
Weekend Madness!

I couldn't have asked for a better weekend! I spent it with amazing people, some who I haven't seen in awhile, had some amazing food, had some great laughs and made amazing memories. It was a great holiday weekend!

The weekend started off with a relaxing Friday, I had two appointments for the salon, got a bite to eat, got my nails done and then came home and waited for The Mr. get home. We had talked about going out to eat for our 6th month anniversary, but we still haven't really talked about it, so I wasn't sure what the plan was. So, I just waited until I heard from him to start making dinner, well little did I know, he had sneaked out of work during lunch and went to the store to buy a gift to surprise me! He got home around 6pm, with a bouquet of 8 lilies and a present! I was so surprised! I had no clue he was even going to get me anything, so I was even more surprised! He got me a digital pictures frame which I love! He knows that I've been taking a lot of pictures lately, but he noticed I had no where to put them. So, what else would work best? I love my picture frame! I'm going to save for a nice camera for my nice picture frame!

We ended up going to dinner at Casa Mia, an Italian restaurant in the Tri-City area. It's a cute place with really good food. The wait was a little while, but that's to be expected on a Friday night. We had a great dinner with great conversation! After dinner we went and saw Toy Story 3. I loved the movie! It was so cute, and I loved being a kid again, I even got the kid popcorn deal! :-)

After our date, we came home, set up my picture frame and went to bed!

My family decided to celebrate the 4th of July on Saturday since it worked best with everyone's schedule. So we woke up early on Saturday, got ready and headed for Othello. We went to my Tia Mary's first, and hung out there for awhile, had some good food and then went back to my parents house. My aunt's husband had all his family over too, so we didn't stay long, as we didn't want to bother or be in the way. There were probably 30 people there at one time! Once we got home, we got the food and house ready for our guest. We had SOOO much food and all of it was so good! We hung out, drank, laughed, watched the kids play, blew up some fireworks, and had a good time! The night went fast, and before we knew it, it was after midnight!

On Sunday, we went to my Grandma Nancy's to celebrate my Grandpa Roy's birthday. My Tio Roy and his family were in town, as well as my Tia Ginny. My grandma made caldo for everyone, and it was amazing! It's rare that all 4 of my mom's brothers and sisters are together, so we got pictures of everyone! After we left there, The Mr. and I made our way to Amanda's parents house to see her and baby and so that way The Mr. could meet Amanda's family. We hung out for a little while, I held the baby and then we made our way back to Tri-Cities.

Once home, we went to Josh & Jami's for the last 4th of July party! We, once again, had great food, good laughs, great fireworks and good memories. We got home around 12:30, and hit the hay! We were both soooo tired from the weekend!

Today has been very relaxing. The Mr. let me sleep in, once I woke up I did laundry, worked on my blog, and just relaxed until making dinner. The Mr. did a lot of work! He worked on the jeep, went to Target, came home and cleaned the balcony, went back to the store to get salad for dinner, and is now resting on the couch. The balcony looks amazing! It's the start of our big cleaning project! Next weekend we're gonna organize the garage and put things away for our dining room table. I can not wait to get it!

So, I'm very excited to tell you guys what I did with my blog! I don't know if you noticed but at the top of the page, right below the header, I added two links. One of them goes to my facebook, and the other goes to my new blog! As you know, I love taking pictures, and often add them into my daily blogs, but I thought it would be cool to just have a blog for posting pictures. I'll write about my day, and then in my pictures blog, I'll upload pictures. This will keep the blogs clean and organized and it'll be a way for you and me to just go back and look a pictures. I've thought about making a recipe blog, and if I do, you'll find that in the links too. Someday I'll start that.

I'm sad the weekend if over, but I'm stoked for my 3 day work week! We have a non-busy, full of lots of cleaning weekend planned! I'm planning on taking pictures though, The Mr. just has no idea! (Hehe)

Anyway, I have a ton of pictures I want to share with you, some dishes that need to get washed, and some clothes that need folded. So, with that...I hope everyone had a great 4th of July!

Head over to my picture blog!

Until next time,

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