
Currently Obsessed With....

1. Even though I work at Starbucks and I spend a lot of my time there, I still LOVE everything about it. I love all their drinks, I love the customer experience you get while you are there, I love all their mugs and tumblers they have...I just love it all! It's also a really good company to work for!

2. I love this show so much. I've watched every season and just can't get enough of it. My sister Rita and I used to watch it together every Wednesday & Thursday, that is one of my favorite past times.

3. I don't got anywhere without my iPhone, even the bathroom. My iPad usually stays next to my bed so I can read or play games before I go to sleep, but I just love them.

4. I love everything about Wordpress! I love the blogging experience, I love all the themes available I love how sleek Wordpress blogs look.

5. Oh Pinterest, why are you so addicting?! I can spend hours on this site and not even realize it. I've gotten a lot of wedding ideas, home decor ideas and great dinner recipes. Thank you Pinterest for saving my life.

6. Burt's is the way to my heart. I love this chapstick and carry it with me at all times. Before it was really popular there were only a few places you could get it (small Mom and Pop shops) and it was like a million dollars but I would still buy it because it's the perfect chapstick! I remember how excited I was when I could finally buy it at WalMart or Target!


  1. I need to check out this show!
    And I think I have the only person without a pinterest account. I need to change that.

  2. You don't have a Pinterest account? Girl you need to get on it, it will change your life! ;-)

  3. You work at Starbucks? Oh man...any chance you want to come live with me & make me frapps randomly throughout the day? haha...I wish, in a totally non-creepy way.

    Pinterest is such a time killer, but so much FUN. I spent about 3 hours on there a few days go just browsing. Thanks so much for linking-up with us!

  4. LMAO! You crack me up! Honestly, I never make drinks at home. They never taste the same and never look right, I would much rather got into work and get a drink.

  5. Thanks, now I want Starbucks! I may or may not have a *small* latte addiction....

    Can't get enough of Pinterest. Also #1 on my RT list this week! I don't have an iPhone, but my smartphone never leaves my side! Love Burt's Bees - even put a stick of it in the package for the last blog swap I did!

    Thanks for linking up with us for Random Thursday!

  6. I may or may not have an addiction with EVERYTHING at Starbucks! It's bad! Thanks for stopping by!
