
Excuse me while I....


There is nothing that bothers me more then someone who takes their family for granted, I know I'm responsible for it from time to time but I've been noticing it a lot more around me and it's driving me up the wall. Will I ever say anything? No, of course not, I'm not going to put my nose where it doesn't belong and my two cents will end up making problems worse but I just wish people would open up their eyes and realize that they are hurting those who love them the most, and they do not even see it.

Another thing that bothers is when someone interrupts me when I'm talking. I know that sounds really petty of me, but it literally drives me up the wall and I almost not even want to talk after they've done it a million and one times in a five minute conversation. Learn some social skills and wait for me to be done talking. Thanks.

I also hate doing laundry. If I never had to do another load in my life, I would not complain. The process is stupid and never ending unless you do laundry naked and Lord knows that is not happening. I do laundry every Sunday and I'd like to say I do it right; separate it by colors, bleach the stuff that needs to be bleached, dry what needs to dried, blah blah blah, you get it. But at the end of the day, I still hate doing laundry.

I haven't cooked dinner yet and I'm not too sure I will. The Mr. is currently sleeping and so is Rambo. We had a late lunch, which seems to be the norm on the weekends and we won't be hungry until eight or nine and then it's too late to cook, so screw it. I didn't know what to make anyway.

We were suppose to be going to Idaho this coming weekend but our trip got canceled. It was probably a blessing in disguise because our Vegas trip is coming up really soon and the less we spend now the more we can spend in Vegas.

I'm not sure why I'm kind of in a downer mood, maybe it's the 5 hours of sleep I got last night and the rude awakening I got by a barking dog, who knows. I'm grumpy though, can you tell?

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