see Amanda and Kayleigh and of course all the other Army wives that will be there, they are always so fun! I'm not sure what I'm doing tomorrow, hopefully relaxing and then going to Othello to drop off Scentsy orders and close another one. Scentsy is still going strong and I'm still loving it. Amanda and I signed up to do a Christmas Bizarre in Selah on November 20th, I'm excited and need to get stuff rolling for that. Once this sickness goes away, I'm kicking it into turbo mode!

The Mr. should be home soon and then we're going to Litha to pick up the Durango! I'm soooo happy to be done with them and glad to have it back. Please do not ever by a car from there, they suck. Well, the sales part doesn't suck just the service area. I am not a happy camper and will tell anyone I run into to avoid servicing their vehicle there, at all cost. Okay, I'm done complaining.

On that note, I'm going to relax and wait for my boyfriend.


I'm in the process of switching over to Wordpress!!! Please bare with me while I don't update! I'll let you know my new blog address as soon as I have it!

It's rather annoying!

I'm waiting for The Mr. to come home from work and figured I would blog a little to pass the time. Something hit me earlier today and for some reason I've been a little ungrateful about things in my life, and it's starting to bother me. I get like this sometimes and then I'll have a reality check and realize I've probably said things I shouldn't have and done a few things that were selfish.

I've mentioned this before but often times my mouth gets the best of me and I talk before I think. It's been happening a lot lately and after I say things I want to go hide in the closet.

I know I get so wrapped up with my day to day life that I forget how blessed I am to have all that I do. I have a roof over my head, food to prepare and eat, every single day, a job, a car, a family, an amazing boyfriend; I could go on and on, yet I still find something to complain about. What is wrong with me?

It's really bothering me that I'm like this. I want to be that person that enjoys life, no matter what. So, I'm serious this time, I'm going to work on loving life, no matter the situation.

Enough of my pity party! I feel really weird just sitting here, not doing anything. I would normally be cooking dinner but we're going to some friends house for a little company, it's been way too long. It'll be nice, but sitting here not cooking, listening to music and relaxing is weird. I need to come up with a few more meal ideas. I sometimes feel like I cook the same things over and over, I hope The Mr. doesn't get tired of them. Anyway, anyone have any really good recipes? I'm willing to try anything once!

Okay, I'm going to watch the news and wait for my handsome boyfriend!

Until next time,

Quick update...

There's not much to update about over here. Same ol' same ol'! Pictures turned out amazing, well, we've only seen 4 of them in a "sneak peek", and they were AMAZING! I can't wait to get all of them back. I'm not sure what we're going to do with them, I mean, obviously we'll print them and hand them out but I've thought about Christmas that too weird for just a boyfriend and girlfriend to do that? I'm not sure...

I fully, 100% decorated for Halloween, I need to post pictures! I love it. The Mr. was outside washing the cars and I attacked the apartment. It's fun, simple and cute. I can't wait to decorate for Christmas. I don't think we'll put up a tree (Rambo might use it for himself) but we'll see. We bought our tickets for our Holiday travels as well! El Paso Texas, here I come! I'm nervous, scared and sad all at once. Nervous, because I'm meeting his family. Scared, because I'll be flying...ahhhhh. Sad, because I'll be missing Christmas with my family. I suppose if I'm going to do this relationship thing, I need to get used to it. It should be a good time though and hopefully it won't be the last time I see his family. ;-)

Other then that, work is good, home and is good and life is good. What more could a girl ask for?

I made breakfast for dinner tonight and all I smell is bacon right now. It's really annoying me.

That's all I have for today.

Until next time,

Happy Fall!

I am so ready for fall and for Halloween. Last week the weather teased us, got us all ready for fall, I was even wearing a sweater! This week has been nothing but hot weather, shorts and short sleeved shirts. I want fall and I want it now! We had to go to the grocery store today (and this trip was better then last!) but The Mr. let me buy HALLOWEEN DECORATIONS! Yay! I love decorating, it's something my mom went all out on when I was a kid, Halloween started it and then went Thanksgiving and last, but not least, Christmas! I'm going to keep the tradition for my home and hopefully my children will love it as much as I do. I have to go to Othello on Friday and I hope to sneak into my parents house and take some decorations. Shoot, my mom reads my blog! So much for that...anyway, that's my plan!

As soon as we got home and put the groceries away, I started to decorate. I'll take pictures tomorrow and post on my picture blog. I love it! We don't have plans for Halloween yet, but hopefully we'll go to a party or do something fun! What are you doing for Halloween?

I'm so excited about taking picture on Saturday even if we are going to be super busy. The wait to get them back is going to kill me. It's not like going to Walmart or Sears where they show you the pictures on the spot and I get to pick. I have to wait for her to edit them and then tell me they are online, and then we have to pick 10! 1O PICTURES...out of ALL of them that we take? Ugh! It's going to be so hard! :-( If you know me, I am not a patient person, at all, so I'll have to find something to pass the time with, and let's hope it doesn't take 2 full weeks.

On the other hand, I've been thinking about going back to school. I've really started getting into graphic and designing them (hints all the blog changes), so I've been looking into graphic designing, and I think it's something I would enjoy doing. I'm going to continue to research it and see where it leads me. Sounds good, right? I'll keep you informed on what happens.

Tomorrow is my Friday and you should be jealous, not really though.

Until next time,

Sunday, again?

I can not believe it's Sunday! The weekends go so fast and I hate it! I normally have 3 day weekends too, I can not imagine how fast it would go if I didn't have Friday off. Anyway, it was a good weekend, I didn't do anything major, got some relaxing in, fixed my blog and went clothes shopping for our photo shoot next Saturday. I am SO excited for that! I can not wait but I'm sure The Mr. could. He hates taking pictures and is NOT excited, at all. I think once we get there, get going and are having fun, he'll enjoy himself, but until then, it's going to be a long week.

Yesterday I had a Scentsy party in Othello and it went really well for only having 6 people there. I was excited and I booked a party off of it, so that makes it a successful party! After the party I went to my cousins 13th birthday party, it was nice, all family with one of her friends. I thought it was really sweet that she would want to have a family birthday party over a friend birthday party, and she's only 13!! Lot's of food, good laughs and I'm sure some people had some drinks. I, on the other hand, had nothing to drink, I decided I wanted to come home and spend at least one day at home for a change. We spend a lot of time in Othello and sometimes it's just nice to stay home, but I do love my family.

I realized earlier today that we go to Vegas very soon. I am not ready for this trip at all. Oops. Shortly after Vegas, we'll head to El Paso for Christmas. I'm super nervous about the Texas trip. It's starting to become bittersweet about being away from home for Christmas, I wonder what my parents think? Loryn is excited about it because I told her she'll have two Christmas's! Is that even a word? Oh well!

Other then that, life is good, ups and downs here and there but that's life, right? I'm excited for the next few months and so excited for fall! I'm sure it'll be New Years before I know it!

That's all I have for now, I promise I will try to blog more and upload pictures more too! I must!

Until next time,

The sickness

I'm glad I'm feeling better cause what I had was no fun and I feel bad for anyone else that had it. I was basically out of service Saturday night, Sunday and Monday. I was feeling great earlier this morning but something happened a few hours ago and I'm a litter concerned that I'm not at 100%.

We desperately needed groceries and normally on days that we grocery shop I don't cook dinner, we just go out, so as planned, we found a place to eat dinner. Everything was fine and dinner was great, we headed to Wal-Mart to do our shopping and I started to get nauseated and I knew it was not going to be pretty. I headed right for the bathroom and sure enough, I got sick. I don't think the food was bad, I just don't think I'm back to normal and I shouldn't have eaten such a full meal.

Needless to say, The Mr. had to do most of the shopping by himself, I went out to the truck to sit and just relax because I was still pretty nauseated after I got sick. He's such a good guy!

Anyway, be careful for whatever it is that's going around. It's not fun!

Until next time,

1 year

A year ago today I was:
  • Working at Starbucks
  • Living at home
  • Just bought a 1992 Nissian Maxima
  • Checking my email like a crazy lady
  • At this exact time, I was probably driving to or just getting to work (1:18pm)
Today I am:
  • Working as a nanny
  • Living with my amazing boyfriend
  • Just purchased a 2001 Dodge Durango
  • Still checking my email like a crazy lady, but not because I am waiting for a handsome man to write me back :-)
  • Sitting at work, waiting for Sawyer to wake up and until it's time to get Devin from preschool
A year ago today started something I didn't see coming, something I never thought would happen and something that I would never change. A year ago I met the man I love, dreamed of and hope to be with, forever. If you would have asked me a year ago, I didn't want to be in a relationship, wasn't even thinking about "forever" and never thought I would end up as a nanny in Kennewick, nonetheless. But here I am, happy as a clam, loving where life has taken me and so excited for the future.

I feel like I can finally breathe without it hurting, smile without the mask and love the way I should.

Life is good.

I can not wait to see what the next year brings!

Until next time,

Home Sweet Home

It's been too long! Life has gotten busy and I finally have time to write. It seems like every weekend we have something to do or somewhere to be. It's not a bad thing and it really makes me enjoy having a few hours of nothing going on. We have a wedding to go to tonight so eventually we'll be running around again.

Scentsy is still going well, I just got my first commission check! Woo! Having a little extra money is always nice. I was told to spend it wisely and that I will do! I need to turn around and spend a little bit of it on Scentsy, catalogs and whatnot.

The apartment always smells so good, I don't know how anyone could not like or enjoy Scentsy. If you don't know what it is or haven't tried it, we need to talk! It's really easy to sell too, you'd be surprised how many people DON'T know what it is.

I got a pedicure and manicure earlier today and I was in heaven! Last time I went to this place they used hot towels as the "spa" part of the pedicure, today they used a hot stone and it felt amazing. It makes me want to a hot stone massage. Has anyone ever gotten one of these? I bet it would feel so good!

I'm excited for fall, I can not wait to cuddle with blanket, drink hot coco, carve pumpkins, eat pumpkin pie and of course burn pumpkin pie smelling Scentsy! Yum! And it's football season too! Who doesn't like fall? Seriously!

Okay, I need to go get ready for the wedding and I have to be done before 4pm so I can watch the Huskies play! Go Dawgs!

Until next time,

Are you there?

It's been awhile and a lot has happened. Scentsy is going well, really well actually. I'm already a "Certified Consultant" which means I've sold over 1000 dollars and now make a higher pay in commission. Its been fun, and I hope to continue to do well in it. I just need to recruit and get some people under me so I can continue to move up in the company!

I had an event this weekend and that pretty much kept me busy all week long. I had magazines to put together, samples to make and little bags to stuff. Every evening, after dinner, I got stuff ready for the event. I did 100 dollars more then what girls normally do that have these events, so that makes me happy! The event was also at a little yard sale, so that's even better considering everything is .25 cents to 1 dollar. :-)

There were a few times this week that I wished I could crawl in a hole and every come back. On Thursday, I took the boys to the fair and while on the way to the fairgrounds my battery light turned on. I called The Mr. and he thought maybe it was my alternator and he told me to be careful because it would drain my battery. Well, me being me, I was more worried about getting the boys to the fair and having fun then my car, (shame on me now...) and went to the fair anyway. We had fun, walked around, played games, saw animals, ate fair food and decided it was time to go home around 1. So, we get in the car, load up and things were fine...until....not even half way home, my car....DIED! In the middle of the intersections and everything! I really didn't know what to do, I was worried about having the boys with me, no one answered their phone the first time I called and my phone just started to act up and I had lost all my numbers, including the boy's parents! Luckly, some very nice man came and helped me out of the busy intersection, and got me to a parking lot where we were safe and able to make phone calls.

Long story short, my car is dead, a new alternator is needed and that started the drama. We didn't know if I should get a new car or just pay for them to fix whatever may be wrong with it and go with the flow. We tossed and turned with every option and every idea and just decided to get a new car. So, now that everything is all said and done, I now drive a 2001 Dodge Durango. :-) I love my car, and I'll try to post pictures soon!

I know I missed out on a lot of what has been going on the last few weeks, but really, it's been work, Scensty, home, back to work and back to Scentsy. I've been staying busy....and having fun! What more could you ask for, right?

Until next time,

Party time!

I'm finally writing, I've been meaning to do it the last couple of days but I have my first party tonight so I've been gearing up for that. I'm excited and hope that the party is good! It's a little nerve racking, but it's for my best friend, so it shouldn't be that bad, right?

Anyway, as The Mr. puts it, Scentsy has taken over our lives. It's in the bedroom, in the living room...everywhere. He jokes about it, but he should be thankful the apartment doesn't smell!

The work week zoomed by, it normally does and I'm not sure if it's because I have Friday's off, but I swear before I know it, it's the end of the week. Though yesterday I wasted my Friday off. I had my phone on silent, The Mr. shut off the alarms and I slept in until 11:30!!! Things I should have been doing at noon, I was doing at 4 and I was freakin' irritated about it! I finally got caught up at 10pm and finished everything I needed to get done. I didn't make dinner, but we found a really good pizza place in Richland and had a few beers with it!

This week is going to by fast too. I have my launch party next Saturday so I have to get ready for that and figure out everything I am going to do.

I must hit the road now, I'll post more later!

I haven't forgotten!

Dear Blogger Friends,
I have not forgotten about you. I have been super busy with Scentsy. I am so excited to start my business and get it rolling! Again, check out my website!

Current promotions:

Book a party with me at my Launch Party and get entered to win a warmer and scent of your choice!

Host a party during September and get entered to win the warmer and scent of the month!

If you love Scentsy as much as I do, join my team and be part of something you love!

Until next time,

Welcome to Scentsy!

I did it! I signed up to be a Scentsy Consultant! I am so excited and know that I have an awesome director over me who is willing to help me out anyway possible. I just need to set up my customer base, get my name out there and hopefully I'll have my store up and running in no time.

If you would like to visit my Scentsy website, please check here.

I'm super excited and can not wait to get my starter kit! Whoop whoop (That's for you Ivonne ;-) )!

Until next time,

Seven Months



I think I have writers block. It's not that I haven't wanted to blog, I just have nothing to write about. I'm sure hearing about my days is annoying, it's the same thing over and over again. I try to spice things up, I just fear I don't do a good job at it. I don't know.

I'm debating on selling Scentsy, I love the stuff and always have people looking for things, but end up sending them to my rep and know that they could be potential customers. I've booked another party for September and she wants me to use those sells as my opening sell for my Scentsy store. We'll see!

I have so much laundry that needs to get done, I am going to work on it on Friday. I have to meet up with Jenn at 10:30 and then I'm coming home to do laundry and clean! I haven't been going to the gym because I sprained my right foot. I'm not sure how I did it, but it hurt so bad! It's feeling a lot better though I think I'll go back to the gym on Monday. The Mr. told me if I went before it was feeling better he would cancel my membership!! So, I must obey doctor and boyfriend orders. :-)

The Mr. got me flowers yesterday and they are beautiful. I need to take a picture of them, I'm not sure why I haven't done that. We had a super yummy dinner and then went and got frozen yogurt for dessert. We really don't ever go out on the weeknights so leaving the house is a big deal if it's during the week.

Our dining room table is still on back order and it will probably be another two to three weeks until we get it. I was so sad when The Mr. called and told me. I really really really want it! I can't wait to sit at the table and eat and talk to The Mr. about our day and whatever else we may talk about.

I'm still trying to take pictures, I should just steal The Mr.'s camera for a day and go and take pictures. That's it...I'm gonna do it!

Until next time,

You had me from the start

I have been dating The Mr. for seven months as of today. He has become someone I trust with my whole heart, love more then words can tell, look up to when days are good and bad and enjoy spending time with.

If you would have asked me a year ago, I would have never said I would be where I am today. He has made me a better person, in so many ways and there is no way I can repay him for that.

I love this man, and no one in this world can stop me!

Happy 7 months, love!

Until next time,

Another glass, please?

Another weekend has come and gone, but it was a good one! After everything is said and done, I'm home, with two bottles of wine and am currently drinking a glass. It's so good, I don't even like red wine, but this one is a-mazing! Amanda didn't really care for it, but it was my fave!

On Friday, The Mr. and I went to the Dust Devil's game. It was sooo hot and super muggy but we had a great time! The game went for 14 innings and then the Dust Devil's lost! We stayed for the whole thing and ended up being at the ball field until 11 o'clock. The Mr. caught a foul ball and he was super excited about it! He had never caught one before and the funny thing was that we were not even paying attention, he was holding two hot dogs and two ice cream sandwiches in his hands when he caught it! It came right at us!

On Saturday, I went to Yakima to spend Amanda's 23rd birthday with her. We had a great day which included getting our nails and feet done, wine tasting, dinner with family and then drinks at home after dinner. We loved wine tasting and probably had a little bit too much fun! I'm pretty sure we were buzzed when we left, and the lady was getting a kick out of us! I walked out with two bottles and I was ready to open them up!

We ended up staying up pretty late and it wasn't anything fun that we were dealing with, but the good thing is everyone is okay and looks like those who should be in trouble, are!

Anyway, I left Selah around 1 this afternoon, got home and slept! I was so tired, I don't think late nights are for me anymore. I woke up around 7 and have just been hanging out since. I'm sure The Mr. has enjoyed the weekend quite a bit. It's the first weekend in about a month that we both didn't have something to do. He sat at home most the weekend, caught up on sleep and watched lots of TV, I'm sure. He's currently enjoying a glass of wine with me and watching a movie.

We don't have much planned for the week, just work and back to the gym! I lost those few pounds that caught up with me last weekend! Yay! I'm just gonna keep on working with it, I know I just want to shed the pounds off, but in reality, that isn't good, I'd have too much extra skin hanging out. So, a little at a time!

I'm going to go read and catch up on a few books that I have been looking over for weight loss and I must plan dinner for tomorrow!

Until next time,

Pinch me, I'm dreaming!

I've been dreaming lately and I'm not talking about dreams during sleep. Day dreaming...of life, what it will be like and everything that comes with it. I catch myself doing it at the weirdest times and sometimes it's very distracting.

With all this working out and dieting I dream of being skinny! Wearing dresses, being able to work out and it not hurt every bone, going for runs instead of using the elliptical. I can't wait and I wish I would be able to wake up like that tomorrow. That won't happen, obviously, but I still dream about it, I think I even practice workout moves in my sleep.

I dream of making a house a home. I see all kinds of things I want to do with my house when I grow up and buy one...I can not wait! Of course, rebuilding my credit and then establishing it comes first, so a house is a long ways out.

I dream of being a better cook. I enjoy cooking and wish I had more time to do it. Now that I go to the gym 5 or 6 days a week after work, cooking full meals makes for a super long day. The Mr. seems to like my cooking, so I suppose what I'm doing is good, right? Or will a man eat anything?

I dream of working for Starbucks again. I miss that job sometimes. The pace, the customers, the discounts and of course, the coffee! Oh well, maybe someday.

Last night, I did dream about riding a bike. I would love to do that again! I haven't been on one for years and don't even know if I remember how. I've been thinking about it a lot. I want to do it!

I could go on and on about my dreams but I'll stop. Am I having a pity party? I'm getting up early tomorrow, cashing my check, going to the gym, going to the doctors, going to the salon and enjoying my day off! Somewhere in there, I'll eat and cook dinner for my boyfriend.

Oh yeah, Seattle pictures are up! Go check them out! Click here!

Until next time,

Seattle, baby!


Catching up!

We've been home for three days and I have yet to blog. This week has flow by, which is a good thing but I don't think I've had a moment where I wasn't working, working out, cooking or doing something else. So, here I am. We had a wonderful weekend, ate way too much food, spent some quality time together and got to do it in one of my favorite places. I love Seattle, if I was making enough money, I'd move back in a heart beat. It's slowly growing on The Mr., I can see it in his eyes!

We left on Friday afternoon and had to make it to Renton in time for The Mr. to make his Apple store appointment. We made it there in good timing, got to the mall, turned his computer in met my parents and some other members of my family at Cheesecake Factory. If you've never eaten there, you have to! It's amazing and we ate TOO much food, even the drinks were to die for! After dinner we all headed to my Tio's house for drinks and visiting. We left around 10:30; Rambo was in the hotel alone and The Mr. had been up since 3:45, so he was super tired!

We woke up early on Saturday and met my parents for breakfast before heading out into the city for some fun! We spent the day downtown and in North Seattle. I showed The Mr. where I used to live, ate at the super yummy teriyaki place and then headed back downtown to catch a ride on "Ride the Ducks of Seattle." I have been on the tour before but The Mr. hadn't, it was a lot of fun and beautiful too! I'll post pictures on my picture blog.

Rambo ended up getting sent home with my parents on Saturday. You see, he was a very VERY bad dog! We left him in the bathroom at the hotel while we met my parents for breakfast and he was obviously very upset that we left him in there. We got back and he had scratched at the side panel of the bathroom door and ruined it!!! He was in trouble! Needless to say, Grandma and Grandpa came to the rescue and took him home with them. We got lots of pictures and videos though, and I'm sure he had a better time with them then he did with us. He's still trying to re-coop and still catching up on sleep.

We got home around 9pm on Sunday, we were so tired...and not just physically but tired of being in the car, eating out and not being at home. I think we were both so thankful to pull into the apartment complex!

I had Monday off but had to go pick up Rambo and ended up spending a few hours in Othello. It was back to work on Tuesday and like I said before, I've been busy busy busy! It's my Friday tomorrow and I'm excited! I'll be going to Yakima to spend Amanda's birthday with her. We're going wine tasting and going to have dinner. It'll be fun!

In other news, I'm still working out and trying to eat healthy. I really had to recover from this weekend and can not do that again for a long time. I gained 3lbs of the 5 I had lost. Ugh! I was super discouraged last night but my amazing boyfriend made me feel better about my situation.

I'll post pictures soon on my picture blog. Lot's of pictures from this weekend and the damage that Rambo did! Crazy dog!

Until next time,

Blogging from Seattle!

Our trip has been great. One more day to go and then it's back to reality. I have pictures, stories and laughs to share but will update once I get home. Until then....hang tight and enjoy your weekend!

Until next time,


Hi friends!

It's finally Thursday and I am so excited! It is officially my weekend, I'm going to Seattle and I'm going to relax! It's going to be so awesome, and to top it off, I have Monday off too! Don't be jealous.

My knees hurt from the gym but I figure it's all worth it. It'll all pay off in the end, right? I sure hope so! It's mostly from the step class I've been taking, which I love so so much. The girls that go are awesome and the instructor is amazing. Today I actually felt like I could do most the moves and jumps, I'm still kind of getting a feel for the step, I'll be it sooner then later and I'm sure once I do, they'll change the routine around.

I weigh in tomorrow and I'm nervous! I got on the scale and it looked like I had gained a few pounds. I'll be so sad if I did but The Mr. told me that it was because I had just got done eating dinner. We'll see. If I did, I'm going on a bread and water diet. :-)

We have no plans for Seattle, we're just going to get away. We're also taking Rambo! It's is first road trip, I know he has no clue but I'm excited! I'm going to take lots of pictures! Thank God the hotel is "pet friendly!"

I do have to give a shout out though....see this awesome layout? You can get your own right here! She's awesome, responds fast to emails, and her designing is freakin' amazing! I have my own design coming soon, for now I'm using a premade template of hers!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Until next time,


Hi friends!

It's finally Thursday and I am so excited! It is officially my weekend, I'm going to Seattle and I'm going to relax! It's going to be so awesome, and to top it off, I have Monday off too! Don't be jealous.

My knees hurt from the gym but I figure it's all worth it. It'll all pay off in the end, right? I sure hope so! It's mostly from the step class I've been taking, which I love so so much. The girls that go are awesome and the instructor is amazing. Today I actually felt like I could do most the moves and jumps, I'm still kind of getting a feel for the step, I'll be it sooner then later and I'm sure once I do, they'll change the routine around.

I weigh in tomorrow and I'm nervous! I got on the scale and it looked like I had gained a few pounds. I'll be so sad if I did but The Mr. told me that it was because I had just got done eating dinner. We'll see. If I did, I'm going on a bread and water diet. :-)

We have no plans for Seattle, we're just going to get away. We're also taking Rambo! It's is first road trip, I know he has no clue but I'm excited! I'm going to take lots of pictures! Thank God the hotel is "pet friendly!"

I do have to give a shout out though....see this awesome layout? You can get your own right here! She's awesome, responds fast to emails, and her designing is freakin' amazing! I have my own design coming soon, for now I'm using a premade template of hers!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Until next time,

Taking a moment

This week has been non stop. I feel like it's Friday and it's only.....Tuesday, right?

This is the first time I've sat down all day. My feet hurt, my knees hurt from step class and my sunburn is still burnin'.

Tomorrow I work and then drive to Othello for Loryn's 7th birthday. She 7; where the heck has time gone? Holy moly!

I just made about a gallon of fruit salad for the birthday party, people better freakin' eat it!

At WalMart, we found Jamba Juice smoothie kits. I am in love! I love Jamba Juice soooo much! Speaking of, I can't wait to go to Seattle this weekend. I'm hitting up Jamba Juice everyday. Watch me.

Until next time,

Hot hot hot!

I'm going to try to type without moving my body; I am so sunburnt and it hurts so bad. I posted pictures of our weekend on my picture blog and there is one of my burn. I don't know why I didn't put sunscreen on, I knew what I was going to be doing, I was just being lazy. I'm suffering now and it's no one else's fault but my own.

We had a fun weekend full of birthday surprises for my mom, lots of Elvis and lots of good food! We went to Ellensburg and saw an Elvis impersonator, my mom had no idea that we were going to meet them there, let alone see a fake Elvis. You have to understand, my mother LOVES this guy. She has a ton of Elvis collectible items, has two tattoos of Elvis and knows ALL his song, she's an Elvis freak! It was a blast even though it was hot and I'm a lobster now.

On Friday we met my parents for dinner and it was a great time! Good company, good food, and good drinks! What could be better? I think we sat at Applebee's for a good two hours and after dinner we went to Fred Meyer to pick up a pool for Loryn's birthday and my parents bought us a new bedset! It took us (me, really) forever to decided which one we wanted; we finally decided and came right home and put it on! There are pictures on my picture blog of it...check it out!

Today we're relaxing. Watching TV, doing laundry and maybe do a little bit of cleaning. It's back to the grind tomorrow! Work, gym, dinner, sleep, repeat. My new goal is to keep my diet during the weekend, it's hard! Wait...we're going to Seattle next weekend. Scratch that goal. :-)

Until next time,

Happy Birthday Mom!

After all day in the sun, the following picture is what happens: