
Under the weather

I have been a tad bit under the weather the last couple of days and it's been no fun. I'm sure it all started last Thursday when I wasn't feeling well, but it really was a one day thing and I didn't think much of it. I was fine pretty much all weekend and then Monday came. I woke up fine, I didn't feel sick at all and by afternoon I was a hurting unit. It started with a horrible headache that I thought for sure was the start of a migraine and by evening time I was done for. I tried to cook dinner which The Mr. ended up finishing and I was in bed and asleep by 6:45pm.

I woke up a few times during the night and the headache was still there, my eyes would burn, I was super hot and then super cold, I was just really uncomfortable. I ended up staying home from work yesterday and was lucky enough to get a doctors appointment. The doctor diagnosed me with a "strong" sinus infection and an ear infection. She sent me home with a major antibiotic which I'm taking two capsules twice daily and told me to take ibuprofen to keep the headache and fever away. Since then the headache has gone away as long as I'm taking ibuprofen and I'm totally feeling the side affects of the antibiotics. (Check the side affects for Keflex if you want to know what I mean!)

I took today off as well to rest up and hopefully get better sooner then later! At this point, I'm feeling a lot better but my right ear is really bugging me and I keep getting dizzy which is probably from the ear infection. It's been years since I've had an ear infection, I forgot how bothersome they are!

With these antibiotics I should be feeling a lot better by tomorrow, now I just need to decide if I'm going to work tomorrow or not. These dizzy spells are no fun and I would hate to get one while driving, we'll see.

Other then that, we got our pictures back from our photographer! I love them! They turned out so good and I'm so glad we chose to go with Lee Ann! I can not wait for her to take more pictures for us somewhere along the lines.

I'm waiting for the UPS man to bring me my package from Old Navy. I've never bought anything from Old Navy, but since they carry plus size online, I figured I would try it out. We'll see how it all fits when it gets here, I just really hope and pray that the fleece I bought fits me, because I've always wanted a fleece from Old Navy and it was only $16.00 bucks! I'm sure the UPS man hates me, if he isn't delivering Scentsy it's something else. I got Avon yesterday, Old Navy today, Scentsy tomorrow. Poor poor UPS man.

I need to figure out what's for dinner. I feel healthy enough to make dinner tonight...time to hit up some recipe sites!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are feeling better soon. I hate is when my babies are sick. I am waiting for my Elvis stuff I ordered, so I know how anxious you must be feeling. For your side effects from the meds, eat yogurt. You might want to call the doc and get some meds for that too. Talk to you soon. Love you lots!
