
I've never been good at stretching, in fact, I hate to do it. I know it's good to stretch before and after working out. I know it will prevent muscles for being sore or even getting injured. I completely understand all the pros to stretching, but I hate it.

The only time I stretch is if I'm in a group class and everyone else is stretching, I don't want to be the only one NOT following along. So, I'll stretch, but probably not as good as I should. I don't stretch before walking on the treadmill or using the elliptical.

I've been going to Zumba every Monday since January and I absolutely love it. My knees don't like it very much, but I know that will change with time. I've been thinking that maybe my knees would feel better if I stretched them out a little more. The past couple of Monday's, I've done my best to focus during cool down and really make sure I'm stretching everything and I can feel the burn.
There's one stretch that I hate more then anything, I can't do it and it's not because it hurts or because it's a hard stretch. I can't do it because my thighs are literally too big and they get in the way of pulling my foot all the way up. I always know when this stretch was coming up, and I just pass it and start to stretch another muscle. Yeah, I'll give it a try, and it doesn't work so I would move on. I hate it and it seriously would embarrasses me.

I decided today that I would work out at home, change things up a bit. It was a good workout, kind of easy but it was better then nothing. Cool down time came and it was time to stretch my legs out. I knew the forbidden thigh stretch was coming up and for some reason I decided to give it a try. I almost fell over and not because I lost my balance.

I almost fell over because I actually did the stretch. My foot actually came up high enough for me to grab and stretch that muscle out. I didn't have to hold onto a wall, I didn't have to grab the inside of my shoe to bring my foot up, I lifted my foot and grabbed the top of my foot with my hand. I couldn't believe it!

What does that tell me? My legs are getting smaller and my body is getting healthier. It gives me motivation to keep going, it helps me remember why I'm doing this.

As for right now, I can only do the stretch with my right leg. My left knee is a little swollen and sore (one of the perks of being overweight) so to pull it all the way up, really hurts; it almost makes it feel like it's going to bust open from the pressure. I'm okay with that though. One leg at a time and one stretch at time!


  1. I've had this same problem for a long time...but as a "runner" I HAVE to do it. I figured out how to finagle my body so that I can do it - but it's not pretty! LOL!

  2. That comment above was from me. :D

    1. Yes, it took me hurting me knee before I realized how important stretching is! I "try" to do it every time I work out, even if I'm just working on the treadmill.
