
Week 25 Weigh In

Another great week with Weight Watchers! I am so close to being down 50 pounds that I can taste it! It may not be this coming week, but it will be soon!

I didn't do very well on my personal goal for the week, but I still got 5 days of activity in and I went to bed early a few nights.

Over the week I started to take daily supplements from doTERRA, and I can really feel the difference in my energy level with taking them. I also started using an essential oil called Slim & Sassy, for now, I'm using it topically and I really like it. I'm not sure if it's "working" but when I apply it, it feels cooling on the skin and smells good too! I'll have to write more on that later.

I can't believe I've been at this for 25 weeks, it really feels like I just started yesterday. It has sort of become second nature and I just go with the flow and allow the plan to work out.

I've been trying to mix up the exercises so that way I don't get bored. During the week I found a great website called Dashing Dish, she has a ton of amazing recipes, workouts and videos. I tried two of her workouts this week and they were amazing! I sweated A LOT, burned off tons of calories and pushed myself harder then I ever have. It felt so good! Check out her website if you have time, it's pretty awesome!

This weekend we have a BBQ to go and 4th of July is right around the corner. My goal for this week is to follow the plan to a T and track everything I eat, even if isn't point worthy.

50 pounds GONE will be here in no time!!!

Pushing myself

I restarted this weight loss journey at the beginning of the year and right away, I went and signed up (again) for a gym membership. I didn't waste any time, I jumped right into working out and getting 30 minutes of activity in.

30 minutes is all I ever did, it would hurt to work out. There were times where it hurt so bad to move after walking on the treadmill that I would just sit on the couch most the night because my knees would just ache so bad, but I kept going.

30 minutes eventually turned into 35, which turned into 40. I wasn't in as much pain after workouts but it would still hurt from time to time. I started to pick up speed and resistance, I would use the elliptical from time to time, but for no more then 15 minutes at a time and then I would just walk.

Somedays I would stay home and workout or go for walks around my neighborhood. One time, not that long ago, I even jogged for a few minutes while I was out for walk. I felt like I had conquered the world!

A few weeks ago, I went to a group class at the gym that was a boot camp type of circuit training, and I worked out HARD. I was dripping in sweat, it felt SO good. Even when it was hard and I was tired, I kept going...because I know that if I had tried that when I started 7 months ago, I would have died.

Today, I worked out twice. I went once in the morning and then again this evening for Zumba. Both times, I gave it my all, I sweated (a lot) and I burned a lot of calories. The best thing is that I'm not in pain, I didn't give up and I can't wait to go back to the gym tomorrow!

I am thankful that my body is allowing me to push my limits, that my body is growing and developing and most importantly, getting healthy.

It's true what they say, it gets easier with time.

Someday I will run and it will be for longer then a few minutes. Mark my word.

Week 24 Weigh In

Alright, week 24 is in the books and it was a great week! My mini goal for the week was to get 7 days of activity in, and I did it! I thought I wasn't going to hit it one day but I had gone swimming at my parents house, and swimming counts! Overall, I earned 52 activity points last week! Whoop whoop!

On Friday we went to a friends house to have a BBQ and I indulged a little too much, but I was okay with it. On Saturday we went to my parents house to celebrate Father's Day and again, I indulged a little too much on cookies and yummy food. I felt really bad about eating the way I did for two days (:-/), so on Sunday I kicked it into high gear, drank water like it was candy, ate within my points and tried to eat pretty clean. Whatever I did worked because the number on the scale was lower this morning!

I have lost 45 pounds, sometimes that's hard for me to believe. I have a lot of weight to lose but I'm ready to lose it and I have 45 pounds less to lose!

I've been trying really hard to be active all day long by staying busy around the house. I've done some cleaning, laundry and cooking. That has been helping me reach 100% on my active link and has helped me stay on my feet and not in front of the computer. I've noticed that when I do sit down and relax I often feel bad for not being active. I know losing weight isn't always about being active and busy but I'm trying to get out of the sedentary lifestyle. Yesterday was the first day that I sat in front of the TV for awhile, it felt good but it sure was hard to get up and make dinner after sitting down for a few hours.

For week 25, my goal again is to get 7 days of activity in and to go to bed earlier. Not getting enough sleep can really alter weight loss and bed time has been getting really late. This morning I was SO tired so I told myself getting to bed earlier is a must! I need more energy to stay active! 

Week 23 Weigh In

I woke up bright any early this and went to weigh in. I was a little nervous to get on the scale but I was ready to deal with whatever the scale said. This past weekend was a rough one and I ate WAY more then I should have.

Over the weekend, we went camping and I had a few too many s'mores then I should have and I indulged a little on pasta salad (oh man, it was SO good!). As soon as we got home on Sunday, we all went to Texas Roadhouse to celebrate my sisters birthday. I was conscious of what I ate, but man those rolls are AMAZING!

When I weighed myself on Monday morning, the scale said I had gained about 5 pounds. I know most of it was me retaining water from all that salt but still, 5 pounds! The last two days, I've been drinking water like it's going out of style and really watched what I ate.

The hard work over the past two days paid off because I still lost this week! It's was .4 pounds, but still a loss is a loss! The scale is lower then it was last week and that's all I care about!

Eating the way I did this weekend reminded me as to why I'm doing this. I felt so NASTY after I stuffed my face while we were out camping. I literally could fill the food weighing me down and in my throat. It was gross! I even had to chew on some Tums. UGH! I hate the feeling of being too full, I don't want to feel like that again.

My goal for this next week is to get activity in everyday. I normally aim for 5 days a week but I noticed that on the weekend I really am lazy and I'm not active much. So this next week I'm going to get 30 minutes or more of activity every dang day! 
Left: Taken 12/31/12 Right: Taken 6/11/13
43.4 pounds difference!

Week 22 Weigh In

I should have written this and posted it sooner considering I weigh in tomorrow for Week 23 but I guess late is better then never.

Week 22 was a good week, I lost a few pounds and worked out 5 days during the week. I love that the weather has been so great that I'm able to take those late afternoon walks. I went to get on my bike earlier during the week and found out that I had a flat tire. I was so bummed! Getting that fixed is on my to do list! In the meantime, we're just putting air in it as we go and hoping for the best.

Another thing that has really kept me on track is making sure I'm planning my meals and tracking before I eat. I normally know what I'm making for dinner the next day before I go to bed and I try to really toss things up for breakfast and lunch but everything is always tracked before I eat it so I can just sit down and enjoy my meal.

I'll be back tomorrow to recap week 23. It was kind of a rough weekend but I feel like I ended the week strong, so we'll see what the scale says tomorrow!

Week 21 Weigh In

Week 21 is over and out! I can't believe how fast these weeks have gone, I feel like I just started this journey yesterday!

I really feel like the past week was a great one. I got all my activity in, I stuck to my points and only used 11 of my weeklies. My goal was to lose 1.4 pounds so I could hit 40 pounds lost, and I did it!

One of the things that I told myself from the start was that I wasn't going to let the scale determined my mood. I weigh in every Wednesday at 6 o'clock in the morning, depending on which way the scale is goes can really determined how my day is going to go. I usually know if I've had a good or bad week before I walk in the door and most of the time I know which way the scale is going to go. I prepare myself for it so that way if I gain, I won't let it bring me down. If I lose, I try not to let myself celebrate too much, I just take in that moment and move on.

This weeks meeting topic was about when food isn't the right answer. Personally, I know I used to always turn to food. Any chance I got, I was eating. I mean, lets be honest, food is good and even though it may have been an addiction, food cures a lot of things. I'm an emotional eater and eat for anything, so hearing tools that people do to stay away from food was really eyeopening for me. I still am an emotional eater but now I think I just make better choices about it. Instead of candy, I'll pick an apple.

In these 21 weeks I can really say that I've learned that it is all about choices and what you choose to fuel your body with.



Lately I've been taken back by the fact that I'm inspiring people. It baffles me that little ol' me is inspiring people to make healthy choices. 

I've gotten a lot of questions about what is working for me, where I get recipes from and how to find motivation. I'm always honest and more then willing to share what is working for me and how I'm getting it done every day, but I remind them that I am not a pro at this. I still eat food that I shouldn't, I still dislike working out and I still miss McDonald's and fried foods. I just know that eating those things or not doing the workouts will not get me where I want to be and all they will offer is instant gratification.

I've really had to learn that every weight loss journey is different, just like everyone is a different person. I will not lose weight the same way someone else did. I can not eat things other people can because it may throw me back to my bad habits. I've really had to learn to read my body and know what works for me.

I can share tips, hints and answers all day long but that doesn't mean it's going to work for you or be what is best for you. I want it to work for you though, so badly.

My biggest advice and inspiration I can give someone is to do what works for you. Find the program (Weight Watchers, counting calories or carbs) and stick with it. The hardest part of the journey is starting it and sticking to it. I'll never regret starting this journey again, even if it is my third time.

Third times the charm! 

Still truckin'!

It's been a heck of a long time since I've updated my blog. I've come to terms with the fact that I'm a horrible blogger and I'll probably always suck at it. If you're on Instagram or Facebook, you can keep up with my progress there and actually stay more up to date with it.

Since my last blog post, I've gotten married, went on my honeymoon, gained a few pounds and lost them all over again. Right before the wedding, I hit 30 pounds lost and then with the 3 weeks that we were gone, I only gained about 3 pounds. I was actually pretty surprised and they came back off pretty fast. It was really hard to get back into the grove of things, it took me about a week and a half to actually get my butt in gear and get back into the game.

With all of that, I'm still trucking along this weight loss journey. I'm currently at 38.6 pounds lost (and I don't want to find them again!). I've learned a lot since I started losing weight again and there have been a lot of thing that have opened my eyes. It is kind of funny how you learn to love foods that before you refused to taste and there are foods that I see and think "how could I have ever eaten that?!"

Clothes are starting to fit better, it's to the point where I'm having to buy new clothes too. Such a great feeling! I have had to buy two new pairs of jeans in different sizes and this past weekend I ended up buying some jeans at a thrift store. I refuse to pay $50 bucks for a pair of jeans that I'm only going to wear for a few weeks. I can't take credit for that one though, a coworker told me to do that after I was complaining about the price of jeans. Honestly, I never thought thrift store had clothes in my size.

I try to cook dinner almost every night, I love to cook and love finding new recipes that are healthy and delicious. If I don't cook dinner, we normally pick a "healthy" place to go to dinner, or my friends and family are really great about helping me figure out the points for the meal.

I've really been trying to mix up my activity. Some days I'll walk, other days I'll go to the gym. I've done work out videos, gone for bike rides and just in general, been more active. The Mr. and I are starting to park further away from stores and just walking further. It works! I try to get 30 minutes of activity in, 5 days a week. People forget that it doesn't have to strenuous exercise, just simply going out there and getting your heart rate up will get the job done! The best part about it all is that I can go further and harder then I used to. I used to dread 30 minutes on the treadmill but now it's no big deal and I actually enjoy it.

My goal this week is to lose 1.4 pounds. If I hit my goal, I'll be at 40 pounds gone! I try to set small goals for myself every week. They don't always deal with weight, they are just small goals to help the week go by fast and help me get healthy. I weigh in on Wednesday morning, so we'll see! I'm crossing my fingers!

It's the little things!

Left: 12/31/12 Right: 2/23/13
Early this morning I went to my Weight Watchers location to weigh in. I didn't walk in expecting big changes, honestly, I was expecting to gain a little bit. I had already told myself that if I gained, I was going to take it with pride and move on.

This past weekend we ate out twice and we had my bridal shower. It was a little bit of a rough weekend, but I've done my best the past 3 days, trying to bounce back and stay on track. Whatever happened when I stepped on the scale, I was okay with it and I knew that it wasn't going to stop me from reaching my goals.

I stepped on the scale, I didn't look at it, actually I didn't even really want to know the number. My leader looked at me and said "Hey! A loss is a loss, even if its small!" Woohoo! Even after a little bit of a rough weekend, I still lost! I'm still on my way to becoming healthy.

I didn't lose pounds this week, I lost ounces. I'm okay with that though, ounces add up and will eventually make pounds that will be gone....forever!

This past week I lost .4 pounds, making it a total of 19.4lbs gone (and never coming back) since I started Weight Watchers. Little changes last forever and I know little losses are better then great big ones!

The best part of all is that I can still say I've lost every week since I started, and I'm not stopping here! It really is the little things in this, it's the little changes that count, the ones that will last forever!


I've never been good at stretching, in fact, I hate to do it. I know it's good to stretch before and after working out. I know it will prevent muscles for being sore or even getting injured. I completely understand all the pros to stretching, but I hate it.

The only time I stretch is if I'm in a group class and everyone else is stretching, I don't want to be the only one NOT following along. So, I'll stretch, but probably not as good as I should. I don't stretch before walking on the treadmill or using the elliptical.

I've been going to Zumba every Monday since January and I absolutely love it. My knees don't like it very much, but I know that will change with time. I've been thinking that maybe my knees would feel better if I stretched them out a little more. The past couple of Monday's, I've done my best to focus during cool down and really make sure I'm stretching everything and I can feel the burn.
There's one stretch that I hate more then anything, I can't do it and it's not because it hurts or because it's a hard stretch. I can't do it because my thighs are literally too big and they get in the way of pulling my foot all the way up. I always know when this stretch was coming up, and I just pass it and start to stretch another muscle. Yeah, I'll give it a try, and it doesn't work so I would move on. I hate it and it seriously would embarrasses me.

I decided today that I would work out at home, change things up a bit. It was a good workout, kind of easy but it was better then nothing. Cool down time came and it was time to stretch my legs out. I knew the forbidden thigh stretch was coming up and for some reason I decided to give it a try. I almost fell over and not because I lost my balance.

I almost fell over because I actually did the stretch. My foot actually came up high enough for me to grab and stretch that muscle out. I didn't have to hold onto a wall, I didn't have to grab the inside of my shoe to bring my foot up, I lifted my foot and grabbed the top of my foot with my hand. I couldn't believe it!

What does that tell me? My legs are getting smaller and my body is getting healthier. It gives me motivation to keep going, it helps me remember why I'm doing this.

As for right now, I can only do the stretch with my right leg. My left knee is a little swollen and sore (one of the perks of being overweight) so to pull it all the way up, really hurts; it almost makes it feel like it's going to bust open from the pressure. I'm okay with that though. One leg at a time and one stretch at time!

The day I hit my first goal!

When I started Weight Watchers, 7 weeks ago, my mindset was a little different. I wanted to take things slow, I wasn't worried about losing weight fast, I wanted to go slow and actually learn to keep it off. I had set goals (big and little) but I was willing to sit back and enjoy the process and let the system work. The first goal Weight Watchers sets for you is 5%, I didn't change it because I knew that goal was very attainable, I just had to work for it.

Every week I've watched the scale move down and every week I was getting closer to my 5% goal. Even though I was trying to be patient and just let things go the way they wanted to go, I was hoping to hit my 5% 2 weeks ago, but I was okay when I didn't.

Last week I lost 3 pounds and was just a little over 1 pound away from hitting 5%. I was determined this week to hit it. I worked my butt off all week, a few days I spent almost an hour and a half at the gym. An hour and half?! I swear I'm not trying to become a gym addict, but working out feels so good!

The past two days, I've been watching the scale. When I weighed myself Monday morning, I had hit my goal, but I didn't want to get my hopes up, a lot can change in two days. Tuesday morning I stepped on the scale and again, I was under my goal (woohoo!). I did everything I could to remain focused all day, I worked out, drank over a gallon of water and prayed that the scale gods were on my side this morning.

I had a hard time falling asleep last night, I was nervous! I knew I was going to hit my goal, but was nervous for some odd reason. I woke up this morning and got on the scale. It was playing tricks, I stepped on it about 4 times and each time the number was different. Damn machine! I got ready and headed to my meeting location.

I took off my ring, glasses, shoes and Activelink, stepped on the scale and wanted to puke. I was so nervous! My leader did her thing with the computer and then printed my label. We looked at it together and the we had a little PARTY!

5% at a time and slow and steady wins the race.....EVERYTIME! I'm celebrating for the day but tomorrow it's time to focus again to reach my 10%!

Week 6 Wrap Up

Week 7 starts on Wednesday, I'll weigh in at 6am and I pray that this week I'll hit my 5%. This time it's different, this time things are for real. Normally by now I would of had a week or two where I gained weight, I know there's nothing wrong with that, but this time around I have yet to gain at all. I hope the same continues this coming week.

I did a little shopping on Friday and I went down a size all the way around, it felt so good to know that all my hard work is paying off. I originally started Weight Watchers again because I went to buy new jeans and size I was wearing would no longer zip up, but on Friday, it was a different story. Those pants zipped right up and felt so good on me. I could not believe it. I stood in the dressing room for a few seconds and just looked at them before I walked out and showed my sister.

During the week I also had my final wedding dress fitting. I love my dress, I bought it over a year ago and I still love it. Every time I wear it, I remember why I chose that dress. I wish I could post pictures, but I don't want to ruin the surprise. When I had the dress on earlier in January, it fit me but there were spots that I wish it looked a little better, like my shoulder area, I hated how my "back fat" hung over it so much. When I put my dress on this time, there wasn't so much "back fat," I could tell it looked better. It was one of those moments that I knew I was doing something right.

One of the things I'm doing different this time around is tracking my water intake. My goal is to drink 100+ ounces of water. We have a water dispenser at home so that makes it very easy to make sure my water bottle is always full. The Mr. and my sister give me a hard time because they say I drink all of it, considering somedays I drink over a gallon of water. I think drinking so much water has the key my success so far, I believe it's really helping me achieve my goals.

I keep finding it kind of ironic that I'm inspiring people to work out and achieve their goals. I'm not a pro at this, in fact, some days I think that I don't know what I'm doing. I know I'll learn so much out of this and eventually I'll have to change things up and do different activity, but what I'm doing now is working. I love that so many people are cheering me on and have my back. All of the encouraging words and the "keep goings" seriously make each day so much easier. At the same time, it's so intimating having so many people cheering me on, I don't want to disappoint anyone or fail at this journey.

Everyday I remind myself that it's a new day and everyday I am thankful to just be alive and breathing.

Success and Determination

                                                                Source: 24.media.tumblr.com via Abigail on Pinterest

A month and a half ago I started my weight loss journey....again. I've accepted the fact that two other times I have really put my heart and soul into losing weight and those two times I failed. This time it's different. This time I have a different determination, this time I'm going to succeed.

I weigh in every Wednesday morning and then attending Weight Watcher meetings the same evening. I joined a gym a few days into starting my life change and I've been working out 5 or more times a week. Sometimes I can't get to the gym, so I'll do a walking video that I bought one of the other times I was attempting to lose weight.

Since January 1st, I have lost 15.4 pounds! I am 1.6 pounds away from losing 5% of my bodyweight! I am so close to my first goal that I can taste it (no pun intended). On week 4, I decided it was time to start tracking my measurements, I have yet to remeasure myself, but I plan to do so soon.

I have yet to be open and honest about my starting weight, putting important numbers like that for the world to see is a big thing. Once I hit a certain weight, I plan on sharing it with everyone. It will be a big step for me, but so many people are watching my weight loss, I'm hoping maybe it will keep me in check. 

I really want to be better about updating my blog and keeping a "diary" of my weight loss, maybe I'll change my name and make it more lifestyle like. We'll see, I'm so horrible at keeping up with my blog. Clearly becoming a famous blogger is out of the question!

Of course through blogging and social networking, I have found a ton of weight loss blogs, Facebook pages, inspiring Twitter feeds and awesome Instragramers. These people have kept me so motivated over the past month and half, I love reading all their words of wisdom about weight loss and lifestyle change. One of my favorite things to do is browse through Pinterest and find inspirational quotes, they help me stay focused and I go back and read them all of time.

Everyday I find something new to be excited about for this healthy life I'm creating, what's even better is that The Mr. is doing it with me!

Weighing in...

Holy moly, it's 2013! Where the heck did 2012 go? I feel like it was just yesterday that The Mr. and I got engaged and now we're 81 days away from saying "I do!"We don't have much planning left to do, everything has fallen into to place and I'm grateful for that.

With the wedding being so close I'm really going to buckle down and drop some pounds. I really should have been working on it the whole time but it really wasn't my top concern, until a few weeks ago. Everyone who reads my blog knows that I've always struggled with my weight and have been doing Weight Watchers on and off for awhile now. The first time I attempted Weight Watchers, I lost about 20 pounds and did pretty well at keeping it off. Well, a few weeks ago I decided I needed to get a new pair of jeans, everything was great and dandy until I got into the dressing room. The jeans I had originally picked up to try on were way too tight but I tried to pretend they would fit. I sucked in, I jumped up when trying to zip them up, I sat down and took a deep breathe hoping it would move my fat around or something. Nothing helped and I was so disappointed. I then took that dreaded walk across the store and grabbed the next size up, tried them on and carried my head in shame to the cashier.

The next morning, I got on the scale and those 20 pounds I had lost found it's way back. I won't lie, the 20 pounds brought a few friends along with, if you know what I mean. It wasn't the worst day of my life but it was pretty high up there. I decided right then and there that it was time to kick my fat ass into gear and get to work.

That of course happened a few days before Christmas and I tried really hard not to dwell on the scale and my bigger jeans, but trust me it was in the back of my mind all the time. I feel like I did okay over the holidays, I was really aware of what I was eating and when I was eating it.

I started tracking my food again on the 20th, I was faithful about it for a few days and then slacked off the last week or so. But this morning, I put things into turbo mode and it's tracking central from here out.

I'm not trying to lose 100 pounds before the wedding, clearly that's impossible. I am however going to work on making lifestyle changes and I plan on losing some weight before the wedding.

I'm going back to attending Weight Watchers meetings and weighing in every week and I plan on waking up to exercise before work because I think it would work best for me. If it doesn't, I'll try something else.

I'm going to have to do something though, I can't keep going like this and I can't keep doing the things I was doing.