
Catching up!

We've been home for three days and I have yet to blog. This week has flow by, which is a good thing but I don't think I've had a moment where I wasn't working, working out, cooking or doing something else. So, here I am. We had a wonderful weekend, ate way too much food, spent some quality time together and got to do it in one of my favorite places. I love Seattle, if I was making enough money, I'd move back in a heart beat. It's slowly growing on The Mr., I can see it in his eyes!

We left on Friday afternoon and had to make it to Renton in time for The Mr. to make his Apple store appointment. We made it there in good timing, got to the mall, turned his computer in met my parents and some other members of my family at Cheesecake Factory. If you've never eaten there, you have to! It's amazing and we ate TOO much food, even the drinks were to die for! After dinner we all headed to my Tio's house for drinks and visiting. We left around 10:30; Rambo was in the hotel alone and The Mr. had been up since 3:45, so he was super tired!

We woke up early on Saturday and met my parents for breakfast before heading out into the city for some fun! We spent the day downtown and in North Seattle. I showed The Mr. where I used to live, ate at the super yummy teriyaki place and then headed back downtown to catch a ride on "Ride the Ducks of Seattle." I have been on the tour before but The Mr. hadn't, it was a lot of fun and beautiful too! I'll post pictures on my picture blog.

Rambo ended up getting sent home with my parents on Saturday. You see, he was a very VERY bad dog! We left him in the bathroom at the hotel while we met my parents for breakfast and he was obviously very upset that we left him in there. We got back and he had scratched at the side panel of the bathroom door and ruined it!!! He was in trouble! Needless to say, Grandma and Grandpa came to the rescue and took him home with them. We got lots of pictures and videos though, and I'm sure he had a better time with them then he did with us. He's still trying to re-coop and still catching up on sleep.

We got home around 9pm on Sunday, we were so tired...and not just physically but tired of being in the car, eating out and not being at home. I think we were both so thankful to pull into the apartment complex!

I had Monday off but had to go pick up Rambo and ended up spending a few hours in Othello. It was back to work on Tuesday and like I said before, I've been busy busy busy! It's my Friday tomorrow and I'm excited! I'll be going to Yakima to spend Amanda's birthday with her. We're going wine tasting and going to have dinner. It'll be fun!

In other news, I'm still working out and trying to eat healthy. I really had to recover from this weekend and can not do that again for a long time. I gained 3lbs of the 5 I had lost. Ugh! I was super discouraged last night but my amazing boyfriend made me feel better about my situation.

I'll post pictures soon on my picture blog. Lot's of pictures from this weekend and the damage that Rambo did! Crazy dog!

Until next time,


  1. What did the hotel say about the disaster Rambo caused?

  2. Ivonne,
    As of now, nothing has happened. We were honest and told them and apologized as much as we could. The front desk clerk told us that it wasn't the first time something had happened and she would let maintenance know.
