Offically on Wordpress!

I did it! I took the plunge and switched over to Wordpress and I'm loving it! It was hard at first but I had the help of a few people and was able to get most of it figured out. If you view my blog a lot you'll probably notice it looks pretty similar to my old blog and that's just because I really liked that look and feel of the blog, I just didn't like the server of the blog. Nothing against people who use blogger because it is very customizable but if I posted pictures, it would make them smaller, making menu bars and what not was very time consuming and I wanted to learn something other then HTML. So, here I am, new blog, new look and feel, oh, and a new URL! This is what I'm most excited about, I think! I've always wanted my own web address, that was personal to me and would be easy for people. I picked and I love it! I use Abigail DeAnna for everything and I told myself if it was open, I was going to use it, and it was! So, here it is! I feel very professional, my own domain with hosting, set up my FTP, using Wordpress! Aye!

But now back to blogging, The Mr. woke up sick on Sunday and I probably should have quarantined myself from him because I knew I was going to get it. Sure enough, I woke up yesterday feeling great and by the end of the day, I was talking like a man and felt like poo. No. Fun. I'm still feeling pretty nasty, but I have stuff to do and people to see and life must go on!

I got a phone call from Lee Ann, she took our pictures, and our proofs should be ready tomorrow! I'm so so so excited and can not wait to share them all with you! She said we have a ton of pictures to look at and we only get to pick 10 of them. What am I ever going to do? She did write a blog about us and put a preview of more pictures, if you want to read it, which I don't understand why the heck you wouldn't, check out Photography By Lee Ann and show some love by leaving a comment on her page! I love her work and can not wait to take family photos with her on November 6th!

I have a Scentsy party on Saturday in Yakima, I hope I'm feeling better by then but it'll be nice to head that way and see Amanda and Kayleigh and of course all the other Army wives that will be there, they are always so fun! I'm not sure what I'm doing tomorrow, hopefully relaxing and then going to Othello to drop off Scentsy orders and close another one. Scentsy is still going strong and I'm still loving it. Amanda and I signed up to do a Christmas Bizarre in Selah on November 20th, I'm excited and need to get stuff rolling for that. Once this sickness goes away, I'm kicking it into turbo mode!

The Mr. should be home soon and then we're going to Litha to pick up the Durango! I'm soooo happy to be done with them and glad to have it back. Please do not ever by a car from there, they suck. Well, the sales part doesn't suck just the service area. I am not a happy camper and will tell anyone I run into to avoid servicing their vehicle there, at all cost. Okay, I'm done complaining.

On that note, I'm going to relax and wait for my boyfriend.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy reading your blog. It is like you are sitting in the living room talking to me. I enjoyed our dinner tonight, not only becuase it was at Olive Garden, but because we were together. I am also glad that your scentsy is doing good. Hope you have a great party tomorrow! Love you lots and lots and lots and lots and lots.....I think you get the idea..........Mom
