
Home Sweet Home

It's been too long! Life has gotten busy and I finally have time to write. It seems like every weekend we have something to do or somewhere to be. It's not a bad thing and it really makes me enjoy having a few hours of nothing going on. We have a wedding to go to tonight so eventually we'll be running around again.

Scentsy is still going well, I just got my first commission check! Woo! Having a little extra money is always nice. I was told to spend it wisely and that I will do! I need to turn around and spend a little bit of it on Scentsy, catalogs and whatnot.

The apartment always smells so good, I don't know how anyone could not like or enjoy Scentsy. If you don't know what it is or haven't tried it, we need to talk! It's really easy to sell too, you'd be surprised how many people DON'T know what it is.

I got a pedicure and manicure earlier today and I was in heaven! Last time I went to this place they used hot towels as the "spa" part of the pedicure, today they used a hot stone and it felt amazing. It makes me want to a hot stone massage. Has anyone ever gotten one of these? I bet it would feel so good!

I'm excited for fall, I can not wait to cuddle with blanket, drink hot coco, carve pumpkins, eat pumpkin pie and of course burn pumpkin pie smelling Scentsy! Yum! And it's football season too! Who doesn't like fall? Seriously!

Okay, I need to go get ready for the wedding and I have to be done before 4pm so I can watch the Huskies play! Go Dawgs!

Until next time,

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