Welcome Winter!

Winter is here, even though the calendar says different the weather is proving otherwise. It has been so cold and we could just tell the snow was coming and sure enough, the snow started Sunday night and didn't stop until this morning! I have not seen this much snow in years, I really like the snow, I think it's beautiful but I hate driving in it. If I was by myself on the road I'd be okay but people are idiots and have no clue how to drive in these conditions. Yesterday was the worse, I saw 3 accidents and probably 5 cars spun out and in the ditch. Slow down! The Mr. and I have been super safe, taking it easy and giving ourselves plenty of time to get to where we need to and back. He's been such a trooper in all this too, getting up earlier then needed to make sure our cars are clean and defrosted for our drives, scraping all the ice and snow off. He's amazing!

I worked yesterday and of course we had to play in the snow! We had a lot of fun, of course the boys were being boys and attacked the nanny with snowballs, but it was a good time! We tried to build a snowman but it was a light and fluffy snow so the poor snowman kept falling apart. We made snow angels and tried to sled down the hill in the back but it got really cold, really fast, so we headed inside to warm up!

We've also put up our Christmas tree. It's so cute and so small and so beautiful, I love it. It's perfect for our apartment and us. I thought Rambo would try to pull some tricks on it, if you know what I mean, but he's been good and hasn't even tried to touch it. Right after we put it up, it started snowing...I was so excited! I love this time of year, the holidays, the traffic, the music, everything...I love it!

I'm excited for Thanksgiving. We'll be going to my parents on Thursday morning and then having dinner at my Tia Mary's house. I'm sure the food and the party will be great! We'll be staying in Othello for the majority of the weekend because 1) we are leaving for Christmas and 2) my Dad's birthday is on Saturday!

I hope everyone is staying safe in this crazy weather and keeping warm!

Here are some pictures of our winter storm!

Enjoy![gallery link="file" columns="2"]

P.S. I like the look of the little pictures, but if you want to view them in actual size, just click on them! :-)

P.P.S. How about my new Christmas look? I'm in major love! :-)


  1. Meanwhile here in Houston, I came to work at 8 am in 83 degree weather....

    I wish it would get at least a little colder so it would feel like the holidays. Christmas tree and decorations are coming up sometime this week...yay! So fun!

  2. I can not imagine 83 degree weather this time of year! It really does make the Holidays feel more the like Holidays when its 12 degrees out!
