
Oh, How Pinteresting!

My weekends is finally here and it started early! I went to work at 7:30am this morning and was off by 11:15am! Yesssss! I am so looking forward to these next two days! I don't have any major plans and I really don't want to do anything either. I'll probably do some laundry, work on the save the dates, clean the house  a little and cook dinner. I probably won't even leave the house and I'm super excited about it!

Did you notice the new look? I really like it! I originally moved over to Wordpress because I loved the look and availability of different themes, and I finally found one that I really like and couldn't live without. I really like the color choices and how simple and cute the theme is all together. What do you think?

I've been on Pinterest a lot lately looking at wedding things (everything wedding seems to be the norm lately). Since switching the wedding to Vegas it's been a little hard for me to get fun ideas for the wedding or reception. I don't really know what's allowed (I really need to call the restaurant) but I want to do a few things that will add our touch to it, you know? There are so many DIY wedding ideas, I want to try some and see how they turn out. If they turn out great, I'll have to figure out how to get them to Vegas in one piece.

Here are some of things I've pinned recently, some of them aren't DIY but I think would be awesome to have at the wedding!


Source: via Abby on Pinterest

Source: via Abby on Pinterest

Source: via Abby on Pinterest

Source: Uploaded by user via Abby on Pinterest

Source: via Abby on Pinterest


  1. Love your wedding pins! Is the big day coming up soon? Visiting from the Vintage Apple Link up! :)

  2. Thanks for stopping by! The wedding is March 23rd, so far away, yet so soon!

  3. Thanks Katie! It's been fun getting to know Genesis Framework too!
