I'm addicted! Addicted to making layouts for my blog. It's so much fun! I can see why people charge for it though, it takes a lot of time, and can be a lot of work. I never thought I would like it, but web design is fun. It seems simple but it's really all about math and layering. Maybe someday I'll start a blog design store. People pay big bucks for a full layout.

Today was good. I took the boys to the park, and hung out for awhile. There were so many kids there; YMCA had their day camp going, so there were kids everywhere! It was hard to keep an eye on the boys. After the park we went back to the house for lunch and Sawyer's nap time. Devin and I relaxed and stayed cool, it was 97 degrees today! When it's that hot it's hard to play outside, and being it was 3 o'clock, the sun was right over us and it was very uncomfortable. (I don't do well in the heat, remember?) So, we stayed inside, watched some t.v, played some games, read some books and just relaxed.

I got off work around 4:15, came home, walked Rambo and waited for The Mr. to get home. We are low on food in the house, so we decided to go out to eat. We're going grocery shopping tomorrow though, so I'll be back to cooking in no time! I dread grocery shopping. We normally go every two weeks, but we haven't gone for a month! When I saw we're low....I mean...WE'RE LOW! I think I'm dreading this trip more than any other time. It'll be a lot of groceries!

The weekend is coming fast! I can't wait till Friday. I'm going to sleep in and relax....all day! I have nothing to do, and I do not plan on making any plans. I am going to start the weekend cleaning and probably some laundry, but that's it!

I need to put more pictures on my digital picture frame, it had 1gb of internal memory and I've used less then half of that as of right now. The box says 6400 pictures can go on there, I have a lot more to take! I want to take a photography class, I think it would be so neat to learn to use a camera properly. The Mr. has a really nice camera, hopefully he'll be nice enough to let me use it. ;-)

I need to figure out what to get my Mom and Loryn for their birthday. I'm not a good gift giver, I draw blanks and have no idea what to get people. I ought to start looking though, their birthdays are 2 weeks away!

My photo frame just turned off, that means it's 11, which means I'm up late, once again. This sleeping habit is out of whack, I should be going to be earlier. I'll start tomorrow. (Haha)

Let me know what you guys think of my new layout. I love making them and would even love to make one for others!

The pillows are calling my name, I keep yawning. Goodnight

Until next time,

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