
The day I hit my first goal!

When I started Weight Watchers, 7 weeks ago, my mindset was a little different. I wanted to take things slow, I wasn't worried about losing weight fast, I wanted to go slow and actually learn to keep it off. I had set goals (big and little) but I was willing to sit back and enjoy the process and let the system work. The first goal Weight Watchers sets for you is 5%, I didn't change it because I knew that goal was very attainable, I just had to work for it.

Every week I've watched the scale move down and every week I was getting closer to my 5% goal. Even though I was trying to be patient and just let things go the way they wanted to go, I was hoping to hit my 5% 2 weeks ago, but I was okay when I didn't.

Last week I lost 3 pounds and was just a little over 1 pound away from hitting 5%. I was determined this week to hit it. I worked my butt off all week, a few days I spent almost an hour and a half at the gym. An hour and half?! I swear I'm not trying to become a gym addict, but working out feels so good!

The past two days, I've been watching the scale. When I weighed myself Monday morning, I had hit my goal, but I didn't want to get my hopes up, a lot can change in two days. Tuesday morning I stepped on the scale and again, I was under my goal (woohoo!). I did everything I could to remain focused all day, I worked out, drank over a gallon of water and prayed that the scale gods were on my side this morning.

I had a hard time falling asleep last night, I was nervous! I knew I was going to hit my goal, but was nervous for some odd reason. I woke up this morning and got on the scale. It was playing tricks, I stepped on it about 4 times and each time the number was different. Damn machine! I got ready and headed to my meeting location.

I took off my ring, glasses, shoes and Activelink, stepped on the scale and wanted to puke. I was so nervous! My leader did her thing with the computer and then printed my label. We looked at it together and the we had a little PARTY!

5% at a time and slow and steady wins the race.....EVERYTIME! I'm celebrating for the day but tomorrow it's time to focus again to reach my 10%!

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