Trying to be productive

I really think laundry will be the death of me. I hate doing it and more then anything, I hate putting clean laundry away. It's a chore that is NEVER done and just when you think you are close to being done, you turn around and a pair of underwear you dropped and didn't see is lying on the floor! I am forcing myself to get off the couch and put the clothes in the dryer to start the next load but you can obviously tell how well that is going.

I did a little bit of running around this morning, took a pair of shoes back, bought a few more work shirts, hit up Starbucks, made my way across town to the post office and now I'm back home enjoying my two days off. I meant to stop at Target but completely forgot until I was already home and my shoes were off. It's probably a good thing I didn't go though, I can spend some money there!

Sometimes I have a hard time blogging. I don't lead this crazy interesting life. I don't have children to take cute pictures of and we don't do exciting things all the time so I find myself stuck on what to write about. Someday I'll have those things and I hope when that happens, I'll have the time to blog. I could post the pictures I take of Rambo, but who wants to see our dog over and over again?

Did I tell you that our new duplex is going to have two bathrooms? I'm excited to buy stuff for the second bathroom and I can't decide if I should put our current set up in the master bedroom bathroom or the guest bathroom. I'm not sure how often we'll actually be using the guest bathroom, but I still want to decorate it so that when I use it or when we have guest it's cute and fun. I'm super excited about having those extra bedrooms too. I hope now, people will come and stay the night with us, I know Loryn will love it and hopefully Rita will come over now too! Maybe Pablo's family will come to visit as well!! (Hint hint, IVONNE!)

I really need to be productive today, so I'm going to turn the T.V. on, switch that laundry over and come back and watch The Doctors. That's productive, right?

1 comment:

  1. Definitely need to come down when we have a chance. Alejandro has never been up North so it would be nice to go...we'll have to plan it...maybe sometime next year...when it is not so cold...and you have sun. ;)

    You guys need to come down to Houston we can go to Winetopia...or the Flying Saucer for Pablo.
