
Finding Something Good

My mission lately has been to find a good book. I love to read but just seem to have a hard time finding books that I really like. This has always been a problem for me. I remember being a teenager and starting a book, reading about half of it and then getting bored. I've never been one to read series of book, expect The Babysitters Club. I recently read the first book of the 50 Shades of Gray books, got through half of the second book and lost interest. I've tried to continue to read it again but I just can not get into it.
I need a good book, I need something that will capture me and make me want to keep reading. I need something that doesn't get boring or is hard to read. If I wanted a hard read, I would read a history book.
Earlier this evening The Mr. reminded me that I could borrow ebooks from our public library straight from my iPad. I spent a few hours (don't judge me) looking for books, reading up on the most recent "must read list" and even request some books. I downloaded a few and plan to start reading one before going to bed here in a bit.
I spend way too much time on Facebook, Twitter and all those other junky media sites when I could be indulging in a good book and possibly learning something.
And to think this was all inspired by sitting in high school classes.....why didn't do this more when I was in school?

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