Week 6 Wrap Up

Week 7 starts on Wednesday, I'll weigh in at 6am and I pray that this week I'll hit my 5%. This time it's different, this time things are for real. Normally by now I would of had a week or two where I gained weight, I know there's nothing wrong with that, but this time around I have yet to gain at all. I hope the same continues this coming week.

I did a little shopping on Friday and I went down a size all the way around, it felt so good to know that all my hard work is paying off. I originally started Weight Watchers again because I went to buy new jeans and size I was wearing would no longer zip up, but on Friday, it was a different story. Those pants zipped right up and felt so good on me. I could not believe it. I stood in the dressing room for a few seconds and just looked at them before I walked out and showed my sister.

During the week I also had my final wedding dress fitting. I love my dress, I bought it over a year ago and I still love it. Every time I wear it, I remember why I chose that dress. I wish I could post pictures, but I don't want to ruin the surprise. When I had the dress on earlier in January, it fit me but there were spots that I wish it looked a little better, like my shoulder area, I hated how my "back fat" hung over it so much. When I put my dress on this time, there wasn't so much "back fat," I could tell it looked better. It was one of those moments that I knew I was doing something right.

One of the things I'm doing different this time around is tracking my water intake. My goal is to drink 100+ ounces of water. We have a water dispenser at home so that makes it very easy to make sure my water bottle is always full. The Mr. and my sister give me a hard time because they say I drink all of it, considering somedays I drink over a gallon of water. I think drinking so much water has the key my success so far, I believe it's really helping me achieve my goals.

I keep finding it kind of ironic that I'm inspiring people to work out and achieve their goals. I'm not a pro at this, in fact, some days I think that I don't know what I'm doing. I know I'll learn so much out of this and eventually I'll have to change things up and do different activity, but what I'm doing now is working. I love that so many people are cheering me on and have my back. All of the encouraging words and the "keep goings" seriously make each day so much easier. At the same time, it's so intimating having so many people cheering me on, I don't want to disappoint anyone or fail at this journey.

Everyday I remind myself that it's a new day and everyday I am thankful to just be alive and breathing.

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