
Weighing in...

Holy moly, it's 2013! Where the heck did 2012 go? I feel like it was just yesterday that The Mr. and I got engaged and now we're 81 days away from saying "I do!"We don't have much planning left to do, everything has fallen into to place and I'm grateful for that.

With the wedding being so close I'm really going to buckle down and drop some pounds. I really should have been working on it the whole time but it really wasn't my top concern, until a few weeks ago. Everyone who reads my blog knows that I've always struggled with my weight and have been doing Weight Watchers on and off for awhile now. The first time I attempted Weight Watchers, I lost about 20 pounds and did pretty well at keeping it off. Well, a few weeks ago I decided I needed to get a new pair of jeans, everything was great and dandy until I got into the dressing room. The jeans I had originally picked up to try on were way too tight but I tried to pretend they would fit. I sucked in, I jumped up when trying to zip them up, I sat down and took a deep breathe hoping it would move my fat around or something. Nothing helped and I was so disappointed. I then took that dreaded walk across the store and grabbed the next size up, tried them on and carried my head in shame to the cashier.

The next morning, I got on the scale and those 20 pounds I had lost found it's way back. I won't lie, the 20 pounds brought a few friends along with, if you know what I mean. It wasn't the worst day of my life but it was pretty high up there. I decided right then and there that it was time to kick my fat ass into gear and get to work.

That of course happened a few days before Christmas and I tried really hard not to dwell on the scale and my bigger jeans, but trust me it was in the back of my mind all the time. I feel like I did okay over the holidays, I was really aware of what I was eating and when I was eating it.

I started tracking my food again on the 20th, I was faithful about it for a few days and then slacked off the last week or so. But this morning, I put things into turbo mode and it's tracking central from here out.

I'm not trying to lose 100 pounds before the wedding, clearly that's impossible. I am however going to work on making lifestyle changes and I plan on losing some weight before the wedding.

I'm going back to attending Weight Watchers meetings and weighing in every week and I plan on waking up to exercise before work because I think it would work best for me. If it doesn't, I'll try something else.

I'm going to have to do something though, I can't keep going like this and I can't keep doing the things I was doing.


  1. You go girl! You can do this, take one day at a time and use the food journal to keep track of your food. That really helped me when I was dieting long ago. I too need to exercise too, but first I need to learn how to work the damn DVD player thing!............Mom

    1. Thanks Mama! I'm excited to get going on this again...
