Here's to you, 2011!

I mentioned before that I'm not big on coming up with New Year's Resolutions because I never stick to them. I'll be good for a few weeks and then I'll forget or give up. So, I really wasn't going to come up with one, until I got home this evening and was catching up on some of the blogs I read. I came across Your Wishcake and could not help but become moved and trilled about her resolution.

I want to embrace each moment for what it's worth, I want to learn to embrace the good times and of course the bad times, embrace each relationship, embrace my job, embrace my life and everything that comes with it. I want to learn to find the joy in everything and not focus on the bad. That's my resolution, that I embrace everything as it comes and learn to love it.

I know that I'll have good days and horrible days, I know some are going to be harder then others and I'm sure there are some things that I'm going to have a harder time embracing, like learning to enjoy doing laundry or the dishes, but it'll all come with time, right?

I'm looking forward to what the year has to bring and I'm ready to embrace everything as it comes. I'm just going to roll with the punches!


  1. That's a great attitude to start out the new year. I don't necessarily think you have to learn to enjoy doing laundry to get it done but if it will make you a happier person, I am in 100%!

  2. I'll never learn to enjoy doing laundry. It's one thing I dread doing most, but I wrote that with good intentions!
