
Success and Determination

                                                                Source: 24.media.tumblr.com via Abigail on Pinterest

A month and a half ago I started my weight loss journey....again. I've accepted the fact that two other times I have really put my heart and soul into losing weight and those two times I failed. This time it's different. This time I have a different determination, this time I'm going to succeed.

I weigh in every Wednesday morning and then attending Weight Watcher meetings the same evening. I joined a gym a few days into starting my life change and I've been working out 5 or more times a week. Sometimes I can't get to the gym, so I'll do a walking video that I bought one of the other times I was attempting to lose weight.

Since January 1st, I have lost 15.4 pounds! I am 1.6 pounds away from losing 5% of my bodyweight! I am so close to my first goal that I can taste it (no pun intended). On week 4, I decided it was time to start tracking my measurements, I have yet to remeasure myself, but I plan to do so soon.

I have yet to be open and honest about my starting weight, putting important numbers like that for the world to see is a big thing. Once I hit a certain weight, I plan on sharing it with everyone. It will be a big step for me, but so many people are watching my weight loss, I'm hoping maybe it will keep me in check. 

I really want to be better about updating my blog and keeping a "diary" of my weight loss, maybe I'll change my name and make it more lifestyle like. We'll see, I'm so horrible at keeping up with my blog. Clearly becoming a famous blogger is out of the question!

Of course through blogging and social networking, I have found a ton of weight loss blogs, Facebook pages, inspiring Twitter feeds and awesome Instragramers. These people have kept me so motivated over the past month and half, I love reading all their words of wisdom about weight loss and lifestyle change. One of my favorite things to do is browse through Pinterest and find inspirational quotes, they help me stay focused and I go back and read them all of time.

Everyday I find something new to be excited about for this healthy life I'm creating, what's even better is that The Mr. is doing it with me!


  1. Good luck. I joined weight watchers back I July and I have lost 33 pounds. :) if you ever need encouragement for your weight loss journey, please let me know. I write a weekly post on my blog, and I'm very open about this journey.

    1. Thanks for swinging by Maggie and leaving a comment! I will be sure to swing by and check out your blog! :-)
