
....on the job

A little over a month ago, I left Starbucks and took a job working for the local school district. I loved my job at Starbucks but it was to the point where I just really wasn't happy anymore. I had switched stores to "better" my career but it wasn't that great of a move for me. Needless to say, I didn't like the store I was working at and just couldn't find my groove there.

I could have switched store (again) and hoped that the love for Starbucks came back or I could have found a whole new job, and that's what I did! It didn't take long for me to realize that I wanted a "real" job. "Real" meaning normal hours, Monday through know, a "real" job. I also knew I wanted to work with children. I was looking at daycares, getting back into nannying and the school district. The school district job opened up, and I jumped on the opportunity.

So here I sit, in a high school class room. I currently work as a one on one with a student. I've been working with this student for a little over a month now and she has grown so much and has become someone I truly care about. I want to see her succeed and grow into a mature woman.

I never thought that I would work in a high school or better yet, actually enjoy working here. I have really enjoyed getting to know the other kids and I love that some of them look up to me and actually come to me to talk. My dreams on becoming a teacher are out of this world right now. I walk into a classroom and instantly hope and dream that someday I can have my own classroom. I think about the kind of rules I would have and how I would teach.

No matter what happens, if I stay here for the whole year or go to work at another school when my time with my student is up, I know that I'll be doing what I love.

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