I'm still here

The last two weeks of October flew by! Holy moly they went so fast and now November is here and I'm pretty sure the next two months are going to fly by just as fast!

We basically have something to do every weekend of November which include family pictures, Vegas, Scentsy parties and Thanksgiving! Somewhere in there we'll have birthdays to celebrate and we need to start Christmas shopping. The Mr. refuses to go to the mall with me this time of year, so I'm not sure how we're going to get this done. We're doing Christmas early with my family since The Mr. and I will be in Texas for the actual holiday so it's crunch time!

I took all the Halloween decorations down yesterday and as I'm typing this I realized I never took pictures of them. Oh well, sorry. They were cute, that's all that matters! I put away my Halloween Scentsy warmers and brought out my Thanksgiving ones, but I did keep the super cute jack o' lantern out because he's sooo cute and it's too soon to put him away.

Work has been good, the days go by so fast and we stick to a pretty strict schedule considering Devin has school everyday at noon, so we work like clock work and before I know it, the day is over.

The Mr. and I have decided to stop eating out so much. It's a really good though after we sat down and figured out how much we were spending on dining each month. I won't give you an amount, it's kind of embarrassing. I really thought I was cooking more then that, but I guess I was wrong. Anyway, I'm working on getting some new recipes because sometimes I feel like I cook the same things over and over again! I don't want my amazing boyfriend to get tired of my cooking just yet! If you know anything good, let me know! I'm willing to try anything...as long as it doesn't have beets or cauliflower because we both HATE them! :-)

I'm pretty much rambling, but it's been a few weeks since I've wrote so my mind is kind of all over the place. I'll write about our Halloween weekend tomorrow!

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