

The apartment is clean and organized, the bathroom is spotless, the laundry is almost done and the garage looks amazing! We spent this weekend cleaning, literally. All day Saturday and most of today was spent cleaning, throwing stuff away, and just getting the apartment a little more organized. It feels good. The Mr. didn't have as much fun as I did, but he lived. There were a few intense moments, but we're still dating, so that's a good sign, right? It was like a test of our relationship. Yesterday wasn't bad, he was down in the garage, I was upstairs and we really didn't see each other except for meal times. Today, now that's a different story. Everything we did was upstairs, and well, it didn't go so well. It was hot, he was grumpy, which made me grumpy, and there was stuff everywhere. But now, all is put away, all is organized and all is well in the apartment. I don't think we'll be cleaning for awhile, but I really want to organized the bedroom. I keep telling myself to take one step at a time. I always have to remind myself that he lived here for 3 years by himself, that he's a guy and that staying clean and organized is not in his genes. I think he's satisfied with everything we accomplished this weekend, he just won't admit it. Once again, he's a guy.

Last night, after the sun went down, we went to the pool. It was still about 80 degree's out, the water was perfect and so was the evening. I love swimming and really don't do it enough. It was a great way to cool off and just relax after a busy day. And we had some much needed boyfriend-girlfriend time.

My lilies are dying and it makes me so sad. I know I've had them for over a week, but they were so beautiful. I walked out of the bedroom this morning and one fell right in front of me. We laughed because I had just said "Awwww, my lilies are dying!" It was as if it was planned for it to fall right then.

I, once again, have been working on backgrounds and headers. I think the one I have now is my favorite. Pink and black are my two favorite colors too! I think it goes well together.

It's back to work tomorrow, the weekends fly by so fast, especially when we stay busy. It's going to be warm this week, so that gives us lots of chances to play outside and soak up some sun! I want to find some new parks to play at, I'm going to research that this week. I know we're going to go to story time too, we haven't been for two weeks, last time we tried to go, the Reptile Man was there and so were 200 other people!

I'm not sure what this week holds, but I do know I am going back to the gym. I am going to try to make it some classes to workout; one is a step class and the other is a cardio aerobic class. I'm excited! I'm really pumped to get back to working out. It's been awhile since we've been to the gym, and I can totally feel the difference in my body and the way I used to feel after working out. It's time to get back in gear.

Until next time,

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