
Quick update...

There's not much to update about over here. Same ol' same ol'! Pictures turned out amazing, well, we've only seen 4 of them in a "sneak peek", and they were AMAZING! I can't wait to get all of them back. I'm not sure what we're going to do with them, I mean, obviously we'll print them and hand them out but I've thought about Christmas cards...is that too weird for just a boyfriend and girlfriend to do that? I'm not sure...

I fully, 100% decorated for Halloween, I need to post pictures! I love it. The Mr. was outside washing the cars and I attacked the apartment. It's fun, simple and cute. I can't wait to decorate for Christmas. I don't think we'll put up a tree (Rambo might use it for himself) but we'll see. We bought our tickets for our Holiday travels as well! El Paso Texas, here I come! I'm nervous, scared and sad all at once. Nervous, because I'm meeting his family. Scared, because I'll be flying...ahhhhh. Sad, because I'll be missing Christmas with my family. I suppose if I'm going to do this relationship thing, I need to get used to it. It should be a good time though and hopefully it won't be the last time I see his family. ;-)

Other then that, work is good, home and is good and life is good. What more could a girl ask for?

I made breakfast for dinner tonight and all I smell is bacon right now. It's really annoying me.

That's all I have for today.

Until next time,

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