
What I wish for....

Instead of writing out a good ol' Birthday/Christmas list, I thought I would make a pretty little Polyvore board of what I wish for. There isn't anything in this world that I need but it wouldn't be my birthday or Christmas without a wish list! So here we go!
  1. They're Real mascara by Benefit 
  2. Eyeshadow pallet from Benefit called Two Faced Naked Eye (or just a gift card to where benefit is sold would do!) 
  3. iTunes gift card 
  4. Abigail Bearpaw boots, in purple 
  5. Starbucks gift card 
  6. A beautiful purple scarf 
  7. Toms, in red 
  8. Lane Bryant gift card
I can't believe how soon my birthday will be here and Christmas will be here just as fast! I need to start shopping too!

Do you make a wish list every year? If so, what's on your list?

Currently obsessed with....

I have always loved to get my nails done. It was something that mom and I would go do together. When I was in high school sometimes she would pull me out of class and we'd go and have an afternoon together, eat lunch and get our nails done.

Of course when I grew up and got a job that involved the making of some kind of food, I couldn't have my nails done and even nail polish was out of the question. So for the last couple of years my nails have been off and I would paint them if I had a long weekend or went somewhere important.

When I left Starbucks the first thing I did was march my way to the nail salon and I got those dang acrylic nails put back on and I was in love. But then I remembered how horrible they are for your nails and how much they damage your real nail and I got sad. I knew I shouldn't have put them on so a month later I was taking them off. (Enter serious sad face here)

I had heard about shellac nails before and knew it was the new "thing." I researched it and called around for prices. I found out that there are two options, one is the actual shellac and others offer gel polish which is called Gelish. Gelish offers a lot of color options and even allows different customizations of the colors. So two weeks ago, I got my first round of Gelish nails and I'm officially hooked and obsessed!

My first trial with it was a little disappointing. Because I had taken my acrylic nails off, the tech left a fine layer of acrylic on my nail so it wasn't so thin and brittle. Within a few days some of those pieces of acrylic started to lift making the gel start to peel and look really ugly. I went back and they fixed the one that was really lifting and looked pretty ugly, they even did it for free! Within a week and a half the nails with acrylic left on really started to lift and look ugly, I was kind of bummed about it and I was ready to just have it all removed and not do it again. I again researched and found out that the acrylic didn't help and with my nails being so thin the gel had nothing to hold onto to.
Yesterday I went back to the salon and got a new gel color put on. I made sure the tech removed all the acrylic and I had her do a quick manicure. For some reason this time the color looks a little thicker and looks like it may hold on longer. They say the gel should last 2-3 weeks, my first round lasted almost two weeks. Some nails only lasted a week and half, others looks great when I went in yesterday. I hope this time they will last 2 or more weeks!
I really am happy with the look of Gelish and I like how quick and easy it is to apply. I've looked into it and you can even buy the stuff from a supply store and do it at home if you wanted. I never would do that though, I like going in and having my nails done. It's always good to have some quiet time that's all for me!

....on the job

A little over a month ago, I left Starbucks and took a job working for the local school district. I loved my job at Starbucks but it was to the point where I just really wasn't happy anymore. I had switched stores to "better" my career but it wasn't that great of a move for me. Needless to say, I didn't like the store I was working at and just couldn't find my groove there.

I could have switched store (again) and hoped that the love for Starbucks came back or I could have found a whole new job, and that's what I did! It didn't take long for me to realize that I wanted a "real" job. "Real" meaning normal hours, Monday through know, a "real" job. I also knew I wanted to work with children. I was looking at daycares, getting back into nannying and the school district. The school district job opened up, and I jumped on the opportunity.

So here I sit, in a high school class room. I currently work as a one on one with a student. I've been working with this student for a little over a month now and she has grown so much and has become someone I truly care about. I want to see her succeed and grow into a mature woman.

I never thought that I would work in a high school or better yet, actually enjoy working here. I have really enjoyed getting to know the other kids and I love that some of them look up to me and actually come to me to talk. My dreams on becoming a teacher are out of this world right now. I walk into a classroom and instantly hope and dream that someday I can have my own classroom. I think about the kind of rules I would have and how I would teach.

No matter what happens, if I stay here for the whole year or go to work at another school when my time with my student is up, I know that I'll be doing what I love.

Finding my mojo

It's been so quiet around here lately, I've lost my blogging mojo. It's not that I don't want to blog anymore, I just don't have anything good to blog about. I forget to take pictures of the fun things we do and half the time I forget to even blog about those things.

As much as I like to think that I'm a pretty open person, I'm really a private person. I don't tell too many people too many things unless you're pretty close to me. I don't often speak my mind because I really do care what people think of me. Blogging really has gotten hard for me lately.

I used to be able to just sit down and write, now I have to force the words to form and hope it all flows together. I have to really think about what I want to say and who I may offend if I really say what's on my mind. I know I shouldn't care, but I do.

So lately I've chosen to just keep it all to myself (not really, The Mr. is a pretty good listener). I still have goals and ambitions, I still work and do all those normal day to day things but I just can't seem to find my blogging mojo.

I'm not sure where that leaves me, I've thought about just closing my blog and moving on. I've thought about forcing the words out and hoping someday I'll catch my blogging fever again or I can just do link ups every day and never have anything good to say, but I really don't want to be that blogger.

Whatever I decided to do just know that I'm still around, that I probably still read your blog and that I wish I could find my blogging mojo again.

If anyone has any tips or tricks, please let me know!

Friday's Letters

Dear Friday, I love you more then you'll ever know. I just can't get over the fact that I actually have weekends on real weekends. The feeling of working Monday-Friday is amazing. Dear Weekend, I am super excited that you're here! I can't wait to go to the pumpkin patch with my family and then carve pumpkins with them too. Dear Work, thank you for being so good to me. This week has been an easy one and I'm thankful for that. Hopefully next week is just as good! Dear The Mr., you are the love of my life. Thank you for helping me out this month, it means a lot to me. Dear Blog, I'm kicking it old school, taking it back to basics and just keeping it simple. No special layout, no special theme. It's just me and myself around here. I like it like that!


Finding Something Good

My mission lately has been to find a good book. I love to read but just seem to have a hard time finding books that I really like. This has always been a problem for me. I remember being a teenager and starting a book, reading about half of it and then getting bored. I've never been one to read series of book, expect The Babysitters Club. I recently read the first book of the 50 Shades of Gray books, got through half of the second book and lost interest. I've tried to continue to read it again but I just can not get into it.
I need a good book, I need something that will capture me and make me want to keep reading. I need something that doesn't get boring or is hard to read. If I wanted a hard read, I would read a history book.
Earlier this evening The Mr. reminded me that I could borrow ebooks from our public library straight from my iPad. I spent a few hours (don't judge me) looking for books, reading up on the most recent "must read list" and even request some books. I downloaded a few and plan to start reading one before going to bed here in a bit.
I spend way too much time on Facebook, Twitter and all those other junky media sites when I could be indulging in a good book and possibly learning something.
And to think this was all inspired by sitting in high school classes.....why didn't do this more when I was in school?

His & Her

We're sitting here watching football waiting for the Seahawks game so I thought it was perfect time to get in a quick session of His & Her! I love doing this link up because it allows The Mr. and I to spend some time together and he gets to have a voice on the blog, since he doesn't blog. So, here we go!

Who is someone you look up to and why?
His: My Dad. (He wouldn't give me a reason why?)
Her: There isn't just one person that I look up, it's a set of people. I look up to my parents a lot, they have taught me so much and continue to teach me how to be a better person.

What is your favorite Halloween tradition?
His: Carving pumpkins, because I never got to do it when I was little. In Mexico (where The Mr. grew up, they celebrate Dia de los Muretos.)
Her: I used to love to decorate for Halloween. My mom had a huge box of Halloween decorations and we would spend an afternoon getting everything out and putting everything in its spot.

If you were a fruit, what would you be?
His: A pineapple, cause they are cool looking. Spiky hair and they taste good!
Her: I'd be a grapefruit, I can be sweet and or sour. :-)

How are you like your dad or how are you like your mom?
His: Dad, because he taught me everything I know. Like, how to be quite and not say anything during an argument.
Him: I'm my Mother. I see it in myself all the time, I move my hands like her, I talk like her and I've been told I look like her.

What is your favorite classic disney movie?
His: Fantasia
Her: The Lion King

What is your favorite roadtrip snack?
His: Trail Mix
Her: Beef Jerky

What is one superficial benefit of being married? (i.e. someone to split chores with, someone to rub your back, etc.)
His: Someone else can do the dishes.
Her: Someone who helps cook dinner every once in awhile

What do you do for a living?
His: Industrial Engineer
Her: Work with students

What is something your other half does that took a long time/is taking a long time to get used to?
His: Being a bed and blanket hog.
Her: It drives me crazy how fast he can fall asleep, even if he's sitting up. He'll just nod off and doesn't even know. Ugh.

What do you consider "your song?" (or what was your first dance?)
His: I Live My Life For You by Firehouse
Her: It would have to be I Live My Life For You or Love like Crazy by Lee Brice.
His&Her Q&A

Friday's Letters

Dear Friday, I love being able to finally say "my weekend is here!" It's been so long since I've actually had a Friday on a Friday and I love it! Dear Readers, sorry that I've been absent for so long. I lost my grove but I hope that I found it again! Dear The Mr., thanks for supporting me in my recent job change. You have no idea how much it means to me, you really are amazing. Dear Family, I love you, you guys deserve a thank you for supporting me during my job change too! Dear Weekend, slow down and take your time, I want to enjoy you!! Dear Fall, I am so glad you are here! I love these crisp mornings and beautiful evenings!


The Weekly Dish

It's Tuesday and you know what that means, it's Weekly Dish time with Natalie & Bella! This week we are linking up and showing our favorite Fall fashions. These things I can not make it through the Fall without, every single one of them symbolizes Fall. You know, they give me those warm, fuzzy feelings. Man, I just love Fall!

I like to keep things casual and comfy, you could find me wearing something like this on a day off while I'm out running errands. There's a 95% chance that I'd have a pumpkin spice latte in hand and you know dang right that I'd be wearing a perfume that makes me feel happy!

Fall Fashion



I won't lie, I'm horrible with goals. I never write them down and I never focus on reaching that one end goal. I have a lot of "goals" in my head but can't seem to accomplish them. Some of the goals are just day to day things, like staying on to of house cleaning (which I've been failing at) and all those good things. I also have long term goals that I want to accomplish, but just can't seem to get started on them. I talk about them, I think about them and then it just stops, I never actually start working on these goals.

So, I'm starting here. I'm writing these goals down here, giving myself a time limit and I'm going to set out to accomplish these goals. I'll document where I'm at from time to time, I'll share my struggles and my triumphs and I promise you that I'll be real. No sugar coating allowed around here!

Here we go:

Daily goals: done everyday, without fail
  1. Be happy, no matter what.

  2. Eat healthy

  3. Keep up on daily chore list
Short-term goals: completed on or before the wedding (3/23/13)
  1. Cook healthier

  2. Lose 20 pounds before the wedding

  3. Work out 2-3 times a week
Long-term goals: completed on or before a year from today (8/27/12)
  1. Pay off $1000+ on my debt

  2. Get a job working with children

  3. Lose 40 pounds
Super long-term goals: completed within the next 5 years
  1. Be debt free!

  2. Start a family

  3. Go back to school and finish my teaching degree.
What do you do to set goals? Do you write them down? How do you stay on top of them and get them accomplished?

His & Her

One of my favorite bloggers has been doing this link up the past couple of weeks and I always love reading it. I thought it would be fun if The Mr. and I filled out these questions too even though he thinks it's kind of funny and asked if it would be like truth or dare....oh gosh, such a man! So here we go, our first week of His & Her Q&A hosted by Love the Grows and Chapter Something.

What is something weird your spouse does while asleep?
His: Ummmmmm, sometimes when you're just falling asleep you moan and groan.
Her: You move your legs alot and sometimes you let one of your legs slide off the bed and it will wake you up....but you have no clue.

Which of the 7 deadly sins are you? (anger, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony)
His: I dunno....ummm, anger...only when I'm suddenly woken up.
Her: I'm envy and probably gluttony because I find myself wishing I had it like other people and I find myself over indulging in things, especially when I'm really into them.

What was your favorite hiding place as a kid?
His: Under the bed.
Her: That's weird....why under the bed? Anyway, I used to like to hide in our shed outside.

What music artist do you love that your other half hates listening to?
His: Metallica (he's right, I hate them)
Her: He doesn't like anything I listen to. That is something we really differ in, I'm a 90's girl and he's an 80's boy. I like today's pop music and he's just stuck in the hair band phase.

What has your other half recently done that made you love them more?
His: You brought me a pumpkin spice frappuccino before anyone else could have them. (One of the perks of working at Starbucks)
Her: Cooking and having dinner with me when I close at work. I love that we get to be able to sit down and have dinner together, even if it's at 9pm.

What is your favorite hole-in-the-wall place to eat? (or favorite restaurant in general)
His: HOOTERS (he screamed!)....or any place with hot wings.....
Her: Thai Spice, a super yummy Thai restaurant here in town.

What do you admire most about your significant other?
His: You have a big heart, you love me, you take care of me, you give a rats ass about me, you treat me well, you feed me, you.....(I made him stop.)
Her: You are always willing to listen and even when I'm wrong you find a way to kindly tell me that I'm wrong and bring me back to my senses. You always bring me up when I'm down....

Ideally, where would you like to be 5 years from now?
His: the park, playing with the little ones. (AWWWWWWWWWW!)
Her: Considering it's 10:30pm, I'd like the little ones to be asleep, but anyway, I'd like to be wherever he is because that's where my heart is. ;-)

Who wears the pants?
His: Rambo. (that dang dog!)
Her: I'd like to think I wear them, but he thinks he should wear them. Ugh....power struggle!

What is your favorite/go-to YouTube video? (embed for all of us to watch!)
 Any of the fake Apple commercials.

Her: I watch a lot of music videos on YouTube. Here's one of my favorite cover songs:

His&Her Q&A

Date Night

Last Friday, The Mr. and I decided to have a date night. It's not that we never go out on dates, it's that when we do, they are normally double dates with some of our favorite friends. So when it's just the two of us, it's a big deal!

A few months ago one of my coworkers son was selling tickets to a local minor league baseball game (Tri-City Dust Devils) and since I always like to help a kid out, I picked up two of them. The season is coming to an end here soon and we needed to use the tickets, and it just so happened that there was a home game that night. So we made date night into a baseball night but first we started night with wings at Wingstop.

The Mr. and I are always down for some good wings and Wingstop never disappoints and the baseball game was fun! The Dust Devils lost but that's okay, the game was still good and spending time with The Mr. is always nice!

I can't wait until the next date night!

[caption id="attachment_541" align="aligncenter" width="224"] The Handsome Mr.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_542" align="aligncenter" width="224"] Me[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_543" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Dinner @ Wingstop[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_544" align="aligncenter" width="224"] This roll was almost as good as the one from Texas Roadhouse...seriously![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_545" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Gesa Stadium[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_546" align="aligncenter" width="300"] The field[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_547" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Us[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_548" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Warming up[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_549" align="aligncenter" width="300"] The typical blogger pose![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_550" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Let's play ball![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_551" align="aligncenter" width="300"] I was so excited about my red rope![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_552" align="aligncenter" width="224"] See?![/caption]

Currently Obsessed With....

1. Even though I work at Starbucks and I spend a lot of my time there, I still LOVE everything about it. I love all their drinks, I love the customer experience you get while you are there, I love all their mugs and tumblers they have...I just love it all! It's also a really good company to work for!

2. I love this show so much. I've watched every season and just can't get enough of it. My sister Rita and I used to watch it together every Wednesday & Thursday, that is one of my favorite past times.

3. I don't got anywhere without my iPhone, even the bathroom. My iPad usually stays next to my bed so I can read or play games before I go to sleep, but I just love them.

4. I love everything about Wordpress! I love the blogging experience, I love all the themes available I love how sleek Wordpress blogs look.

5. Oh Pinterest, why are you so addicting?! I can spend hours on this site and not even realize it. I've gotten a lot of wedding ideas, home decor ideas and great dinner recipes. Thank you Pinterest for saving my life.

6. Burt's is the way to my heart. I love this chapstick and carry it with me at all times. Before it was really popular there were only a few places you could get it (small Mom and Pop shops) and it was like a million dollars but I would still buy it because it's the perfect chapstick! I remember how excited I was when I could finally buy it at WalMart or Target!

If all my friends had a blog....

It seems that my blog name has been the laughing stock lately within our group of friends. The other night we were sitting around having a few drinks, enjoying the beautiful Summer evening when my "blog" came up and we decided to give everyone their own blog name. I won't lie, we all had a good laugh!

So, my friends and what their blog names would be....if they really did blog!

[gallery link="file" order="DESC"]

One thing I love about our friends is that you can always count on a good laugh no matter what the situation may be and everyone knows how to take a good joke! I always look forward to spending time with this group of people and I always know it will be a good time!

Oh, How Pinteresting!

My weekends is finally here and it started early! I went to work at 7:30am this morning and was off by 11:15am! Yesssss! I am so looking forward to these next two days! I don't have any major plans and I really don't want to do anything either. I'll probably do some laundry, work on the save the dates, clean the house  a little and cook dinner. I probably won't even leave the house and I'm super excited about it!

Did you notice the new look? I really like it! I originally moved over to Wordpress because I loved the look and availability of different themes, and I finally found one that I really like and couldn't live without. I really like the color choices and how simple and cute the theme is all together. What do you think?

I've been on Pinterest a lot lately looking at wedding things (everything wedding seems to be the norm lately). Since switching the wedding to Vegas it's been a little hard for me to get fun ideas for the wedding or reception. I don't really know what's allowed (I really need to call the restaurant) but I want to do a few things that will add our touch to it, you know? There are so many DIY wedding ideas, I want to try some and see how they turn out. If they turn out great, I'll have to figure out how to get them to Vegas in one piece.

Here are some of things I've pinned recently, some of them aren't DIY but I think would be awesome to have at the wedding!


Source: via Abby on Pinterest

Source: via Abby on Pinterest

Source: via Abby on Pinterest

Source: Uploaded by user via Abby on Pinterest

Source: via Abby on Pinterest


The Weekly Dish

Happy Tuesday! Today I'm linking up with Natalie and Bella, it's the first dose of The Weekly Dish and I'm super excited to join in on it! This weeks topic is Mixtape Madness, so I threw together some of my current favorite tunes to jam out to. They are in particular order and I may or may not know all the words to all of them......

So, sit back and jam out to some tunes for a bit! Are any of the songs some of your favorites right now?

click on the link button on the widget to view more of my favorite songs


Lil' bit of Everything...

...or more like ramblings...

The Olympics are over and Fatboy Slim is playing some jamming tunes which got me in the mood to blog. I'm not sure how they go hand in hand, but whatever.

I'm excited for regular TV to be back on, I've missed the few shows I do watch, and it will be nice to go to bed a decent time again. Since I close a lot, we didn't start watching the Olympics until after 9 or so, so most nights we were going to bed around 1:30am. Those late nights caught up with us quickly, I don't think we stayed up as last this past week.

The save the dates are still sitting on the kitchen counter in the boxes that they came in, that's my goal for this week. I have to get them sent out here soon, although all the important people know when and where the wedding will be. I have Thursday and Friday off this week and I plan on working on that.

Oh my goodness, Spice Girls are on stage, RIGHT NOW! Spice up your life, folks! ;-)

I haven't had a lot to write about lately (I'm not as exciting as you all think) and I got tired of doing all those link up's but then it's just quiet around here. Maybe I'll do a link up or two a week, just to keep the blog going.

Work has been work and I'm still taking it day by day. I still find myself saying "it is what it is" a lot, and I'm working really hard on finding that work/life balance. The Mr. has told me time and time again that I take things way too personally, (especially when it comes to work) so I'm working on checking out of work when I clock out and leaving home at home, we'll see how it goes. If anyone has any tips on how to do that, I'll gladly accept them!

Here's to a new week with hopefully more to write about!

233 days!

Yesterday around 5pm it hit me, I'm really planning my wedding. I'm really going to get married. I knew back in January when The Mr. asked me to marry him that I was going to get married but it actually finally hit me.

I bought my dress late in January and I had a little moment then too but yesterday was different. At 5pm, I was in the kitchen cooking dinner and the UPS truck drove up, I knew the package was coming but as soon as I opened it, I had to take a moment and just take it all in. We got our save the dates, and I know it's something so small, but these are going out to all our family and friends. All the important people that are going to watch The Mr. and me become one. This shit is getting real, you know what I mean?

After dinner, I talked to our wedding planner from the chapel about pictures, our bridal party and my bouquet. Little by little, it's all starting to come together. March will be here before we know it, seriously.

The next couple of weeks are going to be filled with stuffing envelops, writing addresses and getting these save the dates out!

I (we) have a lot to do before March but everything will work out and before I know it, I'll be a married woman. Holy. Moly.

...for myself

It's been a little over a week since I blogged, I needed a break, I needed to just sit back and just enjoy life not behind a computer. There will be weeks when all I can think about is blogging and just when I start to do good, I decide that I don't need to spend every waking moment on my blog or reading blogs.

You all know that I love to blog and I hope to someday write about all the exciting things my little family and I are doing but for right now, it's just The Mr. and I and we're saving for a wedding. There really isn't much going on here besides work, small visits with family and friends, and super late nights watching these dang Olympics. I'm okay with that too, I'm exciting to be planning my wedding, I'm exciting to be working (really, I am) and I'm excited for the Olympics (especially staying up until 2am!).

Sometimes I have to remind myself why I blog, I'm not blogging for other people, I'm blogging for myself. I'm not ever going to a world known blogger and I'm probably never going to have 1098490 followers, and that's okay. I read a lot of blogs and I find myself getting flustered while I'm reading their blogs. They have thousands of followers, they blog everyday, they take amazing pictures and they "live" these amazing lives. I may not take amazing pictures (I sure wish I could) but I can't say that I don't have amazing life, because I do. I just don't flaunt it peoples face and make it seem like we're rolling in the dough and we never have a bad day, because I'm so sure, everyone has bad days!

For a few weeks, I was just blogging and joining in on a bunch of link ups and though there isn't anything wrong with that, I really didn't want my blog to turn into that. I want to actually write and talk about everyday things, but somedays it's the same thing over and over again, so I don't blog. I've said it before and maybe I just have to keep reminding myself, but I'm blogging for myself and for my future family. If I don't blog everyday, if I don't post pictures in my blog and if I don't talk about things that interest you, that doesn't make me less of a blogger or not as cool.

Giveaway Winner!

Congrats Madeline, you won the giveaway!

Madeline, I emailed you with the giveaway information!
Thanks to everyone who entered! I'm sure there will be another giveaway soon!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday's Letters

Dear Friday, I could jump up and down and shout for joy that you are here. Working 7 days straight is not fun at all but being able to enjoy the weekend is amazing! Dear work, I hope you know you aren't going to win, I'm putting on my big girl panties and I'm getting the job done, and I'm gonna be good at it, just wait and see! Dear The Mr., I hope you enjoyed your vacation, busy times are coming and you deserve to just relax and do things for yourself. Have I told you that I love you? Dear Mama, I'm so glad that you had a good birthday, you deserve it! Thanks for being born and being my mother. Dear BFF who lives too far away, please know that I miss you so so much and wish I could spend a whole day with you. I can not wait to see you and hug you in Vegas. God damn it, I miss you! (excuse me while I wipe my tears away.) Dear Weekend, please go by slow and please be hot so I can go swimming!



Birchbox Brag (July 2012)

I've been getting Birchboxes since May and it's something I've looked forward to everything month! What's a Birchbox you ask? Well, for $10.00 a month you get a cute little box in the mail that contains 4-5 samples of products that fit you based on a survey you fill out.

I've been wanting to share what I get in my box but didn't know exactly what to post and of course, I found a fun link up for it!

Here's my July 2012 Birchbox!

What's inside? (info taken from the Birchbox website)

Jouer Luminizing Moisture Tint - Our entire team (minus the manfolk) is obsessed with Jouer’s Luminizing Moisture Tint and we're not alone — Allure recently gave the product its coveted "Best in Beauty" seal. The oil-free formula feels positively weightless on but gives you plenty of even coverage. Skin looks soft and dewy and, thanks to SPF 20, you’ll be extra protected from the sun.

Eysko Skinny Liquid Eyeliner - Twiggy fans, rejoice: this London-based brand’s liquid liners let you create mod looks in a flash. Rather than frustrating us with hard-to-control brush tips, they feature a pen-style applicator that’s completely goofproof. Give your basic black a break and experiment with rich Olive or punchy Turquoise. They're guaranteed to make your eyes pop.

boscia Green Tea Blotting Linens - Forget the blue plastic sheets of bygone years—it’s time to go green. These all-natural blotting sheets soak up oil and sweat without smearing your makeup. Each pack contains 100 sheets, enough to last you for months and months. Keep them stashed in your handbag at all times to ensure that your complexion always looks fresh, never greasy.

Oscar de la Renta live in love - Legendary fashion designer Oscar de la Renta knows what women want. In addition to designing dreamy dresses, this sartorial pioneer has perfected the art of fragrance. Featuring lovely notes like jasmine sambac, rose, ginger orchid, and amber, this modern-meets-classic scent features a bounty of botanical aromas that tug at our romantic side.

LÄRABAR® über - Mid-day snacking just got a lot less guilt-ridden thanks to LÄRABAR®’s addictive treats. These healthy bars fulfill sweet and salty cravings while keeping our tummies full (and extremely happy) until our next meal. Each soft, gooey bar packs plenty of texture and flavor, thanks to nuts, dried fruit, and other natural ingredients. Roasted Nut Roll is a decadent blend of crunchy nuts, while the dessert-inspired Apple Turnover, Bananas Foster, and Cherry Cobbler flavors evoke Grandma’s recipes.

Birchbox Exclusive Earbuds - Whether we’re jogging through the park or powering through a laptop session, earbuds are one of our constant accessories. So we started thinking: why stick with the same boring white pair we’ve been using for years? We designed these custom pink and green or pink and blue neon earbuds so we can rock out to our favorite tunes in style. They’re extra-durable and extra-comfy—now that’s music to our ears.

My thoughts?
There hasn't been a box that I haven't liked but I really liked this box! My favorite part was the blotting linens and ear buds. They must have known I was wanting a new of pair of headphones. I don't wear much make up and honestly have no experience with eye liner and all that jazz, so I'll probably give my eyeliner away, but it looks nice. Live in Love smells nice but I won't be going out and buying it tomorrow or anything, I'll save this sample for a rainy day though! As for the LÄRABAR® über, I got Cherry Cobbler. It was really good, it kind of reminded me of the Kind Bars we have at work, which I really like! Overall, I really liked this months box.

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