

I should be sleeping but I figured I would post real quick before hitting the hay. I'm feeling a little bit better but I'm pretty sure my body is confused. It wants to be sick but then it doesn't. I'll just let nature takes it course, load up on dayquil and nyquil and call it good.

I went to Othello today to close a Scentsy order, start another basket party and deliver a fulfilled party order. Scentsy is really keeping me busy, especially on my days off. That's okay though, I'm glad I have a weekday to do Scentsy stuff and then I normally have Saturdays and Sundays to myself. I always plan on not being in Othello very long but it never goes that way. I visited with my family, had lunch with my Uncle and Aunt, picked Loryn up from school, hung out with Priscilla and then got to have dinner with my family.

For dinner we decided to all come to Kennewick to have dinner with The Mr. We chose Olive Garden, of course, that's our favorite! It was a good time besides the fact that it was really hot in the restaurant and I was in the very corner of the booth but oh well. Anyway it was nice to spend time with my family and have a great meal! I made my sister come with us and I'm pretty sure she's glad she did! During dinner Loryn looked at Rita and said, "I love when my family is all together!" I almost cried, and not just because I'm PMSing but because even at such a young age she can sense the love of family and the joy it brings. I hope she has lots of memories of our family being together when she grows up, I love the feeling I get when I remember being little and having family gatherings. Anyway, it was sweet and it was a great time!

As for the rest of the weekend; tomorrow is a Scentsy party in Yakima and visiting time with Amanda and Kayleigh. Sunday is relaxing and laundry day. Depending on how I feel, I'll probably clean and get the apartment back to normal. Have I ever told you how much I love weekends?

I still haven't posted pictures of my Halloween decorations, maybe I'll do that on Sunday. Yesterday, Devin's preschool went to the pumpkin patch and I got to go! I took pictures and I'll post those too! His mom, grandma, Sawyer, Devin and I had a great time; I can't wait to take my own kids there!

Anyway, I should be off to bed, I have a busy day tomorrow and I'm planning on getting up semi early, we'll see.

P.S. I have such a hard time coming up with blog titles. It really bothers me.


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