Pushing myself

I restarted this weight loss journey at the beginning of the year and right away, I went and signed up (again) for a gym membership. I didn't waste any time, I jumped right into working out and getting 30 minutes of activity in.

30 minutes is all I ever did, it would hurt to work out. There were times where it hurt so bad to move after walking on the treadmill that I would just sit on the couch most the night because my knees would just ache so bad, but I kept going.

30 minutes eventually turned into 35, which turned into 40. I wasn't in as much pain after workouts but it would still hurt from time to time. I started to pick up speed and resistance, I would use the elliptical from time to time, but for no more then 15 minutes at a time and then I would just walk.

Somedays I would stay home and workout or go for walks around my neighborhood. One time, not that long ago, I even jogged for a few minutes while I was out for walk. I felt like I had conquered the world!

A few weeks ago, I went to a group class at the gym that was a boot camp type of circuit training, and I worked out HARD. I was dripping in sweat, it felt SO good. Even when it was hard and I was tired, I kept going...because I know that if I had tried that when I started 7 months ago, I would have died.

Today, I worked out twice. I went once in the morning and then again this evening for Zumba. Both times, I gave it my all, I sweated (a lot) and I burned a lot of calories. The best thing is that I'm not in pain, I didn't give up and I can't wait to go back to the gym tomorrow!

I am thankful that my body is allowing me to push my limits, that my body is growing and developing and most importantly, getting healthy.

It's true what they say, it gets easier with time.

Someday I will run and it will be for longer then a few minutes. Mark my word.

1 comment:

  1. Look how awesome you look Abby!!! :) So proud of you for sticking with it and happy you are seeing results and getting healthy and happy. Now to get back at it myself...too many excuses.
