
Home again, home again

We made it home after our long weekend in Othello. It was a wonderful weekend with two Thanksgiving dinners, Dad's birthday, some much needed relaxing and some great family time!

We left Kennewick on Thursday morning and got back into town this afternoon. We stopped at Costco on the way home for a few items and got some Christmas shopping done! I'm so excited for Christmas! Our tree is up, Scentsy warmers are changed, Christmas lights are up outside and the house is warm, what more could I ask for? I was glad to get some shopping done considering we're doing Christmas early this year with my family and I'm excited to give my family their gifts. I think they are really going to dig them, but we're stuck on what to get my Dad, this happens every year!

Dad's birthday was wonderful, he spent it with his family, just like he asked for. We had a great turkey dinner that was prepared by Mom and had dessert and family time afterwards. We were surprised with a visit by my Grandma Connie and it was a good surprise and a nice visit. I know my Dad was so thankful she stopped by for his birthday. We got some pictures of us with her and the only one she smiled in was the picture with The Mr. When she was leaving she reminded me that I had a good one and to take care of him. You got it, Grandma!

I totally skipped over Thanksgiving, it was awesome! We had it at Tia Mary's house where she had her side of the family and then her husband Larry's family also joined us for dinner. I think at one point there were about 40 people in the house and we had enough food for all that and more! It was a great time and so nice that both families could get together and celebrate. We even had fireworks! That that 4th of July! ;-)

I really can not believe it's almost December, where has this month gone?

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