
Hot hot hot!

I'm going to try to type without moving my body; I am so sunburnt and it hurts so bad. I posted pictures of our weekend on my picture blog and there is one of my burn. I don't know why I didn't put sunscreen on, I knew what I was going to be doing, I was just being lazy. I'm suffering now and it's no one else's fault but my own.

We had a fun weekend full of birthday surprises for my mom, lots of Elvis and lots of good food! We went to Ellensburg and saw an Elvis impersonator, my mom had no idea that we were going to meet them there, let alone see a fake Elvis. You have to understand, my mother LOVES this guy. She has a ton of Elvis collectible items, has two tattoos of Elvis and knows ALL his song, she's an Elvis freak! It was a blast even though it was hot and I'm a lobster now.

On Friday we met my parents for dinner and it was a great time! Good company, good food, and good drinks! What could be better? I think we sat at Applebee's for a good two hours and after dinner we went to Fred Meyer to pick up a pool for Loryn's birthday and my parents bought us a new bedset! It took us (me, really) forever to decided which one we wanted; we finally decided and came right home and put it on! There are pictures on my picture blog of it...check it out!

Today we're relaxing. Watching TV, doing laundry and maybe do a little bit of cleaning. It's back to the grind tomorrow! Work, gym, dinner, sleep, repeat. My new goal is to keep my diet during the weekend, it's hard! Wait...we're going to Seattle next weekend. Scratch that goal. :-)

Until next time,

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