

I won't lie, I'm horrible with goals. I never write them down and I never focus on reaching that one end goal. I have a lot of "goals" in my head but can't seem to accomplish them. Some of the goals are just day to day things, like staying on to of house cleaning (which I've been failing at) and all those good things. I also have long term goals that I want to accomplish, but just can't seem to get started on them. I talk about them, I think about them and then it just stops, I never actually start working on these goals.

So, I'm starting here. I'm writing these goals down here, giving myself a time limit and I'm going to set out to accomplish these goals. I'll document where I'm at from time to time, I'll share my struggles and my triumphs and I promise you that I'll be real. No sugar coating allowed around here!

Here we go:

Daily goals: done everyday, without fail
  1. Be happy, no matter what.

  2. Eat healthy

  3. Keep up on daily chore list
Short-term goals: completed on or before the wedding (3/23/13)
  1. Cook healthier

  2. Lose 20 pounds before the wedding

  3. Work out 2-3 times a week
Long-term goals: completed on or before a year from today (8/27/12)
  1. Pay off $1000+ on my debt

  2. Get a job working with children

  3. Lose 40 pounds
Super long-term goals: completed within the next 5 years
  1. Be debt free!

  2. Start a family

  3. Go back to school and finish my teaching degree.
What do you do to set goals? Do you write them down? How do you stay on top of them and get them accomplished?

1 comment:

  1. I will be there there cheering you on!

    You Go Girl!!!
