Most importantly, I am thankful for my beautiful family. I truly believe I have the most wonderful, understanding and accepting parents. I would not be the person I am today if it wasn't for them. I'm sure there have been times were we have disappointed them but no matter the situation they have always come around and supported us. They raised us to be strong willed, outspoken and polite women. The raised us with morals and values that won't be shaken. I am forever thankful for the bond I have with my sisters, one stronger then the other but it's still a bond. I may not talk to them everyday but I know if I needed to get a hold of them at this second, I could. I love my family and couldn't ask for a better one.
I am thankful for my amazing boyfriend. This man has changed my life, I don't know where we'll end up but whatever happens he will have greatly impacted me in a beautiful way. First off, he puts up with me and someone who does I have to be thankful for but really, he treats me like a woman should be treated, knows when to make me laugh and when to hold me and knows how to do the dishes! ;-)
I am thankful for my friends. The friends that are far and those that are near. The friends who have been friends with me since we were young and those who I may have just met. The friends who always have my back even if they don't agree with what I'm doing or how I'm doing it. The friends who have their own life and it may be days, weeks or months from the last time we talked but when we do, it's like we haven't missed a day. You know who you are, and I'm so thankful for you.
I am thankful for having a heated apartment and a roof over my head. It's been so cold here and while watching the news last night they were talking about the homeless shelters being full and some people having to sleep on the floor or in chairs. My heart breaks for them. I wish I could open my home to keep them warm but Rambo would not like that. I hope they too are thankful for the warm place they get to sleep, even if it's for a day.
I'm thankful for the family I work for and the boys I get to watch grow up. I love those two boys and they know it. We have so much fun today and I enjoy getting to act like a kid from time to time.
I am thankful for our dog. That sound so weird but he lights up our lives everyday. He has such a personality sometimes it's scary. He's always making us laugh and is the first to let us know he loves us when we've been gone too long or are having a bad day. We love Rambo!
I am thankful for so many things I could keep going and going but most of all I am thankful for life and even though sometimes it's hard, I am able to love it and enjoy it. I hope everyone has wonderful Thanksgiving and finds a ton of things to be thankful for and counts their blessings as they are surrounded by loved ones and friends.